//>>built define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_StoreLayer", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/xhr" ], function(declare, array, lang, xhr){ // summary: // The dojo.data.api.Read API is powerful, but it's difficult to give the store some special commands before // fetch, so that the store content can be temporarily modified or transformed, and acts as another store. The // parameter *query* or *queryOptions* in keywordArgs for *fetch* is not enough because: // 1. users do not have the opportunity to response to the store actions when these options or queries are applied, // especially when the real store is at server side. // 2. the store implementation must be changed to support any new options in 'query' or 'queryOptions', so it'll be // difficult if this implementation is not able to or very hard to be changed, or some new options are required to // be valid for all stores. // This *StoreLayer* framework is dedicated to provide a uniform way for configuring an existing store, so that // it can be easily extended to have special behaviors or act like a totally different store. // The major approach is to wrap the *fetch* function of store, layer by layer. Every layer treats the incoming // store.fetch as a 'black box', thus maintaining the independence between layers. // *fetch* is the most important data retriever in the Read API, almost all other functions are used for a single // item, and require that this item is already retrieved (by and only by *fetch*). So once we've controlled this // *fetch* function, we've controlled almost the whole store. This fact simplifies our implementation of StoreLayer. // example: // //ns is for namespace, i.e.:dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins // ns.wrap(ns.wrap(ns.wrap(store, new ns.FilterLayer()), new ns.UniqueLayer()), new ns.TransformLayer()); // // //every layer has a name, it should be given in the document of this layer. // //if you don't know it's name, you can get it by: ns.SomeLayer.prototype.name(); // store.layer("filter").filterDef(...); // store.layer("unique").setUniqueColumns(...); // store.layer("transform").setScheme(...); // // //now use the store as usual... // // store.unwrap("transform"); //remove the transform layer but retain the other two. // // //now use the store as usual... // // store.unwrap(); //remove all the layers, get the original store back. var ns = lang.getObject("grid.enhanced.plugins", true, dojox); var getPrevTags = function(tags){ var tagList = ["reorder", "sizeChange", "normal", "presentation"]; var idx = tagList.length; for(var i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ var p = array.indexOf(tagList, tags[i]); if(p >= 0 && p <= idx){ idx = p; } } if(idx < tagList.length - 1){ return tagList.slice(0, idx + 1); }else{ return tagList; } }, unwrap = function(/* string? */layerName){ // summary: // Unwrap the layers of the store // tags: // public // returns: // The unwrapped store, for nested use only. var i, layers = this._layers, len = layers.length; if(layerName){ for(i = len-1; i >= 0; --i){ if(layers[i].name() == layerName){ layers[i]._unwrap(layers[i + 1]); break; } } layers.splice(i, 1); }else{ for(i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i){ layers[i]._unwrap(); } } if(!layers.length){ delete this._layers; delete this.layer; delete this.unwrap; delete this.forEachLayer; } //console.log("layers:",this._layers); return this; //Read-store }, getLayer = function(layerName){ // summary: // Get a layer of the store, so we can configure that layer. // tags: // public (scope is store) // layerName: string // the name of the layer // returns: // the store layer object var i, layers = this._layers; if(typeof layerName == "undefined"){ return layers.length; //Integer } if(typeof layerName == "number"){ return layers[layerName]; //_StoreLayer } for(i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if(layers[i].name() == layerName){ return layers[i]; //_StoreLayer } } return null; //_StoreLayer }, forEachLayer = function(callback, isInnerToOuter){ // summary: // Visit the layers one by one. From the outer most to inner most by default. // callback: Function // The function to callback. // If return false, break the loop. // isInnerToOuter: Boolean // Whether visit from the inner most layer to the outer most layer. var len = this._layers.length, start, end, dir; if(isInnerToOuter){ start = 0; end = len; dir = 1; }else{ start = len - 1; end = -1; dir = -1; } for(var i = start; i != end; i += dir){ if(callback(this._layers[i], i) === false){ return i; } } return end; }; ns.wrap = function(store, funcName, layer, layerFuncName){ // summary: // Wrap the store with the given layer. // tags: // public // store: Read-store // The store to be wrapped. // layer: _StoreLayer // The layer to be used // returns // The wrapped store, for nested use only. if(!store._layers){ store._layers = []; store.layer = lang.hitch(store, getLayer); store.unwrap = lang.hitch(store, unwrap); store.forEachLayer = lang.hitch(store, forEachLayer); } var prevTags = getPrevTags(layer.tags); if(!array.some(store._layers, function(lyr, i){ if(array.some(lyr.tags, function(tag){ return array.indexOf(prevTags, tag) >= 0; })){ return false; }else{ store._layers.splice(i, 0, layer); layer._wrap(store, funcName, layerFuncName, lyr); return true; } })){ store._layers.push(layer); layer._wrap(store, funcName, layerFuncName); } //console.log("wrapped layers:", dojo.map(store._layers, function(lyr){return lyr.name();})); return store; //Read-store }; var _StoreLayer = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins._StoreLayer", null, { // summary: // The most abstract class of store layers, provides basic utilities and some interfaces. // tags: // abstract /*===== // _store: [protected] Read-store // The wrapped store. _store: null, // _originFetch: [protected] function // The original fetch function of the store. _originFetch: null, // __enabled: [private] Boolean // To control whether this layer is valid. __enabled: true, =====*/ tags: ["normal"], layerFuncName: "_fetch", constructor: function(){ this._store = null; this._originFetch = null; this.__enabled = true; }, initialize: function(store){ // summary: // }, uninitialize: function(store){ // summary: // }, invalidate: function(){ }, _wrap: function(store, funcName, layerFuncName, nextLayer){ // summary: // Do the actual wrapping (or 'hacking' if you like) to the store. // tags: // internal // store: Read-store // The store to be wrapped. this._store = store; this._funcName = funcName; var fetchFunc = lang.hitch(this, function(){ return (this.enabled() ? this[layerFuncName || this.layerFuncName] : this.originFetch).apply(this, arguments); }); if(nextLayer){ this._originFetch = nextLayer._originFetch; nextLayer._originFetch = fetchFunc; }else{ this._originFetch = store[funcName] || function(){}; store[funcName] = fetchFunc; } this.initialize(store); }, _unwrap: function(nextLayer){ // summary: // Do the actual unwrapping to the store. // tags: // internal // store: Read-store // The store to be unwrapped. this.uninitialize(this._store); if(nextLayer){ nextLayer._originFetch = this._originFetch; }else{ this._store[this._funcName] = this._originFetch; } this._originFetch = null; this._store = null; }, enabled: function(/* bool? */toEnable){ // summary: // The get/set function of the enabled status of this layer // tags: // public // toEnable: Boolean? // If given, is a setter, otherwise, it's getter. if(typeof toEnable != "undefined"){ this.__enabled = !!toEnable; } return this.__enabled; //Boolean }, name: function(){ // summary: // Get the name of this store layer. // The default name retrieved from class name, which should have a pattern of "{name}Layer". // If this pattern does not exist, the whole class name will be this layer's name. // It's better to override this method if your class name is too complicated. // tags: // public extension // returns: // The name of this layer. if(!this.__name){ var m = this.declaredClass.match(/(?:\.(?:_*)([^\.]+)Layer$)|(?:\.([^\.]+)$)/i); this.__name = m ? (m[1] || m[2]).toLowerCase() : this.declaredClass; } return this.__name; }, originFetch: function(){ return (lang.hitch(this._store, this._originFetch)).apply(this, arguments); } }); var _ServerSideLayer = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins._ServerSideLayer", _StoreLayer, { // summary: // The most abstract class for all server side store layers. // tags: // abstract /*===== // _url: [protected] string // The url of the server _url: "", // __cmds [private] object // The command object to be sent to server. __cmds: {}, =====*/ constructor: function(args){ args = args || {}; this._url = args.url || ""; this._isStateful = !!args.isStateful; this._onUserCommandLoad = args.onCommandLoad || function(){}; this.__cmds = {cmdlayer:this.name(), enable:true}; //Only for stateful server, sending commands before fetch makes sense. this.useCommands(this._isStateful); }, enabled: function(/* bool? */toEnable){ // summary: // Overrided from _StoreLayer.enabled var res = this.inherited(arguments); this.__cmds.enable = this.__enabled; return res; }, useCommands: function(/* bool? */toUse){ // summary: // If you only want to modify the user request, instead of sending a separate command // to server before fetch, just call: // this.useCommand(false); // tags: // public // toUse: Boolean? // If provided, it's a setter, otherwise, it's a getter if(typeof toUse != "undefined"){ this.__cmds.cmdlayer = (toUse && this._isStateful) ? this.name() : null; } return !!(this.__cmds.cmdlayer); //Boolean }, _fetch: function(/* keywordArgs */userRequest){ // summary: // Implementation of _StoreLayer._fetch if(this.__cmds.cmdlayer){ //We're gonna send command to server before fetch. xhr.post({ url: this._url || this._store.url, content: this.__cmds, load: lang.hitch(this, function(responce){ this.onCommandLoad(responce, userRequest); this.originFetch(userRequest); }), error: lang.hitch(this, this.onCommandError) }); }else{ //The user only wants to modify the request object. this.onCommandLoad("", userRequest); this.originFetch(userRequest); } return userRequest; //dojo.data.api.Request }, command: function(/* string */cmdName,/* (string|number|bool|...)? */cmdContent){ // summary: // get/set a command (a name-value pair) // tags: // public // cmdName: string // The name of the command // cmdContent: anything // The content of the command // returns: // The content of the command if cmdContent is undefined var cmds = this.__cmds; if(cmdContent === null){ delete cmds[cmdName]; }else if(typeof cmdContent !== "undefined"){ cmds[cmdName] = cmdContent; } return cmds[cmdName]; //anything }, onCommandLoad: function(/* string */response, /* keywordArgs */userRequest){ // summary: // When the server gives back *response* for the commands, you can do something here. // tags: // callback extension // response: string // server response // userRequest: [in|out] dojo.data.api.Request // The request object for *fetch*. You can modify this object according to the *response* // so as to change the behavior of *fetch* this._onUserCommandLoad(this.__cmds, userRequest, response); }, onCommandError: function(error){ // summary: // handle errors when sending commands. // tags: // callback extension // error: Error console.log(error); throw error; } }); return { _StoreLayer: _StoreLayer, _ServerSideLayer: _ServerSideLayer, wrap: ns.wrap }; });