//>>built define("dojox/mdnd/DropIndicator", ["dojo/_base/kernel","dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/html","./AreaManager"],function(dojo){ var di = dojo.declare( "dojox.mdnd.DropIndicator", null, { // summary: // DropIndicator managment for DnD. // node: DOMNode // the drop indicator node node : null, constructor: function(){ //console.log("dojox.mdnd.DropIndicator ::: constructor"); var dropIndicator = document.createElement("div"); var subDropIndicator = document.createElement("div"); dropIndicator.appendChild(subDropIndicator); dojo.addClass(dropIndicator, "dropIndicator"); this.node = dropIndicator; }, place: function(/*Node*/area, /*Node*/nodeRef, /*Object*/size){ // summary: // Place the DropIndicator in the right place // area: // the dnd targer area node // nodeRef: // node where the dropIndicator have to be placed into the area // dragNode: // the node which is dragged // returns: // the node inserted or null if it crashes //console.log("dojox.mdnd.DropIndicator ::: place"); if(size){ this.node.style.height = size.h + "px"; } try{ if(nodeRef){ area.insertBefore(this.node, nodeRef); } else{ // empty target area or last node => appendChild area.appendChild(this.node); } return this.node; // DOMNode }catch(e){ return null; } }, remove: function(){ // summary: // remove the DropIndicator (not destroy) //console.log("dojox.mdnd.DropIndicator ::: remove"); if(this.node){ //FIX : IE6 problem this.node.style.height = ""; if(this.node.parentNode){ this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); } } }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // destroy the dropIndicator //console.log("dojox.mdnd.DropIndicator ::: destroy"); if(this.node){ if(this.node.parentNode){ this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); } dojo._destroyElement(this.node); delete this.node; } } }); dojox.mdnd.areaManager()._dropIndicator = new dojox.mdnd.DropIndicator(); return di; });