//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/layout/dnd/PlottedDnd", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojo/dnd/Source,dojo/dnd/Manager,dojox/layout/dnd/Avatar"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd"); dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Source"); dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Manager"); dojo.require("dojox.layout.dnd.Avatar"); dojo.declare("dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd", [dojo.dnd.Source], { // summary: // dnd source handling plotted zone to show the dropping area GC_OFFSET_X: dojo.dnd.manager().OFFSET_X, GC_OFFSET_Y: dojo.dnd.manager().OFFSET_Y, constructor: function(/*Node*/node, /*Object*/params){ this.childBoxes = null; this.dropIndicator = new dojox.layout.dnd.DropIndicator("dndDropIndicator", "div"); this.withHandles = params.withHandles; this.handleClasses = params.handleClasses; this.opacity = params.opacity; this.allowAutoScroll = params.allowAutoScroll;//MODIF MYS this.dom = params.dom; this.singular = true; this.skipForm = true; this._over = false; this.defaultHandleClass = "GcDndHandle"; this.isDropped = false; this._timer = null; //Initialize the params to calculate offset this.isOffset = (params.isOffset)?true:false; this.offsetDrag = (params.offsetDrag) ? params.offsetDrag : {x:0,y:0}; this.hideSource = params.hideSource ? params.hideSource : true; this._drop = this.dropIndicator.create(); }, _calculateCoords : function(/*Boolean*/height){ // summary: Calculate each position of children dojo.forEach(this.node.childNodes, function(child){ var c = dojo.coords(child, true); child.coords = { xy: c, w: child.offsetWidth / 2, h: child.offsetHeight / 2, mw: c.w }; if(height){ child.coords.mh = c.h; } }, this); }, _legalMouseDown: function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: Checks if user clicked on "approved" items. if(!this.withHandles){ return true; } for(var node = (e.target); node && node != this.node; node = node.parentNode){ if(dojo.hasClass(node, this.defaultHandleClass)){ return true; } } return false; // Boolean }, setDndItemSelectable: function(/*Node*/node, /*Boolean*/isSelectable) { // summary: set an item as selectable for(var _node = node; _node && node != this.node; _node = _node.parentNode) { if (dojo.hasClass(_node,"dojoDndItem")) { dojo.setSelectable(_node, isSelectable); return; } } }, getDraggedWidget: function(/*Node*/node) { // summary: Return one or more widget selected during the drag. var _node = node; while (_node && _node.nodeName.toLowerCase()!="body" && !dojo.hasClass(_node,"dojoDndItem")) { _node = _node.parentNode; } return (_node) ? dijit.byNode(_node) : null; }, isAccepted: function(/*Node*/ node) { // summary: test if this node can be accepted var _dndType = (node) ? node.getAttribute("dndtype") : null; return (_dndType && _dndType in this.accept); }, onDndStart:function(/*Object*/source, /*Array*/nodes, /*Object*/copy){ // summary: Called to initiate the DnD operation. this.firstIndicator = (source == this); this._calculateCoords(true); //this.isDropped = true; var m = dojo.dnd.manager(); if(nodes[0].coords){ this._drop.style.height = nodes[0].coords.mh + "px"; dojo.style(m.avatar.node, "width", nodes[0].coords.mw + "px"); }else{ this._drop.style.height = m.avatar.node.clientHeight+"px"; } this.dndNodes = nodes; dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.onDndStart.call(this,source, nodes, copy); if(source == this && this.hideSource){ dojo.forEach(nodes, function(n){ dojo.style(n, "display","none"); }); } }, onDndCancel:function(){ // summary: Called to cancel the DnD operation. var m = dojo.dnd.manager(); if(m.source == this && this.hideSource){ var nodes = this.getSelectedNodes(); dojo.forEach(nodes, function(n){ dojo.style(n, "display",""); }); } dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.onDndCancel.call(this); this.deleteDashedZone(); }, onDndDrop: function(source,nodes,copy,target) { // summary: Called to finish the DnD operation try{ if(!this.isAccepted(nodes[0])){ this.onDndCancel(); }else{ if(source == this && this._over && this.dropObject){ this.current = this.dropObject.c; } dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.onDndDrop.call(this, source, nodes, copy, target); this._calculateCoords(true); } }catch(e){ console.warn(e); } }, onMouseDown: function(/*Event*/e) { // summary: Event processor for onmousedown. if(this.current == null){ this.selection = {}; }else{ if(this.current == this.anchor){ this.anchor = null; } } if(this.current !== null){ var c = dojo.coords(this.current, true); this.current.coords = { xy: c, w: this.current.offsetWidth / 2, h: this.current.offsetHeight / 2, mh: c.h, mw: c.w }; this._drop.style.height = this.current.coords.mh + "px"; if(this.isOffset){ if(this.offsetDrag.x == 0 && this.offsetDrag.y == 0){ var NoOffsetDrag = true; var coords = dojo.coords(this._getChildByEvent(e)); this.offsetDrag.x = coords.x - e.pageX; this.offsetDrag.y = coords.y - e.clientY; } if(this.offsetDrag.y < 16 && this.current != null){ this.offsetDrag.y = this.GC_OFFSET_Y; } var m = dojo.dnd.manager(); m.OFFSET_X = this.offsetDrag.x; m.OFFSET_Y = this.offsetDrag.y; if (NoOffsetDrag) { this.offsetDrag.x = 0; this.offsetDrag.y = 0; } } } if(dojo.dnd.isFormElement(e)){ this.setDndItemSelectable(e.target,true); }else{ this.containerSource = true; var _draggedWidget = this.getDraggedWidget(e.target); if(_draggedWidget && _draggedWidget.dragRestriction){ // FIXME: not clear what this was supposed to mean ... this code needs more cleanups. // dragRestriction = true; }else{ dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.onMouseDown.call(this,e); } } }, onMouseUp: function(/*Event*/e) { // summary: Event processor for onmouseup. dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.onMouseUp.call(this,e); this.containerSource = false; if (!dojo.isIE && this.mouseDown){ this.setDndItemSelectable(e.target,true); } var m = dojo.dnd.manager(); m.OFFSET_X = this.GC_OFFSET_X; m.OFFSET_Y = this.GC_OFFSET_Y; }, onMouseMove: function(e) { // summary: Event processor for onmousemove var m = dojo.dnd.manager(); if(this.isDragging) { var before = false; if(this.current != null || (this.current == null && !this.dropObject)){ if(this.isAccepted(m.nodes[0]) || this.containerSource){ before = this.setIndicatorPosition(e); } } if(this.current != this.targetAnchor || before != this.before){ this._markTargetAnchor(before); m.canDrop(!this.current || m.source != this || !(this.current.id in this.selection)); } if(this.allowAutoScroll){ this._checkAutoScroll(e); } }else{ if(this.mouseDown && this.isSource){ var nodes = this.getSelectedNodes(); if(nodes.length){ m.startDrag(this, nodes, this.copyState(dojo.isCopyKey(e))); } } if(this.allowAutoScroll){ this._stopAutoScroll(); } } }, _markTargetAnchor: function(/*Boolean*/before){ // summary: Assigns a class to the current target anchor based on "before" status if(this.current == this.targetAnchor && this.before == before){ return; } this.targetAnchor = this.current; this.targetBox = null; this.before = before; }, _unmarkTargetAnchor: function(){ // summary: Removes a class of the current target anchor based on "before" status. if(!this.targetAnchor){ return; } this.targetAnchor = null; this.targetBox = null; this.before = true; }, setIndicatorPosition: function(/*Event*/e) { // summary: set the position of the drop indicator var before = false; if(this.current){ if (!this.current.coords || this.allowAutoScroll) { this.current.coords = { xy: dojo.coords(this.current, true), w: this.current.offsetWidth / 2, h: this.current.offsetHeight / 2 }; } before = this.horizontal ? (e.pageX - this.current.coords.xy.x) < this.current.coords.w : (e.pageY - this.current.coords.xy.y) < this.current.coords.h this.insertDashedZone(before); }else{ if(!this.dropObject /*|| dojo.isIE*/){ this.insertDashedZone(false); } } return before; }, onOverEvent:function(){ this._over = true; dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.onOverEvent.call(this); if (this.isDragging) { var m = dojo.dnd.manager(); if (!this.current && !this.dropObject && this.getSelectedNodes()[0] && this.isAccepted(m.nodes[0])) this.insertDashedZone(false); } }, onOutEvent: function() { this._over = false; this.containerSource = false; dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.onOutEvent.call(this); if (this.dropObject) this.deleteDashedZone(); }, deleteDashedZone: function() { // summary: hide the dashed zone this._drop.style.display = "none"; var next = this._drop.nextSibling; while (next != null) { next.coords.xy.y -= parseInt(this._drop.style.height); next = next.nextSibling; } delete this.dropObject; }, insertDashedZone: function(/*Boolean*/before) { // summary: Insert the dashed zone at the right place if(this.dropObject){ if( before == this.dropObject.b && ((this.current && this.dropObject.c == this.current.id) || (!this.current && !this.dropObject.c)) ){ return; }else{ this.deleteDashedZone(); } } this.dropObject = { n: this._drop, c: this.current ? this.current.id : null, b: before}; if(this.current){ dojo.place(this._drop, this.current, before ? "before" : "after"); if(!this.firstIndicator){ var next = this._drop.nextSibling; while(next != null){ next.coords.xy.y += parseInt(this._drop.style.height); next = next.nextSibling; } }else{ this.firstIndicator = false; } }else{ this.node.appendChild(this._drop); } this._drop.style.display = ""; }, insertNodes: function(/*Boolean*/addSelected, /*Array*/data, /*Boolean*/before, /*Node*/anchor){ // summary: Inserts new data items (see Dojo Container's insertNodes method for details). if(this.dropObject){ dojo.style(this.dropObject.n,"display","none"); dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.insertNodes.call(this,true,data,true,this.dropObject.n); this.deleteDashedZone(); }else{ return dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd.superclass.insertNodes.call(this,addSelected,data,before,anchor); } var _widget = dijit.byId(data[0].getAttribute("widgetId")); if (_widget) { dojox.layout.dnd._setGcDndHandle(_widget, this.withHandles, this.handleClasses); if(this.hideSource) dojo.style(_widget.domNode, "display", ""); } }, _checkAutoScroll: function(e){ if(this._timer){ clearTimeout(this._timer); } this._stopAutoScroll(); var node = this.dom, y = this._sumAncestorProperties(node,"offsetTop") ; //Down if( (e.pageY - node.offsetTop +30 ) > node.clientHeight ){ this.autoScrollActive = true; this._autoScrollDown(node); } else if ( (node.scrollTop > 0) && (e.pageY - y) < 30){ //Up this.autoScrollActive = true; this._autoScrollUp(node); } }, _autoScrollUp: function(node){ if( this.autoScrollActive && node.scrollTop > 0) { node.scrollTop -= 30; this._timer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this,"_autoScrollUp",node), 100); } }, _autoScrollDown: function(node){ if( this.autoScrollActive && (node.scrollTop < (node.scrollHeight-node.clientHeight))){ node.scrollTop += 30; this._timer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_autoScrollDown",node), 100); } }, _stopAutoScroll: function(){ this.autoScrollActive = false; }, _sumAncestorProperties: function(node, prop){ // summary // Returns the sum of the passed property on all ancestors of node. node = dojo.byId(node); if(!node){ return 0; } var retVal = 0; while(node){ var val = node[prop]; if(val){ retVal += val - 0; if(node == dojo.body()){ break; }// opera and khtml #body & #html has the same values, we only need one value } node = node.parentNode; } return retVal; // integer } }); dojox.layout.dnd._setGcDndHandle = function(service,withHandles,handleClasses, first) { var cls = "GcDndHandle"; if(!first){ dojo.query(".GcDndHandle", service.domNode).removeClass(cls); } if(!withHandles){ dojo.addClass(service.domNode, cls); }else{ var _hasHandle = false; for(var i = handleClasses.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ var _node = dojo.query("." + handleClasses[i], service.domNode)[0]; if(_node){ _hasHandle = true; if(handleClasses[i] != cls){ var _gripNode = dojo.query("." + cls, service.domNode); if(_gripNode.length == 0){ dojo.removeClass(service.domNode, cls); }else{ _gripNode.removeClass(cls); } dojo.addClass(_node, cls); } } } if(!_hasHandle){ dojo.addClass(service.domNode, cls); } } }; dojo.declare("dojox.layout.dnd.DropIndicator", null, { // summary: An empty widget to show at the user the drop zone of the widget. constructor: function(/*String*/cn, /*String*/tag) { this.tag = tag || "div"; this.style = cn || null; }, isInserted : function(){ return (this.node.parentNode && this.node.parentNode.nodeType==1); }, create : function(/*Node*//*nodeRef*/){ if(this.node && this.isInserted()){ return this.node; } var h = "90px", el = dojo.doc.createElement(this.tag); if(this.style){ el.className = this.style; el.style.height = h; }else{ // FIXME: allow this to be done mostly in CSS? dojo.style(el, { position:"relative", border:"1px dashed #F60", margin:"2px", height: h }) } this.node = el; return el; }, destroy : function(){ if(!this.node || !this.isInserted()){ return; } this.node.parentNode.removeChild(this.node); this.node = null; } }); dojo.extend(dojo.dnd.Manager, { canDrop: function(flag){ var canDropFlag = this.target && flag; if(this.canDropFlag != canDropFlag){ this.canDropFlag = canDropFlag; if(this.avatar){ this.avatar.update(); } } }, makeAvatar: function(){ //summary: Makes the avatar, it is separate to be overwritten dynamically, if needed. return (this.source.declaredClass == "dojox.layout.dnd.PlottedDnd") ? new dojox.layout.dnd.Avatar(this, this.source.opacity) : new dojo.dnd.Avatar(this) ; } }); if(dojo.isIE){ dojox.layout.dnd.handdleIE = [ dojo.subscribe("/dnd/start", null, function(){ IEonselectstart = document.body.onselectstart; document.body.onselectstart = function(){ return false; }; }), dojo.subscribe("/dnd/cancel", null, function(){ document.body.onselectstart = IEonselectstart; }), dojo.subscribe("/dnd/drop", null, function(){ document.body.onselectstart = IEonselectstart; }) ]; dojo.addOnWindowUnload(function(){ dojo.forEach(dojox.layout.dnd.handdleIE, dojo.unsubscribe); }); } });