//>>built define("dojox/mdnd/Moveable", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/_base/window" ],function(dojo){ return dojo.declare( "dojox.mdnd.Moveable", null, { // summary: // Allow end-users to track a DOM node into the web page // handle: DOMNode // The node on which the user clicks to drag the main node. handle: null, // skip: Boolean // A flag to control a drag action if a form element has been focused. // If true, the drag action is not executed. skip: true, // dragDistance: Integer // The user clicks on the handle, but the drag action will really begin // if he tracks the main node to more than 3 pixels. dragDistance: 3, constructor: function(/*Object*/params, /*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // Configure parameters and listen to mousedown events from handle // node. // params: // Hash of parameters // node: // The draggable node //console.log("dojox.mdnd.Moveable ::: constructor"); this.node = dojo.byId(node); this.d = this.node.ownerDocument; if(!params){ params = {}; } this.handle = params.handle ? dojo.byId(params.handle) : null; if(!this.handle){ this.handle = this.node; } this.skip = params.skip; this.events = [ dojo.connect(this.handle, "onmousedown", this, "onMouseDown") ]; if(dojox.mdnd.autoScroll){ this.autoScroll = dojox.mdnd.autoScroll; } }, isFormElement: function(/*DOMEvent*/ e){ // summary: // identify the type of target node associated with a DOM event. // e: // a DOM event // returns: // if true, the target is one of those specific nodes. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.Moveable ::: isFormElement"); var t = e.target; if(t.nodeType == 3 /*TEXT_NODE*/){ t = t.parentNode; } return " a button textarea input select option ".indexOf(" " + t.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") >= 0; // Boolean }, onMouseDown: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Occurs when the user clicks on the handle node. // Skip the drag action if a specific node is targeted. // Listens to mouseup and mousemove events on to the HTML document. // e: // a DOM event // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.Moveable ::: onMouseDown"); if(this._isDragging){ return;} var isLeftButton = (e.which || e.button) == 1; if(!isLeftButton){ return; } if(this.skip && this.isFormElement(e)){ return; } if(this.autoScroll){ this.autoScroll.setAutoScrollNode(this.node); this.autoScroll.setAutoScrollMaxPage(); } this.events.push(dojo.connect(this.d, "onmouseup", this, "onMouseUp")); this.events.push(dojo.connect(this.d, "onmousemove", this, "onFirstMove")); this._selectStart = dojo.connect(dojo.body(), "onselectstart", dojo.stopEvent); this._firstX = e.clientX; this._firstY = e.clientY; dojo.stopEvent(e); }, onFirstMove: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Occurs when the user moves the mouse after clicking on the // handle. // Determinate when the drag action will have to begin (see // dragDistance). // e: // A DOM event // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.Moveable ::: onFirstMove"); dojo.stopEvent(e); var d = (this._firstX - e.clientX) * (this._firstX - e.clientX) + (this._firstY - e.clientY) * (this._firstY - e.clientY); if(d > this.dragDistance * this.dragDistance){ this._isDragging = true; dojo.disconnect(this.events.pop()); dojo.style(this.node, "width", dojo.contentBox(this.node).w + "px"); this.initOffsetDrag(e); this.events.push(dojo.connect(this.d, "onmousemove", this, "onMove")); } }, initOffsetDrag: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Initialize the gap between main node coordinates and the clicked point. // Call the onDragStart method. // e: // A DOM event //console.log("dojox.mdnd.Moveable ::: initOffsetDrag"); this.offsetDrag = { 'l': e.pageX, 't': e.pageY }; var s = this.node.style; var position = dojo.position(this.node, true); /*if(s.position == "relative" || s.position == ""){ s.position = "absolute"; // enforcing the absolute mode }*/ this.offsetDrag.l = position.x - this.offsetDrag.l; this.offsetDrag.t = position.y - this.offsetDrag.t; var coords = { 'x': position.x, 'y': position.y }; this.size = { 'w': position.w, 'h': position.h }; // method to catch this.onDragStart(this.node, coords, this.size); }, onMove: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Occurs when the user moves the mouse. // Calls the onDrag method. // e: // a DOM event // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.Moveable ::: onMove"); dojo.stopEvent(e); // hack to avoid too many calls to onMove in IE8 causing sometimes slowness if(dojo.isIE == 8 && new Date() - this.date < 20){ return; } if(this.autoScroll){ this.autoScroll.checkAutoScroll(e); } var coords = { 'x': this.offsetDrag.l + e.pageX, 'y': this.offsetDrag.t + e.pageY }; var s = this.node.style; s.left = coords.x + "px"; s.top = coords.y + "px"; // method to catch this.onDrag(this.node, coords, this.size, {'x':e.pageX, 'y':e.pageY}); if(dojo.isIE == 8){ this.date = new Date(); } }, onMouseUp: function(/*DOMEvent*/e){ // summary: // Occurs when the user releases the mouse // Calls the onDragEnd method. // e: // a DOM event if (this._isDragging){ dojo.stopEvent(e); this._isDragging = false; if(this.autoScroll){ this.autoScroll.stopAutoScroll(); } delete this.onMove; this.onDragEnd(this.node); this.node.focus(); } dojo.disconnect(this.events.pop()); dojo.disconnect(this.events.pop()); }, onDragStart: function(/*DOMNode*/node, /*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size){ // summary: // Stub function. // Notes : border box model // node: // a DOM node // coords: // absolute position of the main node // size: // an object encapsulating width an height values // tags: // callback }, onDragEnd: function(/*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // Stub function // Notes : Coordinates don't contain margins // node: // a DOM node // tags: // callback }, onDrag: function(/*DOMNode*/node, /*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size, /*Object*/mousePosition){ // summary: // Stub function. // Notes : border box model for size value, margin box model for coordinates // node: // a DOM node // coords: // position of the main node (equals to css left/top properties) // size: // an object encapsulating width and height values // mousePosition: // coordiantes of mouse // tags: // callback }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // Delecte associated events // console.log("dojox.mdnd.Moveable ::: destroy"); dojo.forEach(this.events, dojo.disconnect); this.events = this.node = null; } }); });