//>>built define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Selector", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/keys", "dojo/query", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/window", "dijit/focus", "../../_RowSelector", "../_Plugin", "../../EnhancedGrid", "../../cells/_base", "./AutoScroll" ], function(dojo, lang, declare, array, event, keys, query, html, win, dijitFocus, _RowSelector, _Plugin, EnhancedGrid){ /*===== dojo.declare("__SelectItem", null,{ // summary: // An abstract representation of an item. }); dojo.declare("__SelectCellItem", __SelectItem,{ // summary: // An abstract representation of a cell. // row: Integer // Row index of this cell row: 0, // col: Integer // Column index of this cell col: 0 }); dojo.declare("__SelectRowItem", __SelectItem,{ // summary: // An abstract representation of a row. // row: Integer // Row index of this row row: 0, // except: Integer[] // An array of column indexes of all the unselected cells in this row. except: [] }); dojo.declare("__SelectColItem", __SelectItem,{ // summary: // An abstract representation of a column. // col: Integer // Column index of this column col: 0, // except: Integer[] // An array of row indexes of all the unselected cells in this column. except: [] }); =====*/ var DISABLED = 0, SINGLE = 1, MULTI = 2, _theOther = { col: "row", row: "col" }, _inRange = function(type, value, start, end, halfClose){ if(type !== "cell"){ value = value[type]; start = start[type]; end = end[type]; if(typeof value !== "number" || typeof start !== "number" || typeof end !== "number"){ return false; } return halfClose ? ((value >= start && value < end) || (value > end && value <= start)) : ((value >= start && value <= end) || (value >= end && value <= start)); }else{ return _inRange("col", value, start, end, halfClose) && _inRange("row", value, start, end, halfClose); } }, _isEqual = function(type, v1, v2){ try{ if(v1 && v2){ switch(type){ case "col": case "row": return v1[type] == v2[type] && typeof v1[type] == "number" && !(_theOther[type] in v1) && !(_theOther[type] in v2); case "cell": return v1.col == v2.col && v1.row == v2.row && typeof v1.col == "number" && typeof v1.row == "number"; } } }catch(e){} return false; }, _stopEvent = function(evt){ try{ if(evt && evt.preventDefault){ event.stop(evt); } }catch(e){} }, _createItem = function(type, rowIndex, colIndex){ switch(type){ case "col": return { "col": typeof colIndex == "undefined" ? rowIndex : colIndex, "except": [] }; case "row": return { "row": rowIndex, "except": [] }; case "cell": return { "row": rowIndex, "col": colIndex }; } return null; }; var Selector = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Selector", _Plugin, { // summary: // Provides standard extended selection for grid. // Supports mouse/keyboard selection, multi-selection, and de-selection. // Acceptable plugin parameters: // The whole plugin parameter object is a config object passed to the setupConfig function. // // Acceptable cell parameters defined in layout: // 1. notselectable: boolean // Whether this column is (and all the cells in it are) selectable. // name: String // plugin name name: "selector", // noClear: Boolean // Not to clear rows selected by IndirectSelection. /* // _config: null, // _enabled: true, // _selecting: { // row: false, // col: false, // cell: false // }, // _selected: { // row: [], // col: [], // cell: [] // }, // _startPoint: {}, // _currentPoint: {}, // _lastAnchorPoint: {}, // _lastEndPoint: {}, // _lastSelectedAnchorPoint: {}, // _lastSelectedEndPoint: {}, // _keyboardSelect: { // row: 0, // col: 0, // cell: 0 // }, // _curType: null, // _lastType: null, // _usingKeyboard: false, // _toSelect: true, */ constructor: function(grid, args){ this.grid = grid; this._config = { row: MULTI, col: MULTI, cell: MULTI }; this.noClear = args && args.noClear; this.setupConfig(args); if(grid.selectionMode === "single"){ this._config.row = SINGLE; } this._enabled = true; this._selecting = {}; this._selected = { "col": [], "row": [], "cell": [] }; this._startPoint = {}; this._currentPoint = {}; this._lastAnchorPoint = {}; this._lastEndPoint = {}; this._lastSelectedAnchorPoint = {}; this._lastSelectedEndPoint = {}; this._keyboardSelect = {}; this._lastType = null; this._selectedRowModified = {}; this._hacks(); this._initEvents(); this._initAreas(); this._mixinGrid(); }, destroy: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); }, //------------public-------------------- setupConfig: function(config){ // summary: // Set selection mode for row/col/cell. // config: Object // An object with the following structure (all properties are optional): // { // //Default is "multi", all other values are same as "multi". // row: false|"disabled"|"single", // col: false|"disabled"|"single", // cell: false|"disabled"|"single" // } if(!config || !lang.isObject(config)){ return; } var types = ["row", "col", "cell"]; for(var type in config){ if(array.indexOf(types, type) >= 0){ if(!config[type] || config[type] == "disabled"){ this._config[type] = DISABLED; }else if(config[type] == "single"){ this._config[type] = SINGLE; }else{ this._config[type] = MULTI; } } } //Have to set mode to default grid selection. var mode = ["none","single","extended"][this._config.row]; this.grid.selection.setMode(mode); }, isSelected: function(type, rowIndex, colIndex){ // summary: // Check whether a location (a cell, a column or a row) is selected. // tag: // public // type: String // "row" or "col" or "cell" // rowIndex: Integer // If type is "row" or "cell", this is the row index. // If type if "col", this is the column index. // colIndex: Integer? // Only valid when type is "cell" // return: Boolean // true if selected, false if not. If cell is covered by a selected column, it's selected. return this._isSelected(type, _createItem(type, rowIndex, colIndex)); }, toggleSelect: function(type, rowIndex, colIndex){ this._startSelect(type, _createItem(type, rowIndex, colIndex), this._config[type] === MULTI, false, false, !this.isSelected(type, rowIndex, colIndex)); this._endSelect(type); }, select: function(type, rowIndex, colIndex){ // summary: // Select a location (a cell, a column or a row). // tag: // public // type: String // "row" or "col" or "cell" // rowIndex: Integer // If type is "row" or "cell", this is the row index. // If type if "col", this is the column index. // colIndex: Integer? // Only valid when type is "cell" if(!this.isSelected(type, rowIndex, colIndex)){ this.toggleSelect(type, rowIndex, colIndex); } }, deselect: function(type, rowIndex, colIndex){ if(this.isSelected(type, rowIndex, colIndex)){ this.toggleSelect(type, rowIndex, colIndex); } }, selectRange: function(type, start, end, toSelect){ // summary: // Select a continuous range (a block of cells, a set of continuous columns or rows) // tag: // public // type: String // "row" or "col" or "cell" // start: Integer | Object // If type is "row" or "col", this is the index of the starting row or column. // If type if "cell", this is the left-top cell of the range. // end: Integer | Object // If type is "row" or "col", this is the index of the ending row or column. // If type if "cell", this is the right-bottom cell of the range. this.grid._selectingRange = true; var startPoint = type == "cell" ? _createItem(type, start.row, start.col) : _createItem(type, start), endPoint = type == "cell" ? _createItem(type, end.row, end.col) : _createItem(type, end); this._startSelect(type, startPoint, false, false, false, toSelect); this._highlight(type, endPoint, toSelect === undefined ? true : toSelect); this._endSelect(type); this.grid._selectingRange = false; }, clear: function(type){ // summary: // Clear all selections. // tag: // public // type: String? // "row" or "col" or "cell". If omitted, clear all. this._clearSelection(type || "all"); }, isSelecting: function(type){ // summary: // Check whether the user is currently selecting something. // tag: // public // type: String // "row" or "col" or "cell" // return: Boolean // true if is selection, false otherwise. if(typeof type == "undefined"){ return this._selecting.col || this._selecting.row || this._selecting.cell; } return this._selecting[type]; }, selectEnabled: function(toEnable){ // summary: // Turn on/off this selection functionality if *toEnable* is provided. // Check whether this selection functionality is enabled if nothing is passed in. // tag: // public // toEnable: Boolean? // To enable or not. Optional. // return: Boolean | undefined // Enabled or not. if(typeof toEnable != "undefined" && !this.isSelecting()){ this._enabled = !!toEnable; } return this._enabled; }, getSelected: function(type, includeExceptions){ // summary: // Get an array of selected locations. // tag: // public // type: String // "row" or "col" or "cell" // includeExceptions: Boolean // Only meaningful for rows/columns. If true, all selected rows/cols, even they are partly selected, are all returned. // return: __SelectItem[] switch(type){ case "cell": return array.map(this._selected[type], function(item){ return item; }); case "col": case "row": return array.map(includeExceptions ? this._selected[type] : array.filter(this._selected[type], function(item){ return item.except.length === 0; }), function(item){ return includeExceptions ? item : item[type]; }); } return []; }, getSelectedCount: function(type, includeExceptions){ // summary: // Get the number of selected items. // tag: // public // type: String // "row" or "col" or "cell" // includeExceptions: Boolean // Only meaningful for rows/columns. If true, all selected rows/cols, even they are partly selected, are all returned. // return: Integer // The number of selected items. switch(type){ case "cell": return this._selected[type].length; case "col": case "row": return (includeExceptions ? this._selected[type] : array.filter(this._selected[type], function(item){ return item.except.length === 0; })).length; } return 0; }, getSelectedType: function(){ // summary: // Get the type of selected items. // tag: // public // return: String // "row" or "col" or "cell", or any mix of these (separator is | ). var s = this._selected; return ["", "cell", "row", "row|cell", "col", "col|cell", "col|row", "col|row|cell" ][(!!s.cell.length) | (!!s.row.length << 1) | (!!s.col.length << 2)]; }, getLastSelectedRange: function(type){ // summary: // Get last selected range of the given type. // tag: // public // return: Object // {start: __SelectItem, end: __SelectItem} // return null if nothing is selected. return this._lastAnchorPoint[type] ? { "start": this._lastAnchorPoint[type], "end": this._lastEndPoint[type] } : null; }, //--------------------------private---------------------------- _hacks: function(){ // summary: // Complete the event system of grid, hack some grid functions to prevent default behavior. var g = this.grid; var doContentMouseUp = function(e){ if(e.cellNode){ g.onMouseUp(e); } g.onMouseUpRow(e); }; var mouseUp = lang.hitch(g, "onMouseUp"); var mouseDown = lang.hitch(g, "onMouseDown"); var doRowSelectorFocus = function(e){ e.cellNode.style.border = "solid 1px"; }; array.forEach(g.views.views, function(view){ view.content.domouseup = doContentMouseUp; view.header.domouseup = mouseUp; if(view.declaredClass == "dojox.grid._RowSelector"){ view.domousedown = mouseDown; view.domouseup = mouseUp; view.dofocus = doRowSelectorFocus; } }); //Disable default selection. g.selection.clickSelect = function(){}; this._oldDeselectAll = g.selection.deselectAll; var _this = this; g.selection.selectRange = function(from, to){ _this.selectRange("row", from, to, true); if(g.selection.preserver){ g.selection.preserver._updateMapping(true, true, false, from, to); } g.selection.onChanged(); }; g.selection.deselectRange = function(from, to){ _this.selectRange("row", from, to, false); if(g.selection.preserver){ g.selection.preserver._updateMapping(true, false, false, from, to); } g.selection.onChanged(); }; g.selection.deselectAll = function(){ g._selectingRange = true; _this._oldDeselectAll.apply(g.selection, arguments); _this._clearSelection("all"); g._selectingRange = false; if(g.selection.preserver){ g.selection.preserver._updateMapping(true, false, true); } g.selection.onChanged(); }; var rowSelector = g.views.views[0]; //The default function re-write the whole className, so can not insert any other classes. if(rowSelector instanceof _RowSelector){ rowSelector.doStyleRowNode = function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){ html.removeClass(inRowNode, "dojoxGridRow"); html.addClass(inRowNode, "dojoxGridRowbar"); html.addClass(inRowNode, "dojoxGridNonNormalizedCell"); html.toggleClass(inRowNode, "dojoxGridRowbarOver", g.rows.isOver(inRowIndex)); html.toggleClass(inRowNode, "dojoxGridRowbarSelected", !!g.selection.isSelected(inRowIndex)); }; } this.connect(g, "updateRow", function(rowIndex){ array.forEach(g.layout.cells, function(cell){ if(this.isSelected("cell", rowIndex, cell.index)){ this._highlightNode(cell.getNode(rowIndex), true); } }, this); }); }, _mixinGrid: function(){ // summary: // Expose events to grid. var g = this.grid; g.setupSelectorConfig = lang.hitch(this, this.setupConfig); g.onStartSelect = function(){}; g.onEndSelect = function(){}; g.onStartDeselect = function(){}; g.onEndDeselect = function(){}; g.onSelectCleared = function(){}; }, _initEvents: function(){ // summary: // Connect events, create event handlers. var g = this.grid, _this = this, dp = lang.partial, starter = function(type, e){ if(type === "row"){ _this._isUsingRowSelector = true; } //only left mouse button can select. if(_this.selectEnabled() && _this._config[type] && e.button != 2){ if(_this._keyboardSelect.col || _this._keyboardSelect.row || _this._keyboardSelect.cell){ _this._endSelect("all"); _this._keyboardSelect.col = _this._keyboardSelect.row = _this._keyboardSelect.cell = 0; } if(_this._usingKeyboard){ _this._usingKeyboard = false; } var target = _createItem(type, e.rowIndex, e.cell && e.cell.index); _this._startSelect(type, target, e.ctrlKey, e.shiftKey); } }, ender = lang.hitch(this, "_endSelect"); this.connect(g, "onHeaderCellMouseDown", dp(starter, "col")); this.connect(g, "onHeaderCellMouseUp", dp(ender, "col")); this.connect(g, "onRowSelectorMouseDown", dp(starter, "row")); this.connect(g, "onRowSelectorMouseUp", dp(ender, "row")); this.connect(g, "onCellMouseDown", function(e){ if(e.cell && e.cell.isRowSelector){ return; } if(g.singleClickEdit){ _this._singleClickEdit = true; g.singleClickEdit = false; } starter(_this._config["cell"] == DISABLED ? "row" : "cell", e); }); this.connect(g, "onCellMouseUp", function(e){ if(_this._singleClickEdit){ delete _this._singleClickEdit; g.singleClickEdit = true; } ender("all", e); }); this.connect(g, "onCellMouseOver", function(e){ if(_this._curType != "row" && _this._selecting[_this._curType] && _this._config[_this._curType] == MULTI){ _this._highlight("col", _createItem("col", e.cell.index), _this._toSelect); if(!_this._keyboardSelect.cell){ _this._highlight("cell", _createItem("cell", e.rowIndex, e.cell.index), _this._toSelect); } } }); this.connect(g, "onHeaderCellMouseOver", function(e){ if(_this._selecting.col && _this._config.col == MULTI){ _this._highlight("col", _createItem("col", e.cell.index), _this._toSelect); } }); this.connect(g, "onRowMouseOver", function(e){ if(_this._selecting.row && _this._config.row == MULTI){ _this._highlight("row", _createItem("row", e.rowIndex), _this._toSelect); } }); //When row order has changed in a unpredictable way (sorted or filtered), map the new rowindex. this.connect(g, "onSelectedById", "_onSelectedById"); //When the grid refreshes, all those selected should still appear selected. this.connect(g, "_onFetchComplete", function(){ //console.debug("refresh after buildPage:", g._notRefreshSelection); if(!g._notRefreshSelection){ this._refreshSelected(true); } }); //Small scroll might not refresh the grid. this.connect(g.scroller, "buildPage", function(){ //console.debug("refresh after buildPage:", g._notRefreshSelection); if(!g._notRefreshSelection){ this._refreshSelected(true); } }); //Whenever the mouse is up, end selecting. this.connect(win.doc, "onmouseup", dp(ender, "all")); //If autoscroll is enabled, connect to it. this.connect(g, "onEndAutoScroll", function(isVertical, isForward, view, target){ var selectCell = _this._selecting.cell, type, current, dir = isForward ? 1 : -1; if(isVertical && (selectCell || _this._selecting.row)){ type = selectCell ? "cell" : "row"; current = _this._currentPoint[type]; _this._highlight(type, _createItem(type, current.row + dir, current.col), _this._toSelect); }else if(!isVertical && (selectCell || _this._selecting.col)){ type = selectCell ? "cell" : "col"; current = _this._currentPoint[type]; _this._highlight(type, _createItem(type, current.row, target), _this._toSelect); } }); //If the grid is changed, selection should be consistent. this.subscribe("dojox/grid/rearrange/move/" + g.id, "_onInternalRearrange"); this.subscribe("dojox/grid/rearrange/copy/" + g.id, "_onInternalRearrange"); this.subscribe("dojox/grid/rearrange/change/" + g.id, "_onExternalChange"); this.subscribe("dojox/grid/rearrange/insert/" + g.id, "_onExternalChange"); this.subscribe("dojox/grid/rearrange/remove/" + g.id, "clear"); //have to also select when the grid's default select is used. this.connect(g, "onSelected", function(rowIndex){ if(this._selectedRowModified && this._isUsingRowSelector){ delete this._selectedRowModified; }else if(!this.grid._selectingRange){ this.select("row", rowIndex); } }); this.connect(g, "onDeselected", function(rowIndex){ if(this._selectedRowModified && this._isUsingRowSelector){ delete this._selectedRowModified; }else if(!this.grid._selectingRange){ this.deselect("row", rowIndex); } }); }, _onSelectedById: function(id, newIndex, isSelected){ if(this.grid._noInternalMapping){ return; } var pointSet = [this._lastAnchorPoint.row, this._lastEndPoint.row, this._lastSelectedAnchorPoint.row, this._lastSelectedEndPoint.row]; pointSet = pointSet.concat(this._selected.row); var found = false; array.forEach(pointSet, function(item){ if(item){ if(item.id === id){ found = true; item.row = newIndex; }else if(item.row === newIndex && item.id){ item.row = -1; } } }); if(!found && isSelected){ array.some(this._selected.row, function(item){ if(item && !item.id && !item.except.length){ item.id = id; item.row = newIndex; return true; } return false; }); } found = false; pointSet = [this._lastAnchorPoint.cell, this._lastEndPoint.cell, this._lastSelectedAnchorPoint.cell, this._lastSelectedEndPoint.cell]; pointSet = pointSet.concat(this._selected.cell); array.forEach(pointSet, function(item){ if(item){ if(item.id === id){ found = true; item.row = newIndex; }else if(item.row === newIndex && item.id){ item.row = -1; } } }); }, onSetStore: function(){ this._clearSelection("all"); }, _onInternalRearrange: function(type, mapping){ try{ //The column can not refresh it self! this._refresh("col", false); array.forEach(this._selected.row, function(item){ array.forEach(this.grid.layout.cells, function(cell){ this._highlightNode(cell.getNode(item.row), false); }, this); }, this); //The rowbar must be cleaned manually query(".dojoxGridRowSelectorSelected").forEach(function(node){ html.removeClass(node, "dojoxGridRowSelectorSelected"); html.removeClass(node, "dojoxGridRowSelectorSelectedUp"); html.removeClass(node, "dojoxGridRowSelectorSelectedDown"); }); var cleanUp = function(item){ if(item){ delete item.converted; } }, pointSet = [this._lastAnchorPoint[type], this._lastEndPoint[type], this._lastSelectedAnchorPoint[type], this._lastSelectedEndPoint[type]]; if(type === "cell"){ this.selectRange("cell", mapping.to.min, mapping.to.max); var cells = this.grid.layout.cells; array.forEach(pointSet, function(item){ if(item.converted){ return; } for(var r = mapping.from.min.row, tr = mapping.to.min.row; r <= mapping.from.max.row; ++r, ++tr){ for(var c = mapping.from.min.col, tc = mapping.to.min.col; c <= mapping.from.max.col; ++c, ++tc){ while(cells[c].hidden){ ++c; } while(cells[tc].hidden){ ++tc; } if(item.row == r && item.col == c){ //console.log('mapping found: (', item.row, ",",item.col,") to (", tr, ",", tc,")"); item.row = tr; item.col = tc; item.converted = true; return; } } } }); }else{ pointSet = this._selected.cell.concat(this._selected[type]).concat(pointSet).concat( [this._lastAnchorPoint.cell, this._lastEndPoint.cell, this._lastSelectedAnchorPoint.cell, this._lastSelectedEndPoint.cell]); array.forEach(pointSet, function(item){ if(item && !item.converted){ var from = item[type]; if(from in mapping){ item[type] = mapping[from]; } item.converted = true; } }); array.forEach(this._selected[_theOther[type]], function(item){ for(var i = 0, len = item.except.length; i < len; ++i){ var from = item.except[i]; if(from in mapping){ item.except[i] = mapping[from]; } } }); } array.forEach(pointSet, cleanUp); this._refreshSelected(true); this._focusPoint(type, this._lastEndPoint); }catch(e){ console.warn("Selector._onInternalRearrange() error",e); } }, _onExternalChange: function(type, target){ var start = type == "cell" ? target.min : target[0], end = type == "cell" ? target.max : target[target.length - 1]; this.selectRange(type, start, end); }, _refresh: function(type, toHighlight){ if(!this._keyboardSelect[type]){ array.forEach(this._selected[type], function(item){ this._highlightSingle(type, toHighlight, item, undefined, true); }, this); } }, _refreshSelected: function(){ this._refresh("col", true); this._refresh("row", true); this._refresh("cell", true); }, _initAreas: function(){ var g = this.grid, f = g.focus, _this = this, keyboardSelectReady = 1, duringKeyboardSelect = 2, onmove = function(type, createNewEnd, rowStep, colStep, evt){ //Keyboard swipe selection is SHIFT + Direction Keys. var ks = _this._keyboardSelect; //Tricky, rely on valid status not being 0. if(evt.shiftKey && ks[type]){ if(ks[type] === keyboardSelectReady){ if(type === "cell"){ var item = _this._lastEndPoint[type]; if(f.cell != g.layout.cells[item.col + colStep] || f.rowIndex != item.row + rowStep){ ks[type] = 0; return; } } //If selecting is not started, start it _this._startSelect(type, _this._lastAnchorPoint[type], true, false, true); _this._highlight(type, _this._lastEndPoint[type], _this._toSelect); ks[type] = duringKeyboardSelect; } //Highlight to the new end point. var newEnd = createNewEnd(type, rowStep, colStep, evt); if(_this._isValid(type, newEnd, g)){ _this._highlight(type, newEnd, _this._toSelect); } _stopEvent(evt); } }, onkeydown = function(type, getTarget, evt, isBubble){ if(isBubble && _this.selectEnabled() && _this._config[type] != DISABLED){ switch(evt.keyCode){ case keys.SPACE: //Keyboard single point selection is SPACE. _this._startSelect(type, getTarget(), evt.ctrlKey, evt.shiftKey); _this._endSelect(type); break; case keys.SHIFT: //Keyboard swipe selection starts with SHIFT. if(_this._config[type] == MULTI && _this._isValid(type, _this._lastAnchorPoint[type], g)){ //End last selection if any. _this._endSelect(type); _this._keyboardSelect[type] = keyboardSelectReady; _this._usingKeyboard = true; } } } }, onkeyup = function(type, evt, isBubble){ if(isBubble && evt.keyCode == keys.SHIFT && _this._keyboardSelect[type]){ _this._endSelect(type); _this._keyboardSelect[type] = 0; } }; //TODO: this area "rowHeader" should be put outside, same level as header/content. if(g.views.views[0] instanceof _RowSelector){ this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx = 0; f.addArea({ name:"rowHeader", onFocus: function(evt, step){ var view = g.views.views[0]; if(view instanceof _RowSelector){ var rowBarNode = view.getCellNode(_this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx, 0); if(rowBarNode){ html.toggleClass(rowBarNode, f.focusClass, false); } //evt might not be real event, it may be a mock object instead. if(evt && "rowIndex" in evt){ if(evt.rowIndex >= 0){ _this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx = evt.rowIndex; }else if(!_this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx){ _this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx = 0; } } rowBarNode = view.getCellNode(_this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx, 0); if(rowBarNode){ dijitFocus.focus(rowBarNode); html.toggleClass(rowBarNode, f.focusClass, true); } f.rowIndex = _this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx; _stopEvent(evt); return true; } return false; }, onBlur: function(evt, step){ var view = g.views.views[0]; if(view instanceof _RowSelector){ var rowBarNode = view.getCellNode(_this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx, 0); if(rowBarNode){ html.toggleClass(rowBarNode, f.focusClass, false); } _stopEvent(evt); } return true; }, onMove: function(rowStep, colStep, evt){ var view = g.views.views[0]; if(rowStep && view instanceof _RowSelector){ var next = _this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx + rowStep; if(next >= 0 && next < g.rowCount){ //TODO: these logic require a better Scroller. _stopEvent(evt); var rowBarNode = view.getCellNode(_this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx, 0); html.toggleClass(rowBarNode, f.focusClass, false); //If the row is not fetched, fetch it. var sc = g.scroller; var lastPageRow = sc.getLastPageRow(sc.page); var rc = g.rowCount - 1, row = Math.min(rc, next); if(next > lastPageRow){ g.setScrollTop(g.scrollTop + sc.findScrollTop(row) - sc.findScrollTop(_this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx)); } //Now we have fetched the row. rowBarNode = view.getCellNode(next, 0); dijitFocus.focus(rowBarNode); html.toggleClass(rowBarNode, f.focusClass, true); _this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx = next; //If the row is out of view, scroll to it. f.cell = rowBarNode; f.cell.view = view; f.cell.getNode = function(index){ return f.cell; }; f.rowIndex = _this._lastFocusedRowBarIdx; f.scrollIntoView(); f.cell = null; } } } }); f.placeArea("rowHeader","before","content"); } //Support keyboard selection. f.addArea({ name:"cellselect", onMove: lang.partial(onmove, "cell", function(type, rowStep, colStep, evt){ var current = _this._currentPoint[type]; return _createItem("cell", current.row + rowStep, current.col + colStep); }), onKeyDown: lang.partial(onkeydown, "cell", function(){ return _createItem("cell", f.rowIndex, f.cell.index); }), onKeyUp: lang.partial(onkeyup, "cell") }); f.placeArea("cellselect","below","content"); f.addArea({ name:"colselect", onMove: lang.partial(onmove, "col", function(type, rowStep, colStep, evt){ var current = _this._currentPoint[type]; return _createItem("col", current.col + colStep); }), onKeyDown: lang.partial(onkeydown, "col", function(){ return _createItem("col", f.getHeaderIndex()); }), onKeyUp: lang.partial(onkeyup, "col") }); f.placeArea("colselect","below","header"); f.addArea({ name:"rowselect", onMove: lang.partial(onmove, "row", function(type, rowStep, colStep, evt){ return _createItem("row", f.rowIndex); }), onKeyDown: lang.partial(onkeydown, "row", function(){ return _createItem("row", f.rowIndex); }), onKeyUp: lang.partial(onkeyup, "row") }); f.placeArea("rowselect","below","rowHeader"); }, _clearSelection: function(type, reservedItem){ // summary: // Clear selection for given type and fire events, but retain the highlight for *reservedItem*, // thus avoid "flashing". // tag: // private // type: String // "row", "col", or "cell // reservedItem: __SelectItem // The item to retain highlight. if(type == "all"){ this._clearSelection("cell", reservedItem); this._clearSelection("col", reservedItem); this._clearSelection("row", reservedItem); return; } this._isUsingRowSelector = true; array.forEach(this._selected[type], function(item){ if(!_isEqual(type, reservedItem, item)){ this._highlightSingle(type, false, item); } }, this); this._blurPoint(type, this._currentPoint); this._selecting[type] = false; this._startPoint[type] = this._currentPoint[type] = null; this._selected[type] = []; //Have to also deselect default grid selection. if(type == "row" && !this.grid._selectingRange){ this._oldDeselectAll.call(this.grid.selection); this.grid.selection._selectedById = {}; } //Fire events. this.grid.onEndDeselect(type, null, null, this._selected); this.grid.onSelectCleared(type); }, _startSelect: function(type, start, extending, isRange, mandatarySelect, toSelect){ // summary: // Start selection, setup start point and current point, fire events. // tag: // private // type: String // "row", "col", or "cell" // extending: Boolean // Whether this is a multi selection // isRange: Boolean // Whether this is a range selection (i.e. select from the last end point to this point) // start: __SelectItem // The start point // mandatarySelect: Boolean // If true, toSelect will be same as the original selection status. if(!this._isValid(type, start)){ return; } var lastIsSelected = this._isSelected(type, this._lastEndPoint[type]), isSelected = this._isSelected(type, start); if(this.noClear && !extending){ this._toSelect = toSelect === undefined ? true : toSelect; }else{ //If we are modifying the selection using keyboard, retain the old status. this._toSelect = mandatarySelect ? isSelected : !isSelected; } //If CTRL is not pressed or it's SINGLE mode, this is a brand new selection. if(!extending || (!isSelected && this._config[type] == SINGLE)){ this._clearSelection("col", start); this._clearSelection("cell", start); if(!this.noClear || (type === 'row' && this._config[type] == SINGLE)){ this._clearSelection('row', start); } this._toSelect = toSelect === undefined ? true : toSelect; } this._selecting[type] = true; this._currentPoint[type] = null; //We're holding SHIFT while clicking, it's a Click-Range selection. if(isRange && this._lastType == type && lastIsSelected == this._toSelect && this._config[type] == MULTI){ if(type === "row"){ this._isUsingRowSelector = true; } this._startPoint[type] = this._lastEndPoint[type]; this._highlight(type, this._startPoint[type]); this._isUsingRowSelector = false; }else{ this._startPoint[type] = start; } //Now start selection this._curType = type; this._fireEvent("start", type); this._isStartFocus = true; this._isUsingRowSelector = true; this._highlight(type, start, this._toSelect); this._isStartFocus = false; }, _endSelect: function(type){ // summary: // End selection. Keep records, fire events and cleanup status. // tag: // private // type: String // "row", "col", or "cell" if(type === "row"){ delete this._isUsingRowSelector; } if(type == "all"){ this._endSelect("col"); this._endSelect("row"); this._endSelect("cell"); }else if(this._selecting[type]){ this._addToSelected(type); this._lastAnchorPoint[type] = this._startPoint[type]; this._lastEndPoint[type] = this._currentPoint[type]; if(this._toSelect){ this._lastSelectedAnchorPoint[type] = this._lastAnchorPoint[type]; this._lastSelectedEndPoint[type] = this._lastEndPoint[type]; } this._startPoint[type] = this._currentPoint[type] = null; this._selecting[type] = false; this._lastType = type; this._fireEvent("end", type); } }, _fireEvent: function(evtName, type){ switch(evtName){ case "start": this.grid[this._toSelect ? "onStartSelect" : "onStartDeselect"](type, this._startPoint[type], this._selected); break; case "end": this.grid[this._toSelect ? "onEndSelect" : "onEndDeselect"](type, this._lastAnchorPoint[type], this._lastEndPoint[type], this._selected); break; } }, _calcToHighlight: function(type, target, toHighlight, toSelect){ // summary: // Calculate what status should *target* have. // If *toSelect* is not provided, this is a no op. // This function is time-critical!! if(toSelect !== undefined){ var sltd; if(this._usingKeyboard && !toHighlight){ var last = this._isInLastRange(this._lastType, target); if(last){ sltd = this._isSelected(type, target); //This 2 cases makes the keyboard swipe selection valid! if(toSelect && sltd){ return false; } if(!toSelect && !sltd && this._isInLastRange(this._lastType, target, true)){ return true; } } } return toHighlight ? toSelect : (sltd || this._isSelected(type, target)); } return toHighlight; }, _highlightNode: function(node, toHighlight){ // summary: // Do the actual highlight work. if(node){ var selectCSSClass = "dojoxGridRowSelected"; var selectCellClass = "dojoxGridCellSelected"; html.toggleClass(node, selectCSSClass, toHighlight); html.toggleClass(node, selectCellClass, toHighlight); } }, _highlightHeader: function(colIdx, toHighlight){ var cells = this.grid.layout.cells; var node = cells[colIdx].getHeaderNode(); var selectedClass = "dojoxGridHeaderSelected"; html.toggleClass(node, selectedClass, toHighlight); }, _highlightRowSelector: function(rowIdx, toHighlight){ //var t1 = (new Date()).getTime(); var rowSelector = this.grid.views.views[0]; if(rowSelector instanceof _RowSelector){ var node = rowSelector.getRowNode(rowIdx); if(node){ var selectedClass = "dojoxGridRowSelectorSelected"; html.toggleClass(node, selectedClass, toHighlight); } } //console.log((new Date()).getTime() - t1); }, _highlightSingle: function(type, toHighlight, target, toSelect, isRefresh){ // summary: // Highlight a single item. // This function is time critical!! var _this = this, toHL, g = _this.grid, cells = g.layout.cells; switch(type){ case "cell": toHL = this._calcToHighlight(type, target, toHighlight, toSelect); var c = cells[target.col]; if(!c.hidden && !c.notselectable){ this._highlightNode(target.node || c.getNode(target.row), toHL); } break; case "col": toHL = this._calcToHighlight(type, target, toHighlight, toSelect); this._highlightHeader(target.col, toHL); query("td[idx='" + target.col + "']", g.domNode).forEach(function(cellNode){ var rowNode = cells[target.col].view.content.findRowTarget(cellNode); if(rowNode){ var rowIndex = rowNode[dojox.grid.util.rowIndexTag]; _this._highlightSingle("cell", toHL, { "row": rowIndex, "col": target.col, "node": cellNode }); } }); break; case "row": toHL = this._calcToHighlight(type, target, toHighlight, toSelect); this._highlightRowSelector(target.row, toHL); if(this._config.cell){ array.forEach(cells, function(cell){ _this._highlightSingle("cell", toHL, { "row": target.row, "col": cell.index, "node": cell.getNode(target.row) }); }); } //To avoid dead lock this._selectedRowModified = true; if(!isRefresh){ g.selection.setSelected(target.row, toHL); } } }, _highlight: function(type, target, toSelect){ // summary: // Highlight from start point to target. // toSelect: Boolean // Whether we are selecting or deselecting. // This function is time critical!! if(this._selecting[type] && target !== null){ var start = this._startPoint[type], current = this._currentPoint[type], _this = this, highlight = function(from, to, toHL){ _this._forEach(type, from, to, function(item){ _this._highlightSingle(type, toHL, item, toSelect); }, true); }; switch(type){ case "col": case "row": if(current !== null){ if(_inRange(type, target, start, current, true)){ //target is between start and current, some selected should be deselected. highlight(current, target, false); }else{ if(_inRange(type, start, target, current, true)){ //selection has jumped to different direction, all should be deselected. highlight(current, start, false); current = start; } highlight(target, current, true); } }else{ //First time select. this._highlightSingle(type, true, target, toSelect); } break; case "cell": if(current !== null){ if(_inRange("row", target, start, current, true) || _inRange("col", target, start, current, true) || _inRange("row", start, target, current, true) || _inRange("col", start, target, current, true)){ highlight(start, current, false); } } highlight(start, target, true); } this._currentPoint[type] = target; this._focusPoint(type, this._currentPoint); } }, _focusPoint: function(type, point){ // summary: // Focus the current point, so when you move mouse, the focus indicator follows you. if(!this._isStartFocus){ var current = point[type], f = this.grid.focus; if(type == "col"){ f._colHeadFocusIdx = current.col; f.focusArea("header"); }else if(type == "row"){ f.focusArea("rowHeader", { "rowIndex": current.row }); }else if(type == "cell"){ f.setFocusIndex(current.row, current.col); } } }, _blurPoint: function(type, point){ // summary: // Blur the current point. var f = this.grid.focus; if(type == "col"){ f._blurHeader(); }else if(type == "cell"){ f._blurContent(); } }, _addToSelected: function(type){ // summary: // Record the selected items. var toSelect = this._toSelect, _this = this, toAdd = [], toRemove = [], start = this._startPoint[type], end = this._currentPoint[type]; if(this._usingKeyboard){ //If using keyboard, selection will be ended after every move. But we have to remember the original selection status, //so as to return to correct status when we shrink the selection region. this._forEach(type, this._lastAnchorPoint[type], this._lastEndPoint[type], function(item){ //If the original selected item is not in current range, change its status. if(!_inRange(type, item, start, end)){ (toSelect ? toRemove : toAdd).push(item); } }); } this._forEach(type, start, end, function(item){ var isSelected = _this._isSelected(type, item); if(toSelect && !isSelected){ //Add new selected items toAdd.push(item); }else if(!toSelect){ //Remove deselected items. toRemove.push(item); } }); this._add(type, toAdd); this._remove(type, toRemove); // have to keep record in original grid selection array.forEach(this._selected.row, function(item){ if(item.except.length > 0){ //to avoid dead lock this._selectedRowModified = true; this.grid.selection.setSelected(item.row, false); } }, this); }, _forEach: function(type, start, end, func, halfClose){ // summary: // Go through items from *start* point to *end* point. // This function is time critical!! if(!this._isValid(type, start, true) || !this._isValid(type, end, true)){ return; } switch(type){ case "col": case "row": start = start[type]; end = end[type]; var dir = end > start ? 1 : -1; if(!halfClose){ end += dir; } for(; start != end; start += dir){ func(_createItem(type, start)); } break; case "cell": var colDir = end.col > start.col ? 1 : -1, rowDir = end.row > start.row ? 1 : -1; for(var i = start.row, p = end.row + rowDir; i != p; i += rowDir){ for(var j = start.col, q = end.col + colDir; j != q; j += colDir){ func(_createItem(type, i, j)); } } } }, _makeupForExceptions: function(type, newCellItems){ // summary: // When new cells is selected, maybe they will fill in the "holes" in selected rows and columns. var makedUps = []; array.forEach(this._selected[type], function(v1){ array.forEach(newCellItems, function(v2){ if(v1[type] == v2[type]){ var pos = array.indexOf(v1.except, v2[_theOther[type]]); if(pos >= 0){ v1.except.splice(pos, 1); } makedUps.push(v2); } }); }); return makedUps; }, _makeupForCells: function(type, newItems){ // summary: // When some rows/cols are selected, maybe they can cover some of the selected cells, // and fill some of the "holes" in the selected cols/rows. var toRemove = []; array.forEach(this._selected.cell, function(v1){ array.some(newItems, function(v2){ if(v1[type] == v2[type]){ toRemove.push(v1); return true; } return false; }); }); this._remove("cell", toRemove); array.forEach(this._selected[_theOther[type]], function(v1){ array.forEach(newItems, function(v2){ var pos = array.indexOf(v1.except, v2[type]); if(pos >= 0){ v1.except.splice(pos, 1); } }); }); }, _addException: function(type, items){ // summary: // If some rows/cols are deselected, maybe they have created "holes" in selected cols/rows. array.forEach(this._selected[type], function(v1){ array.forEach(items, function(v2){ v1.except.push(v2[_theOther[type]]); }); }); }, _addCellException: function(type, items){ // summary: // If some cells are deselected, maybe they have created "holes" in selected rows/cols. array.forEach(this._selected[type], function(v1){ array.forEach(items, function(v2){ if(v1[type] == v2[type]){ v1.except.push(v2[_theOther[type]]); } }); }); }, _add: function(type, items){ // summary: // Add to the selection record. var cells = this.grid.layout.cells; if(type == "cell"){ var colMakedup = this._makeupForExceptions("col", items); var rowMakedup = this._makeupForExceptions("row", items); //Step over hidden columns. items = array.filter(items, function(item){ return array.indexOf(colMakedup, item) < 0 && array.indexOf(rowMakedup, item) < 0 && !cells[item.col].hidden && !cells[item.col].notselectable; }); }else{ if(type == "col"){ //Step over hidden columns. items = array.filter(items, function(item){ return !cells[item.col].hidden && !cells[item.col].notselectable; }); } this._makeupForCells(type, items); this._selected[type] = array.filter(this._selected[type], function(v){ return array.every(items, function(item){ return v[type] !== item[type]; }); }); } if(type != "col" && this.grid._hasIdentity){ array.forEach(items, function(item){ var record = this.grid._by_idx[item.row]; if(record){ item.id = record.idty; } }, this); } this._selected[type] = this._selected[type].concat(items); }, _remove: function(type, items){ // summary: // Remove from the selection record. var comp = lang.partial(_isEqual, type); this._selected[type] = array.filter(this._selected[type], function(v1){ return !array.some(items, function(v2){ return comp(v1, v2); }); }); if(type == "cell"){ this._addCellException("col", items); this._addCellException("row", items); }else if(this._config.cell){ this._addException(_theOther[type], items); } }, _isCellNotInExcept: function(type, item){ // summary: // Return true only when a cell is covered by selected row/col, and its not a "hole". var attr = item[type], corres = item[_theOther[type]]; return array.some(this._selected[type], function(v){ return v[type] == attr && array.indexOf(v.except, corres) < 0; }); }, _isSelected: function(type, item){ // summary: // Return true when the item is selected. (or logically selected, i.e, covered by a row/col). if(!item){ return false; } var res = array.some(this._selected[type], function(v){ var ret = _isEqual(type, item, v); if(ret && type !== "cell"){ return v.except.length === 0; } return ret; }); if(!res && type === "cell"){ res = (this._isCellNotInExcept("col", item) || this._isCellNotInExcept("row", item)); if(type === "cell"){ res = res && !this.grid.layout.cells[item.col].notselectable; } } return res; }, _isInLastRange: function(type, item, isSelected){ // summary: // Return true only when the item is in the last seletion/deseletion range. var start = this[isSelected ? "_lastSelectedAnchorPoint" : "_lastAnchorPoint"][type], end = this[isSelected ? "_lastSelectedEndPoint" : "_lastEndPoint"][type]; if(!item || !start || !end){ return false; } return _inRange(type, item, start, end); }, _isValid: function(type, item, allowNotSelectable){ // summary: // Check whether the item is a valid __SelectItem for the given type. if(!item){ return false; } try{ var g = this.grid, index = item[type]; switch(type){ case "col": return index >= 0 && index < g.layout.cells.length && lang.isArray(item.except) && (allowNotSelectable || !g.layout.cells[index].notselectable); case "row": return index >= 0 && index < g.rowCount && lang.isArray(item.except); case "cell": return item.col >= 0 && item.col < g.layout.cells.length && item.row >= 0 && item.row < g.rowCount && (allowNotSelectable || !g.layout.cells[item.col].notselectable); } }catch(e){} return false; } }); EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(Selector/*name:'selector'*/, { "dependency": ["autoScroll"] }); return Selector; });