//>>built // AMD-ID "dojox/math/round" define("dojox/math/round", ["dojo", "dojox"], function(dojo, dojox) { dojo.getObject("math.round", true, dojox); dojo.experimental("dojox.math.round"); dojox.math.round = function(/*Number*/value, /*Number?*/places, /*Number?*/increment){ // summary: // Similar to dojo.number.round, but compensates for binary floating point artifacts // description: // Rounds to the nearest value with the given number of decimal places, away from zero if equal, // similar to Number.toFixed(). Rounding can be done by fractional increments also. // Makes minor adjustments to accommodate for precision errors due to binary floating point representation // of Javascript Numbers. See http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decifaq.html for more information. // Because of this adjustment, the rounding may not be mathematically correct for full precision // floating point values. The calculations assume 14 significant figures, so the accuracy will // be limited to a certain number of decimal places preserved will vary with the magnitude of // the input. This is not a substitute for decimal arithmetic. // value: // The number to round // places: // The number of decimal places where rounding takes place. Defaults to 0 for whole rounding. // Must be non-negative. // increment: // Rounds next place to nearest value of increment/10. 10 by default. // example: // >>> 4.8-(1.1+2.2) // 1.4999999999999996 // >>> Math.round(4.8-(1.1+2.2)) // 1 // >>> dojox.math.round(4.8-(1.1+2.2)) // 2 // >>> ((4.8-(1.1+2.2))/100) // 0.014999999999999996 // >>> ((4.8-(1.1+2.2))/100).toFixed(2) // "0.01" // >>> dojox.math.round((4.8-(1.1+2.2))/100,2) // 0.02 // >>> dojox.math.round(10.71, 0, 2.5) // 10.75 // >>> dojo.number.round(162.295, 2) // 162.29 // >>> dojox.math.round(162.295, 2) // 162.3 var wholeFigs = Math.log(Math.abs(value))/Math.log(10); var factor = 10 / (increment || 10); var delta = Math.pow(10, -15 + wholeFigs); return (factor * (+value + (value > 0 ? delta : -delta))).toFixed(places) / factor; // Number } if((0.9).toFixed() == 0){ // (isIE) toFixed() bug workaround: Rounding fails on IE when most significant digit // is just after the rounding place and is >=5 var round = dojox.math.round; dojox.math.round = function(v, p, m){ var d = Math.pow(10, -p || 0), a = Math.abs(v); if(!v || a >= d || a * Math.pow(10, p + 1) < 5){ d = 0; } return round(v, p, m) + (v > 0 ? d : -d); } } return dojox.math.round; });