//>>built define("dojox/mdnd/AreaManager", ["dojo/_base/kernel","dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/connect","dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/array","dojo/query","dojo/_base/html","./Moveable"],function(dojo){ var am = dojo.declare( "dojox.mdnd.AreaManager", null, { // summary: // Drag And Drop manager // autoRefresh: Boolean // Enable the refresh of registered areas on drag start. autoRefresh: true, // areaClass: String // CSS class enabled an area if areaClass is defined areaClass: "dojoxDndArea", // dragHandleClass: String // CSS class enabled a drag handle. dragHandleClass: "dojoxDragHandle", constructor: function(){ // summary: // Constructor of AreaManager class. // Initialize arrays, connects and subscribes. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: constructor"); this._areaList = []; this.resizeHandler = dojo.connect(dojo.global,"onresize", this, function(){ this._dropMode.updateAreas(this._areaList); }); this._oldIndexArea = this._currentIndexArea = this._oldDropIndex = this._currentDropIndex = this._sourceIndexArea = this._sourceDropIndex = -1; }, init: function(){ // summary: // Initialize the manager by calling the registerByClass method //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: init"); this.registerByClass(); }, registerByNode: function(/*DOMNode*/area, /*Boolean*/notInitAreas){ // summary: // To register Dnd Area : insert the DndArea using the specific sort of dropMode. // area: // a DOM node corresponding to the Dnd Area // notInitAreas: // if false or undefined, init the areas. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: registerByNode", area); var index = this._getIndexArea(area); if(area && index == -1){ var acceptType = area.getAttribute("accept"); var accept = (acceptType) ? acceptType.split(/\s*,\s*/) : ["text"]; var obj = { 'node': area, 'items': [], 'coords': {}, 'margin': null, 'accept': accept, 'initItems': false }; dojo.forEach(this._getChildren(area), function(item){ this._setMarginArea(obj, item); obj.items.push(this._addMoveableItem(item)); }, this); this._areaList = this._dropMode.addArea(this._areaList, obj); if(!notInitAreas){ this._dropMode.updateAreas(this._areaList); } dojo.publish("/dojox/mdnd/manager/register",[area]); } }, registerByClass: function(){ // summary: // Register all Dnd Areas identified by the attribute areaClass : // insert Dnd Areas using the specific sort of dropMode. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: registerByClass"); dojo.query('.'+this.areaClass).forEach(function(area){ this.registerByNode(area, true); }, this); this._dropMode.updateAreas(this._areaList); }, unregister: function(/*DOMNode*/area){ // summary: // Unregister a D&D Area and its children into the AreaManager. // area: // A node corresponding to the D&D Area. // returns: // True if the area is found and unregistered. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: unregister"); var index = this._getIndexArea(area); if(index != -1){ dojo.forEach(this._areaList[index].items, function(item){ this._deleteMoveableItem(item); }, this); this._areaList.splice(index,1); // refresh target area this._dropMode.updateAreas(this._areaList); return true; // Boolean } return false; // Boolean }, _addMoveableItem: function(/*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // Create a draggable item with a DOM node. // node: // A child of the D&D Area. // returns: // The draggable item. // tags: // protected //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: _addMoveableItem"); node.setAttribute("tabIndex", "0"); var handle = this._searchDragHandle(node); var moveable = new dojox.mdnd.Moveable({ 'handle': handle, 'skip': true }, node); // add a css style : dojo.addClass(handle || node, "dragHandle"); var type = node.getAttribute("dndType"); var item = { 'item': moveable, 'type': type ? type.split(/\s*,\s*/) : ["text"], 'handlers': [dojo.connect(moveable, "onDragStart", this, "onDragStart")] } // connect to the uninitialize method of dijit._Widget to delete a moveable before a destruct if(dijit && dijit.byNode){ var widget = dijit.byNode(node); if(widget){ item.type = widget.dndType ? widget.dndType.split(/\s*,\s*/) : ["text"]; item.handlers.push( dojo.connect(widget, "uninitialize", this, function(){ this.removeDragItem(node.parentNode, moveable.node); }) ); } } return item; // Object }, _deleteMoveableItem: function(/*Object*/ objItem){ // summary: // Delete the Moveable object associated with a node. // item: // A moveable Object. // tags: // protected //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: _deleteMoveableItem", objItem); // disconnect the handle dojo.forEach(objItem.handlers, function(handler){ dojo.disconnect(handler); }); // delete css style : var node = objItem.item.node, handle = this._searchDragHandle(node); dojo.removeClass(handle || node, "dragHandle"); // call destroy of Moveable class objItem.item.destroy(); }, _getIndexArea: function(/*DOMNode*/area){ // summary: // Get the index of an area. // area: // A moveable Object. // returns: // area index or -1 // tags: // protected //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: _getIndexArea"); if(area){ for(var i = 0; i < this._areaList.length; i++){ if(this._areaList[i].node === area){ return i; // Integer } } } return -1; // Integer }, _searchDragHandle: function(/*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // Return the node which contains the first specific CSS class handle. // node: // A child of the D&D Area. // returns: // The drag handle node. // tags: // protected //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: _searchDragHandle"); if(node){ var cssArray = this.dragHandleClass.split(' '), length = cssArray.length, queryCss = ""; dojo.forEach(cssArray, function(css, i){ queryCss += "." + css; if(i != length - 1){ queryCss += ", "; } }); return dojo.query(queryCss, node)[0]; // DomNode } }, addDragItem: function(/*DOMNode*/area, /*DOMNode*/node, /*Integer*/index, /*Boolean*/notCheckParent){ // summary: // To add an item programmatically. // area: // a node corresponding to the D&D Area // node: // the node which has to be treated. // index: // the place in the area // noCheckParent: // if true, doesn't check if node has a parent. // returns: // True if the node has been inserted else false. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: addDragItem"); var add = true; if(!notCheckParent){ add = area && node && (node.parentNode === null || (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.nodeType !== 1)); } if(add){ var indexArea = this._getIndexArea(area); if(indexArea !== -1){ var item = this._addMoveableItem(node), items = this._areaList[indexArea].items; if(0 <= index && index < items.length){ var firstListChild = items.slice(0, index), lastListChild = items.slice(index, items.length); firstListChild[firstListChild.length] = item; this._areaList[indexArea].items = firstListChild.concat(lastListChild); area.insertBefore(node, items[index].item.node); } else{ this._areaList[indexArea].items.push(item); area.appendChild(node); } this._setMarginArea(this._areaList[indexArea], node); this._areaList[indexArea].initItems = false; return true; // Boolean } } return false; // Boolean }, removeDragItem: function(/*DOMNode*/area, /*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // Delete a moveable item programmatically. The node is removed from the area. // area: // A node corresponding to the DndArea. // node: // The node which has to be treated. // returns: // the removed node //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: removeDragItem"); var index = this._getIndexArea(area); if(area && index !== -1){ var items = this._areaList[index].items; for(var j = 0; j < items.length; j++){ if(items[j].item.node === node){ this._deleteMoveableItem(items[j]); // delete item of the array items.splice(j, 1); return area.removeChild(node); // Object } } } return null; }, _getChildren: function(/*DOMNode*/area){ // summary: // Get the children of a D&D area. // area: // A DnD area. // returns: // The children of a DnD area // tags: // protected //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: _getChildren"); var children = []; dojo.forEach(area.childNodes, function(child){ // delete \n if(child.nodeType == 1){ if(dijit && dijit.byNode){ var widget = dijit.byNode(child); if(widget){ if(!widget.dragRestriction){ children.push(child); } } else{ children.push(child); } } else{ children.push(child); } } }); return children; //Array }, _setMarginArea: function(/*Object*/area,/*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // Set the value of margin in the data type of areaManager // only when the margin has never been computed. // area: // The object of a D&D Area. // node: // The node which contains margins // tags: // protected //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: _setMarginArea"); if(area && area.margin === null && node){ area.margin = dojo._getMarginExtents(node); } }, findCurrentIndexArea: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size){ // summary: // find the nearest target area according to coordinates. // Coordinates are representing by an object : for example, {'x':10,'y':10} // coords: // an object encapsulating X and Y position // size: // an object encapsulating the area size // returns: // an index of area //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: findCurrentIndexArea"); this._oldIndexArea = this._currentIndexArea; this._currentIndexArea = this._dropMode.getTargetArea(this._areaList, coords, this._currentIndexArea); if(this._currentIndexArea != this._oldIndexArea){ if(this._oldIndexArea != -1){ this.onDragExit(coords, size); } if(this._currentIndexArea != -1){ this.onDragEnter(coords, size); } } return this._currentIndexArea; //Integer }, _isAccepted: function(/*Array*/ type, /*Array*/ accept){ // summary: // True if user can drop widget on this node. // type: // Array containing item type // accept: // Array containing types this._accept = false; for(var i = 0; i < accept.length; ++i){ for(var j = 0; j < type.length;++j){ if(type[j] == accept[i]){ this._accept = true; break; } } } }, onDragStart: function(/*DOMNode*/node, /*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size){ // summary: // Initialize the drag (see dojox.mdnd.Moveable.initOffsetDrag()) // node: // The node which is about to be dragged // coords: // an object encapsulating X and Y position // size: // an object encapsulating width and height values // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: onDragStart"); if(this.autoRefresh){ this._dropMode.updateAreas(this._areaList); } // Create the cover : var _html = (dojo.isWebKit) ? dojo.body() : dojo.body().parentNode; if(!this._cover){ this._cover = dojo.create('div', { 'class': "dndCover" }); this._cover2 = dojo.clone(this._cover); dojo.addClass(this._cover2, "dndCover2"); } var h = _html.scrollHeight+"px"; this._cover.style.height = this._cover2.style.height = h; dojo.body().appendChild(this._cover); dojo.body().appendChild(this._cover2); this._dragStartHandler = dojo.connect(node.ownerDocument, "ondragstart", dojo, "stopEvent"); // to know the source this._sourceIndexArea = this._lastValidIndexArea = this._currentIndexArea = this._getIndexArea(node.parentNode); // delete the dragItem into the source area var sourceArea = this._areaList[this._sourceIndexArea]; var children = sourceArea.items; for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){ if(children[i].item.node == node){ this._dragItem = children[i]; this._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dragItem.item, "onDrag", this, "onDrag")); this._dragItem.handlers.push(dojo.connect(this._dragItem.item, "onDragEnd", this, "onDrop")); children.splice(i,1); this._currentDropIndex = this._sourceDropIndex = i; break; } } var nodeRef = null; if(this._sourceDropIndex !== sourceArea.items.length){ nodeRef = sourceArea.items[this._sourceDropIndex].item.node; } // IE7 OPTIMIZATION if(dojo.isIE > 7){ // connect these events on the cover this._eventsIE7 = [ dojo.connect(this._cover, "onmouseover", dojo, "stopEvent"), dojo.connect(this._cover, "onmouseout", dojo, "stopEvent"), dojo.connect(this._cover, "onmouseenter", dojo, "stopEvent"), dojo.connect(this._cover, "onmouseleave", dojo, "stopEvent") ]; } var s = node.style; s.left = coords.x+"px"; s.top = coords.y+"px"; // attach the node to the cover if(s.position == "relative" || s.position == ""){ s.position = "absolute"; // enforcing the absolute mode } this._cover.appendChild(node); this._dropIndicator.place(sourceArea.node, nodeRef, size); // add a style to place the _dragNode in foreground dojo.addClass(node, "dragNode"); // A dragged node is always draggable in this source area. this._accept = true; dojo.publish("/dojox/mdnd/drag/start",[node, sourceArea, this._sourceDropIndex]); }, onDragEnter: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size){ // summary: // Optionally called by the getTargetArea method of TargetFinder class. // coords: // coordinates of the dragged Node. // size: // size of the dragged Node. // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: onDragEnter", coords, size); if(this._currentIndexArea === this._sourceIndexArea){ this._accept = true; } else{ this._isAccepted(this._dragItem.type, this._areaList[this._currentIndexArea].accept); } }, onDragExit: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size){ // summary: // Optionally called by the getTargetArea method of TargetFinder class. // coords: // coordinates of the dragged Node. // size: // size of the dragged Node. // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: onDragExit"); this._accept = false; }, onDrag: function(/*DOMNode*/node, /*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size, /*Object*/mousePosition){ // summary: // Occurs when the dojo.dnd.Moveable.onDrag is fired. // Search the nearest target area and called the placeDropIndicator // node: // The node which is dragged // coords: // an object encapsulating X and Y position // size: // an object encapsulating width and height values // mousePosition: // coordinates of mouse // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: onDrag", node, ",", coords,size); var coordinates = this._dropMode.getDragPoint(coords, size, mousePosition); this.findCurrentIndexArea(coordinates, size); if(this._currentIndexArea !== -1 && this._accept){ this.placeDropIndicator(coordinates, size); } }, placeDropIndicator: function(/*Object*/coords, /*Object*/size){ // summary: // Search the right place to insert the dropIndicator and display the dropIndicator. // coords: // an object encapsulating X and Y position // size: // an object encapsulating width and height values // returns: // the current drop index //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: placeDropIndicator"); //keep old drop Index this._oldDropIndex = this._currentDropIndex; // calculate all children marker (see VerticalDropMode.initItems()) var area = this._areaList[this._currentIndexArea]; if(!area.initItems){ this._dropMode.initItems(area); } //get the index where the drop has to be placed. this._currentDropIndex = this._dropMode.getDropIndex(area, coords); if(!(this._currentIndexArea === this._oldIndexArea && this._oldDropIndex === this._currentDropIndex)){ this._placeDropIndicator(size); } return this._currentDropIndex; //Integer }, _placeDropIndicator: function(/*Object*/size){ // summary: // place the dropIndicator // size: // an object encapsulating width and height values // tags: // protected var oldArea = this._areaList[this._lastValidIndexArea]; var currentArea = this._areaList[this._currentIndexArea]; //refresh the previous area after moving out the drop indicator this._dropMode.refreshItems(oldArea, this._oldDropIndex, size, false); // place dropIndicator var node = null; if(this._currentDropIndex != -1){ node = currentArea.items[this._currentDropIndex].item.node; } this._dropIndicator.place(currentArea.node, node); this._lastValidIndexArea = this._currentIndexArea; //refresh the current area after placing the drop indicator this._dropMode.refreshItems(currentArea, this._currentDropIndex, size, true); }, onDropCancel: function(){ // summary: // Cancel the drop. // The dragNode returns into the source. // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: onDropCancel"); if(!this._accept){ var index = this._getIndexArea(this._dropIndicator.node.parentNode); if(index != -1){ this._currentIndexArea = index; } else{ // case if the dropIndicator is in the area which has been unregistered during the drag. // chose by default the first area. this._currentIndexArea = 0; } } }, onDrop: function(/*DOMNode*/node){ // summary: // Drop the dragged item where the dropIndicator is displayed. // node: // The node which is about to be dropped // tags: // callback //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: onDrop"); //dropCancel this.onDropCancel(); var targetArea = this._areaList[this._currentIndexArea]; dojo.removeClass(node, "dragNode"); var style = node.style; style.position = "relative"; style.left = "0"; style.top = "0"; style.width = "auto"; if(targetArea.node == this._dropIndicator.node.parentNode){ targetArea.node.insertBefore(node, this._dropIndicator.node); } else{ // case if the dropIndicator is in the area which has been unregistered during the drag. targetArea.node.appendChild(node); this._currentDropIndex = targetArea.items.length; } // add child into the new target area. var indexChild = this._currentDropIndex; if(indexChild == -1){ indexChild = targetArea.items.length; } var children = targetArea.items; var firstListArea = children.slice(0, indexChild); var lastListArea = children.slice(indexChild, children.length); firstListArea[firstListArea.length] = this._dragItem; targetArea.items = firstListArea.concat(lastListArea); this._setMarginArea(targetArea, node); dojo.forEach(this._areaList, function(obj){ obj.initItems = false; }); // disconnect onDrop handler dojo.disconnect(this._dragItem.handlers.pop()); dojo.disconnect(this._dragItem.handlers.pop()); this._resetAfterDrop(); // remove the cover if(this._cover){ dojo.body().removeChild(this._cover); dojo.body().removeChild(this._cover2); } dojo.publish("/dojox/mdnd/drop",[node, targetArea, indexChild]); }, _resetAfterDrop: function(){ // summary: // reset manager properties after dropping an item // tags: // protected this._accept = false; this._dragItem = null; this._currentDropIndex = -1; this._currentIndexArea = -1; this._oldDropIndex = -1; this._sourceIndexArea = -1; this._sourceDropIndex = -1; this._dropIndicator.remove(); if(this._dragStartHandler){ dojo.disconnect(this._dragStartHandler); } if(dojo.isIE > 7){ dojo.forEach(this._eventsIE7, dojo.disconnect); } }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // Destroy the component. //console.log("dojox.mdnd.AreaManager ::: destroy"); //see implementation of unregister() while(this._areaList.length > 0){ if(!this.unregister(this._areaList[0].node)){ throw new Error("Error while destroying AreaManager"); } } dojo.disconnect(this.resizeHandler); this._dropIndicator.destroy(); this._dropMode.destroy(); if(dojox.mdnd.autoScroll){ dojox.mdnd.autoScroll.destroy(); } if(this.refreshListener){ dojo.unsubscribe(this.refreshListener); } // destroy the cover if(this._cover){ dojo._destroyElement(this._cover); dojo._destroyElement(this._cover2); delete this._cover; delete this._cover2; } } }); if(dijit && dijit._Widget){ // Add a new property to widget dojo.extend(dijit._Widget, { // dndType: String // Defines a type of widget. dndType : "text" }); } dojox.mdnd._areaManager = null; dojox.mdnd.areaManager = function(){ // summary: // Returns the current areaManager, creates one if it is not created yet. if(!dojox.mdnd._areaManager){ dojox.mdnd._areaManager = new dojox.mdnd.AreaManager(); } return dojox.mdnd._areaManager; // Object }; return am; });