//>>built define("dojox/json/ref", ["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojox", "dojo/date/stamp", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/json"], function(dojo, dojox){ dojo.getObject("json", true, dojox); return dojox.json.ref = { // summary: // Adds advanced JSON {de}serialization capabilities to the base json library. // This enhances the capabilities of dojo.toJson and dojo.fromJson, // adding referencing support, date handling, and other extra format handling. // On parsing, references are resolved. When references are made to // ids/objects that have been loaded yet, the loader function will be set to // _loadObject to denote a lazy loading (not loaded yet) object. resolveJson: function(/*Object*/ root,/*Object?*/ args){ // summary: // Indexes and resolves references in the JSON object. // description: // A JSON Schema object that can be used to advise the handling of the JSON (defining ids, date properties, urls, etc) // // root: // The root object of the object graph to be processed // args: // Object with additional arguments: // // The *index* parameter. // This is the index object (map) to use to store an index of all the objects. // If you are using inter-message referencing, you must provide the same object for each call. // The *defaultId* parameter. // This is the default id to use for the root object (if it doesn't define it's own id) // The *idPrefix* parameter. // This the prefix to use for the ids as they enter the index. This allows multiple tables // to use ids (that might otherwise collide) that enter the same global index. // idPrefix should be in the form "/Service/". For example, // if the idPrefix is "/Table/", and object is encountered {id:"4",...}, this would go in the // index as "/Table/4". // The *idAttribute* parameter. // This indicates what property is the identity property. This defaults to "id" // The *assignAbsoluteIds* parameter. // This indicates that the resolveJson should assign absolute ids (__id) as the objects are being parsed. // // The *schemas* parameter // This provides a map of schemas, from which prototypes can be retrieved // The *loader* parameter // This is a function that is called added to the reference objects that can't be resolved (lazy objects) // return: // An object, the result of the processing args = args || {}; var idAttribute = args.idAttribute || 'id'; var refAttribute = this.refAttribute; var idAsRef = args.idAsRef; var prefix = args.idPrefix || ''; var assignAbsoluteIds = args.assignAbsoluteIds; var index = args.index || {}; // create an index if one doesn't exist var timeStamps = args.timeStamps; var ref,reWalk=[]; var pathResolveRegex = /^(.*\/)?(\w+:\/\/)|[^\/\.]+\/\.\.\/|^.*\/(\/)/; var addProp = this._addProp; var F = function(){}; function walk(it, stop, defaultId, needsPrefix, schema, defaultObject){ // this walks the new graph, resolving references and making other changes var i, update, val, id = idAttribute in it ? it[idAttribute] : defaultId; if(idAttribute in it || ((id !== undefined) && needsPrefix)){ id = (prefix + id).replace(pathResolveRegex,'$2$3'); } var target = defaultObject || it; if(id !== undefined){ // if there is an id available... if(assignAbsoluteIds){ it.__id = id; } if(args.schemas && (!(it instanceof Array)) && // won't try on arrays to do prototypes, plus it messes with queries (val = id.match(/^(.+\/)[^\.\[]*$/))){ // if it has a direct table id (no paths) schema = args.schemas[val[1]]; } // if the id already exists in the system, we should use the existing object, and just // update it... as long as the object is compatible if(index[id] && ((it instanceof Array) == (index[id] instanceof Array))){ target = index[id]; delete target.$ref; // remove this artifact delete target._loadObject; update = true; }else{ var proto = schema && schema.prototype; // and if has a prototype if(proto){ // if the schema defines a prototype, that needs to be the prototype of the object F.prototype = proto; target = new F(); } } index[id] = target; // add the prefix, set _id, and index it if(timeStamps){ timeStamps[id] = args.time; } } while(schema){ var properties = schema.properties; if(properties){ for(i in it){ var propertyDefinition = properties[i]; if(propertyDefinition && propertyDefinition.format == 'date-time' && typeof it[i] == 'string'){ it[i] = dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(it[i]); } } } schema = schema["extends"]; } var length = it.length; for(i in it){ if(i==length){ break; } if(it.hasOwnProperty(i)){ val=it[i]; if((typeof val =='object') && val && !(val instanceof Date) && i != '__parent'){ ref=val[refAttribute] || (idAsRef && val[idAttribute]); if(!ref || !val.__parent){ if(it != reWalk){ val.__parent = target; } } if(ref){ // a reference was found // make sure it is a safe reference delete it[i];// remove the property so it doesn't resolve to itself in the case of id.propertyName lazy values var path = ref.toString().replace(/(#)([^\.\[])/,'$1.$2').match(/(^([^\[]*\/)?[^#\.\[]*)#?([\.\[].*)?/); // divide along the path if(index[(prefix + ref).replace(pathResolveRegex,'$2$3')]){ ref = index[(prefix + ref).replace(pathResolveRegex,'$2$3')]; }else if((ref = (path[1]=='$' || path[1]=='this' || path[1]=='') ? root : index[(prefix + path[1]).replace(pathResolveRegex,'$2$3')])){ // a $ indicates to start with the root, otherwise start with an id // if there is a path, we will iterate through the path references if(path[3]){ path[3].replace(/(\[([^\]]+)\])|(\.?([^\.\[]+))/g,function(t,a,b,c,d){ ref = ref && ref[b ? b.replace(/[\"\'\\]/,'') : d]; }); } } if(ref){ val = ref; }else{ // otherwise, no starting point was found (id not found), if stop is set, it does not exist, we have // unloaded reference, if stop is not set, it may be in a part of the graph not walked yet, // we will wait for the second loop if(!stop){ var rewalking; if(!rewalking){ reWalk.push(target); // we need to rewalk it to resolve references } rewalking = true; // we only want to add it once val = walk(val, false, val[refAttribute], true, propertyDefinition); // create a lazy loaded object val._loadObject = args.loader; } } }else{ if(!stop){ // if we are in stop, that means we are in the second loop, and we only need to check this current one, // further walking may lead down circular loops val = walk( val, reWalk==it, id === undefined ? undefined : addProp(id, i), // the default id to use false, propertyDefinition, // if we have an existing object child, we want to // maintain it's identity, so we pass it as the default object target != it && typeof target[i] == 'object' && target[i] ); } } } it[i] = val; if(target!=it && !target.__isDirty){// do updates if we are updating an existing object and it's not dirty var old = target[i]; target[i] = val; // only update if it changed if(update && val !== old && // see if it is different !target._loadObject && // no updates if we are just lazy loading !(i.charAt(0) == '_' && i.charAt(1) == '_') && i != "$ref" && !(val instanceof Date && old instanceof Date && val.getTime() == old.getTime()) && // make sure it isn't an identical date !(typeof val == 'function' && typeof old == 'function' && val.toString() == old.toString()) && // make sure it isn't an indentical function index.onUpdate){ index.onUpdate(target,i,old,val); // call the listener for each update } } } } if(update && (idAttribute in it || target instanceof Array)){ // this means we are updating with a full representation of the object, we need to remove deleted for(i in target){ if(!target.__isDirty && target.hasOwnProperty(i) && !it.hasOwnProperty(i) && !(i.charAt(0) == '_' && i.charAt(1) == '_') && !(target instanceof Array && isNaN(i))){ if(index.onUpdate && i != "_loadObject" && i != "_idAttr"){ index.onUpdate(target,i,target[i],undefined); // call the listener for each update } delete target[i]; while(target instanceof Array && target.length && target[target.length-1] === undefined){ // shorten the target if necessary target.length--; } } } }else{ if(index.onLoad){ index.onLoad(target); } } return target; } if(root && typeof root == 'object'){ root = walk(root,false,args.defaultId, true); // do the main walk through walk(reWalk,false); // re walk any parts that were not able to resolve references on the first round } return root; }, fromJson: function(/*String*/ str,/*Object?*/ args){ // summary: // evaluates the passed string-form of a JSON object. // // str: // a string literal of a JSON item, for instance: // '{ "foo": [ "bar", 1, { "baz": "thud" } ] }' // args: See resolveJson // // return: // An object, the result of the evaluation function ref(target){ // support call styles references as well var refObject = {}; refObject[this.refAttribute] = target; return refObject; } try{ var root = eval('(' + str + ')'); // do the eval }catch(e){ throw new SyntaxError("Invalid JSON string: " + e.message + " parsing: "+ str); } if(root){ return this.resolveJson(root, args); } return root; }, toJson: function(/*Object*/ it, /*Boolean?*/ prettyPrint, /*Object?*/ idPrefix, /*Object?*/ indexSubObjects){ // summary: // Create a JSON serialization of an object. // This has support for referencing, including circular references, duplicate references, and out-of-message references // id and path-based referencing is supported as well and is based on http://www.json.com/2007/10/19/json-referencing-proposal-and-library/. // // it: // an object to be serialized. // // prettyPrint: // if true, we indent objects and arrays to make the output prettier. // The variable dojo.toJsonIndentStr is used as the indent string // -- to use something other than the default (tab), // change that variable before calling dojo.toJson(). // // idPrefix: The prefix that has been used for the absolute ids // // return: // a String representing the serialized version of the passed object. var useRefs = this._useRefs; var addProp = this._addProp; var refAttribute = this.refAttribute; idPrefix = idPrefix || ''; // the id prefix for this context var paths={}; var generated = {}; function serialize(it,path,_indentStr){ if(typeof it == 'object' && it){ var value; if(it instanceof Date){ // properly serialize dates return '"' + dojo.date.stamp.toISOString(it,{zulu:true}) + '"'; } var id = it.__id; if(id){ // we found an identifiable object, we will just serialize a reference to it... unless it is the root if(path != '#' && ((useRefs && !id.match(/#/)) || paths[id])){ var ref = id; if(id.charAt(0)!='#'){ if(it.__clientId == id){ ref = "cid:" + id; }else if(id.substring(0, idPrefix.length) == idPrefix){ // see if the reference is in the current context // a reference with a prefix matching the current context, the prefix should be removed ref = id.substring(idPrefix.length); }else{ // a reference to a different context, assume relative url based referencing ref = id; } } var refObject = {}; refObject[refAttribute] = ref; return serialize(refObject,'#'); } path = id; }else{ it.__id = path; // we will create path ids for other objects in case they are circular generated[path] = it; } paths[path] = it;// save it here so they can be deleted at the end _indentStr = _indentStr || ""; var nextIndent = prettyPrint ? _indentStr + dojo.toJsonIndentStr : ""; var newLine = prettyPrint ? "\n" : ""; var sep = prettyPrint ? " " : ""; if(it instanceof Array){ var res = dojo.map(it, function(obj,i){ var val = serialize(obj, addProp(path, i), nextIndent); if(typeof val != "string"){ val = "undefined"; } return newLine + nextIndent + val; }); return "[" + res.join("," + sep) + newLine + _indentStr + "]"; } var output = []; for(var i in it){ if(it.hasOwnProperty(i)){ var keyStr; if(typeof i == "number"){ keyStr = '"' + i + '"'; }else if(typeof i == "string" && (i.charAt(0) != '_' || i.charAt(1) != '_')){ // we don't serialize our internal properties __id and __clientId keyStr = dojo._escapeString(i); }else{ // skip non-string or number keys continue; } var val = serialize(it[i],addProp(path, i),nextIndent); if(typeof val != "string"){ // skip non-serializable values continue; } output.push(newLine + nextIndent + keyStr + ":" + sep + val); } } return "{" + output.join("," + sep) + newLine + _indentStr + "}"; }else if(typeof it == "function" && dojox.json.ref.serializeFunctions){ return it.toString(); } return dojo.toJson(it); // use the default serializer for primitives } var json = serialize(it,'#',''); if(!indexSubObjects){ for(var i in generated) {// cleanup the temporary path-generated ids delete generated[i].__id; } } return json; }, _addProp: function(id, prop){ return id + (id.match(/#/) ? id.length == 1 ? '' : '.' : '#') + prop; }, // refAttribute: String // This indicates what property is the reference property. This acts like the idAttribute // except that this is used to indicate the current object is a reference or only partially // loaded. This defaults to "$ref". refAttribute: "$ref", _useRefs: false, serializeFunctions: false }; });