//>>built define("dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndToDojo", ["dojo/_base/kernel","dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/html","dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/window","dojo/_base/array","dojox/mdnd/PureSource","dojox/mdnd/LazyManager"],function(dojo){ var dtd = dojo.declare( "dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo", null, { // summary: // Allow communication between an item of dojox D&D area to a target dojo. // _dojoList: Array // Array containing object references the dojo Target list _dojoList: null, // _currentDojoArea: DOMNode // Representing the current dojo area _currentDojoArea: null, // _dojoxManager: dojox.mdnd.AreaManager // The reference to the dojox AreaManager _dojoxManager: null, // _dragStartHandler: Object // Handle to keep start subscribe _dragStartHandler: null, // _dropHandler: Object // Handle to keep drop subscribe _dropHandler: null, // _moveHandler: Object // Handle to keep move subscribe _moveHandler: null, // _moveUpHandler: Object // Handle to kee move up subscribe _moveUpHandler: null, // _draggedNode: DOMNode // The current dragged node _draggedNode: null, constructor: function(){ this._dojoList = []; this._currentDojoArea = null; this._dojoxManager = dojox.mdnd.areaManager(); this._dragStartHandler = dojo.subscribe("/dojox/mdnd/drag/start", this, function(node, sourceArea, sourceDropIndex){ this._draggedNode = node; this._moveHandler = dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "onmousemove", this, "onMouseMove"); }); this._dropHandler = dojo.subscribe("/dojox/mdnd/drop", this, function(node, targetArea, indexChild){ if(this._currentDojoArea){ dojo.publish("/dojox/mdnd/adapter/dndToDojo/cancel", [this._currentDojoArea.node, this._currentDojoArea.type, this._draggedNode, this.accept]); } this._draggedNode = null; this._currentDojoArea = null; dojo.disconnect(this._moveHandler); }); }, _getIndexDojoArea: function(/*node*/area){ // summary: // Check if a dojo area is registered. // area: DOMNode // A node corresponding to the target dojo. // returns: // The index of area if it's registered else -1. // tags: // protected //console.log('dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: _getIndexDojoArea'); if(area){ for(var i = 0, l = this._dojoList.length; i < l; i++){ if(this._dojoList[i].node === area){ return i; } } } return -1; }, _initCoordinates: function(/*DOMNode*/area){ // summary: // Initialize the coordinates of the target dojo. // area: // A registered DOM node. // returns: // An object which contains coordinates : *{x:0,y:,x1:0,y1:0}* // tags: // protected //console.log('dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: _initCoordinates'); if(area){ var position = dojo.position(area, true), coords = {}; coords.x = position.x coords.y = position.y coords.x1 = position.x + position.w; coords.y1 = position.y + position.h; return coords; // Object } return null; }, register: function(/*DOMNode*/area, /*String*/ type,/*Boolean*/ dojoTarget){ // summary: // Register a target dojo. // The target is represented by an object containing : // - the dojo area node // - the type reference to identify a group node // - the coords of the area to enable refresh position // area: // The DOM node which has to be registered. // type: // A String to identify the node. // dojoTarger: // True if the dojo D&D have to be enable when mouse is hover the registered target dojo. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: registerDojoArea", area, type, dojoTarget); if(this._getIndexDojoArea(area) == -1){ var coords = this._initCoordinates(area), object = { 'node': area, 'type': type, 'dojo': (dojoTarget)?dojoTarget:false, 'coords': coords }; this._dojoList.push(object); // initialization of the _fakeSource to allow Dnd switching if(dojoTarget && !this._lazyManager){ this._lazyManager = new dojox.mdnd.LazyManager(); } } }, unregisterByNode: function(/*DOMNode*/area){ // summary: // Unregister a target dojo. // area: // The DOM node of target dojo. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: unregisterByNode", area); var index = this._getIndexDojoArea(area); // if area is registered if(index != -1){ this._dojoList.splice(index, 1); } }, unregisterByType: function(/*String*/type){ // summary: // Unregister several targets dojo having the same type passing in parameter. // type: // A String to identify dojo targets. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: unregisterByType", type); if(type){ var tempList = []; dojo.forEach(this._dojoList, function(item, i){ if(item.type != type){ tempList.push(item); } }); this._dojoList = tempList; } }, unregister: function(){ // summary: // Unregister all targets dojo. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: unregister"); this._dojoList = []; }, refresh: function(){ // summary: // Refresh the coordinates of all registered dojo target. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: refresh"); var dojoList = this._dojoList; this.unregister(); dojo.forEach(dojoList, function(dojo){ dojo.coords = this._initCoordinates(dojo.node); }, this); this._dojoList = dojoList; }, refreshByType: function(/*String*/ type){ // summary: // Refresh the coordinates of registered dojo target with a specific type. // type: // A String to identify dojo targets. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: refresh"); var dojoList = this._dojoList; this.unregister(); dojo.forEach(dojoList, function(dojo){ if(dojo.type == type){ dojo.coords = this._initCoordinates(dojo.node); } }, this); this._dojoList = dojoList; }, _getHoverDojoArea: function(/*Object*/coords){ // summary: // Check if the coordinates of the mouse is in a dojo target. // coords: // Coordinates of the mouse. // tags: // protected //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: _getHoverDojoArea"); this._oldDojoArea = this._currentDojoArea; this._currentDojoArea = null; var x = coords.x; var y = coords.y; var length = this._dojoList.length; for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){ var dojoArea = this._dojoList[i]; var coordinates = dojoArea.coords; if(coordinates.x <= x && x <= coordinates.x1 && coordinates.y <= y && y <= coordinates.y1){ this._currentDojoArea = dojoArea; break; } } }, onMouseMove: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Call when the mouse moving after an onStartDrag of AreaManger. // Check if the coordinates of the mouse is in a dojo target. // e: // Event object. // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: onMouseMove"); var coords = { 'x': e.pageX, 'y': e.pageY }; this._getHoverDojoArea(coords); if(this._currentDojoArea != this._oldDojoArea){ if(this._currentDojoArea == null){ this.onDragExit(e); } else if(this._oldDojoArea == null){ this.onDragEnter(e); } else{ this.onDragExit(e); this.onDragEnter(e); } } }, isAccepted: function(/*DOMNode*/draggedNode, /*Object*/ target){ // summary: // Return true if the dragged node is accepted. // This method has to be overwritten according to registered target. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: isAccepted"); return true; }, onDragEnter: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Call when the mouse enters in a registered dojo target. // e: // The current Javascript Event. // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: onDragEnter"); // specific for drag and drop switch if(this._currentDojoArea.dojo){ // disconnect dojo.disconnect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.pop()); dojo.disconnect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.pop()); //disconnect onmousemove of moveable item //console.info("before",this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item.events.pop()); dojo.disconnect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item.events.pop()); dojo.body().removeChild(this._dojoxManager._cover); dojo.body().removeChild(this._dojoxManager._cover2); var node = this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item.node; // hide dragNode : // disconnect the dojoDndAdapter if it's initialize if(dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo){ dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo.unsubscribeDnd(); } dojo.style(node, { 'position': "relative", 'top': '0', 'left': '0' }); // launch the drag and drop Dojo. this._lazyManager.startDrag(e, node); var handle = dojo.connect(this._lazyManager.manager, "overSource", this, function(){ dojo.disconnect(handle); if(this._lazyManager.manager.canDropFlag){ // remove dropIndicator this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display = "none"; } }); this.cancelHandler = dojo.subscribe("/dnd/cancel", this, function(){ var moveableItem = this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item; // connect onmousemove of moveable item // need to reconnect the onmousedown of movable class. moveableItem.events = [ dojo.connect(moveableItem.handle, "onmousedown", moveableItem, "onMouseDown") ]; // replace the cover and the dragNode in the cover. dojo.body().appendChild(this._dojoxManager._cover); dojo.body().appendChild(this._dojoxManager._cover2); this._dojoxManager._cover.appendChild(moveableItem.node); var objectArea = this._dojoxManager._areaList[this._dojoxManager._sourceIndexArea]; var dropIndex = this._dojoxManager._sourceDropIndex; var nodeRef = null; if(dropIndex != objectArea.items.length && dropIndex != -1){ nodeRef = objectArea.items[this._dojoxManager._sourceDropIndex].item.node; } if(this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display == "none"){ this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display == ""; } this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item, "onDrag", this._dojoxManager, "onDrag")); this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item, "onDragEnd", this._dojoxManager, "onDrop")); this._draggedNode.style.display = ""; this._dojoxManager.onDrop(this._draggedNode); dojo.unsubscribe(this.cancelHandler); dojo.unsubscribe(this.dropHandler); if(dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo){ dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo.subscribeDnd(); } }); this.dropHandler = dojo.subscribe("/dnd/drop/before", this, function(params){ dojo.unsubscribe(this.cancelHandler); dojo.unsubscribe(this.dropHandler); this.onDrop(); }); } else{ this.accept = this.isAccepted(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item.node, this._currentDojoArea); if(this.accept){ // disconnect dojo.disconnect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.pop()); dojo.disconnect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.pop()); // remove dropIndicator this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display = "none"; if(!this._moveUpHandler){ this._moveUpHandler = dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "onmouseup", this, "onDrop"); } } } // publish a topic dojo.publish("/dojox/mdnd/adapter/dndToDojo/over",[this._currentDojoArea.node, this._currentDojoArea.type, this._draggedNode, this.accept]); }, onDragExit: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Call when the mouse exit of a registered dojo target. // e: // current javscript event //console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: onDragExit",e, this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item); // set the old height of dropIndicator. if(this._oldDojoArea.dojo){ // unsubscribe the topic /dnd/cancel and /dnd/drop/before dojo.unsubscribe(this.cancelHandler); dojo.unsubscribe(this.dropHandler); // launch Drag and Drop var moveableItem = this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item; // connect onmousemove of moveable item this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item.events.push(dojo.connect( moveableItem.node.ownerDocument, "onmousemove", moveableItem, "onMove" )); // replace the cover and the dragNode in the cover. dojo.body().appendChild(this._dojoxManager._cover); dojo.body().appendChild(this._dojoxManager._cover2); this._dojoxManager._cover.appendChild(moveableItem.node); // fix style : var style = moveableItem.node.style; style.position = "absolute"; style.left = (moveableItem.offsetDrag.l + e.pageX)+"px"; style.top = (moveableItem.offsetDrag.t + e.pageX)+"px"; style.display = ""; // stop dojoDrag this._lazyManager.cancelDrag(); // reconnect the dndFromDojo if(dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo){ dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo.subscribeDnd(); } if(this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display == "none"){ this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display = ""; } // reconnect the areaManager. this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item, "onDrag", this._dojoxManager, "onDrag")); this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item, "onDragEnd", this._dojoxManager, "onDrop")); this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item.onMove(e); } else{ if(this.accept){ // disconnect the mouseUp event. if(this._moveUpHandler){ dojo.disconnect(this._moveUpHandler); this._moveUpHandler = null; } // redisplay dropIndicator if(this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display == "none"){ this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display = ""; } // reconnect the areaManager. this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item, "onDrag", this._dojoxManager, "onDrag")); this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item, "onDragEnd", this._dojoxManager, "onDrop")); this._dojoxManager._dragItem.item.onMove(e); } } // publish a topic dojo.publish("/dojox/mdnd/adapter/dndToDojo/out",[this._oldDojoArea.node, this._oldDojoArea.type, this._draggedNode, this.accept]); }, onDrop: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Called when an onmouseup event is loaded on a registered target dojo. // e: // Event object. // console.log("dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo ::: onDrop", this._currentDojoArea); if(this._currentDojoArea.dojo){ // reconnect the dojoDndAdapter if(dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo){ dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndFromDojo.subscribeDnd(); } } if(this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display == "none"){ this._dojoxManager._dropIndicator.node.style.display = ""; } // remove the cover if(this._dojoxManager._cover.parentNode && this._dojoxManager._cover.parentNode.nodeType == 1){ dojo.body().removeChild(this._dojoxManager._cover); dojo.body().removeChild(this._dojoxManager._cover2); } // remove draggedNode of target : if(this._draggedNode.parentNode == this._dojoxManager._cover){ this._dojoxManager._cover.removeChild(this._draggedNode); } dojo.disconnect(this._moveHandler); dojo.disconnect(this._moveUpHandler); this._moveHandler = this._moveUpHandler = null; dojo.publish("/dojox/mdnd/adapter/dndToDojo/drop", [this._draggedNode, this._currentDojoArea.node, this._currentDojoArea.type]); dojo.removeClass(this._draggedNode, "dragNode"); var style = this._draggedNode.style; style.position = "relative"; style.left = "0"; style.top = "0"; style.width = "auto"; dojo.forEach(this._dojoxManager._dragItem.handlers, dojo.disconnect); this._dojoxManager._deleteMoveableItem(this._dojoxManager._dragItem); this._draggedNode = null; this._currentDojoArea = null; // reset of area manager. this._dojoxManager._resetAfterDrop(); } }); dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndToDojo = null; dojox.mdnd.adapter.dndToDojo = function(){ // summary: // returns the current areaManager, creates one if it is not created yet if(!dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndToDojo){ dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndToDojo = new dojox.mdnd.adapter.DndToDojo(); } return dojox.mdnd.adapter._dndToDojo; // Object }; return dtd; });