//>>built define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Menu", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/keys", "../_Plugin", "../../EnhancedGrid" ], function(declare, array, lang, html, evt, keys, _Plugin, EnhancedGrid){ var Menu = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Menu", _Plugin, { // summary: // Provides context menu support, including header menu, row menu, cell menu and selected region menu // example: //
//name: String // Plugin name name: "menus", //name: [const] Array // menu types types: ['headerMenu', 'rowMenu', 'cellMenu', 'selectedRegionMenu'], constructor: function(){ var g = this.grid; g.showMenu = lang.hitch(g, this.showMenu); g._setRowMenuAttr = lang.hitch(this, '_setRowMenuAttr'); g._setCellMenuAttr = lang.hitch(this, '_setCellMenuAttr'); g._setSelectedRegionMenuAttr = lang.hitch(this, '_setSelectedRegionMenuAttr'); }, onStartUp: function(){ var type, option = this.option; for(type in option){ if(array.indexOf(this.types, type) >= 0 && option[type]){ this._initMenu(type, option[type]); } } }, _initMenu: function(/*String*/menuType, /*String | Widget(dijit.Menu)*/menu){ var g = this.grid; if(!g[menuType]){//in case already created in _Grid.postCreate() var m = this._getMenuWidget(menu); if(!m){return;} g.set(menuType, m); if(menuType != "headerMenu"){ m._scheduleOpen = function(){return;}; }else{ g.setupHeaderMenu(); } } }, _getMenuWidget: function(/*String|Widget(dijit.Menu)*/menu){ // summary: // Fetch the required menu widget(should already been created) return (menu instanceof dijit.Menu) ? menu : dijit.byId(menu); }, _setRowMenuAttr: function(/*Widget(dijit.Menu)*/menu){ // summary: // Set row menu widget this._setMenuAttr(menu, 'rowMenu'); }, _setCellMenuAttr: function(/*Widget(dijit.Menu)*/menu){ // summary: // Set cell menu widget this._setMenuAttr(menu, 'cellMenu'); }, _setSelectedRegionMenuAttr: function(/*Widget(dijit.Menu)*/menu){ // summary: // Set row menu widget this._setMenuAttr(menu, 'selectedRegionMenu'); }, _setMenuAttr: function(/*Widget(dijit.Menu)*/menu, /*String*/menuType){ // summary: // Bind menus to Grid. var g = this.grid, n = g.domNode; if(!menu || !(menu instanceof dijit.Menu)){ console.warn(menuType, " of Grid ", g.id, " is not existed!"); return; } if(g[menuType]){ g[menuType].unBindDomNode(n); } g[menuType] = menu; g[menuType].bindDomNode(n); }, showMenu: function(/*Event*/e){ // summary: // Show appropriate context menu // Fired from dojox.grid.enhanced._Events.onRowContextMenu, 'this' scope - Grid // TODO: test Shift-F10 var inSelectedRegion = (e.cellNode && html.hasClass(e.cellNode, 'dojoxGridRowSelected') || e.rowNode && (html.hasClass(e.rowNode, 'dojoxGridRowSelected') || html.hasClass(e.rowNode, 'dojoxGridRowbarSelected'))); if(inSelectedRegion && this.selectedRegionMenu){ this.onSelectedRegionContextMenu(e); return; } var info = {target: e.target, coords: e.keyCode !== keys.F10 && "pageX" in e ? {x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY } : null}; if(this.rowMenu && (!this.cellMenu || this.selection.isSelected(e.rowIndex) || e.rowNode && html.hasClass(e.rowNode, 'dojoxGridRowbar'))){ this.rowMenu._openMyself(info); evt.stop(e); return; } if(this.cellMenu){ this.cellMenu._openMyself(info); } evt.stop(e); }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // Destroy all resources. // _Grid.destroy() will unbind headerMenu var g = this.grid; if(g.headerMenu){g.headerMenu.unBindDomNode(g.viewsHeaderNode);} if(g.rowMenu){g.rowMenu.unBindDomNode(g.domNode);} if(g.cellMenu){g.cellMenu.unBindDomNode(g.domNode);} if(g.selectedRegionMenu){g.selectedRegionMenu.destroy();} this.inherited(arguments); } }); EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(Menu/*name:'menus'*/); return Menu; });