//>>built define("dojox/mobile/_ListTouchMixin", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/event", "dijit/form/_ListBase" ], function(declare, event, ListBase){ /*===== ListBase = dijit.form._ListBase; =====*/ return declare( "dojox.mobile._ListTouchMixin", ListBase, { // summary: // Focus-less menu to handle touch events consistently // Abstract methods that must be defined externally: // onClick: item was chosen (mousedown somewhere on the menu and mouseup somewhere on the menu) // tags: // private postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", "_onClick"); }, _onClick: function(/*Event*/ evt){ event.stop(evt); var target = this._getTarget(evt); if(target){ this._setSelectedAttr(target); this.onClick(target); } } }); });