//>>built define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Exporter", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "../_Plugin", "../../_RowSelector", "../../EnhancedGrid", "../../cells/_base" ], function(declare, array, lang, _Plugin, _RowSelector, EnhancedGrid){ var gridCells = lang.getObject("dojox.grid.cells"); var Exporter = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Exporter", _Plugin, { // summary: // Provide functions to export the grid data into a given format. // // Acceptable plugin parameters: // 1. exportFormatter: function(data, cell, rowIndex, item) // Provide a way to customize how data should look in exported string. // Note that usually the formatter of grid cell should not be used here (it can return HTML or even widget). // example: // | function onExported(exported_text){ // | //custom code here... // | } // | dijit.byId("my_grid_id").exportTo("csv", //registered export format, mandatory // | { //the whole object is optional. // | fetchArgs: {start:0,count:1000}, //keywordArgs for fetch, optional // | writerArgs: {separator:';'}, //export writer specific arguments, optional // | }, // | function(str){ // | //call back function, mandatory // | }); // | var result = dijit.byId("my_grid_id").exportSelectedTo("table", //registered export format, mandatory // | {separator:'|'} //export writer specific arguments, optional // | ); // // name: String // Plugin name. name: "exporter", constructor: function(grid, args){ // summary: // only newed by _Plugin // grid: EnhancedGrid // The grid to plug in to. this.grid = grid; this.formatter = (args && lang.isObject(args)) && args.exportFormatter; this._mixinGrid(); }, _mixinGrid: function(){ var g = this.grid; g.exportTo = lang.hitch(this, this.exportTo); g.exportGrid = lang.hitch(this, this.exportGrid); g.exportSelected = lang.hitch(this, this.exportSelected); g.setExportFormatter = lang.hitch(this, this.setExportFormatter); }, setExportFormatter: function(formatter){ this.formatter = formatter; }, exportGrid: function(type, args, onExported){ // summary: // Export required rows(fetchArgs) to a kind of format(type) // using the corresponding writer with given arguments(writerArgs), // then pass the exported text to a given function(onExported). // tags: // public // type: string // A registered export format name // args: object? // includes: // { // fetchArgs: object? // Any arguments for store.fetch // writerArgs: object? // Arguments for the given format writer // } // onExported: function(string) // Call back function when export result is ready if(lang.isFunction(args)){ onExported = args; args = {}; } if(!lang.isString(type) || !lang.isFunction(onExported)){ return; } args = args || {}; var g = this.grid, _this = this, writer = this._getExportWriter(type, args.writerArgs), fetchArgs = (args.fetchArgs && lang.isObject(args.fetchArgs)) ? args.fetchArgs : {}, oldFunc = fetchArgs.onComplete; if(g.store){ fetchArgs.onComplete = function(items, request){ if(oldFunc){ oldFunc(items, request); } onExported(_this._goThroughGridData(items, writer)); }; fetchArgs.sort = fetchArgs.sort || g.getSortProps(); g._storeLayerFetch(fetchArgs); }else{ //Data is defined directly in the structure; var start = fetchArgs.start || 0, count = fetchArgs.count || -1, items = []; for(var i = start; i != start + count && i < g.rowCount; ++i){ items.push(g.getItem(i)); } onExported(this._goThroughGridData(items, writer)); } }, exportSelected: function(type, writerArgs){ // summary: // Only export selected rows. // tags: // public // type: string // A registered export format name // writerArgs: object? // Arguments for the given format writer // returns: string // The exported string if(!lang.isString(type)){ return ""; } var writer = this._getExportWriter(type, writerArgs); return this._goThroughGridData(this.grid.selection.getSelected(), writer); //String }, _buildRow: function(/* object */arg_obj,/* ExportWriter */writer){ // summary: // Use the given export writer(writer) to go through a single row // which is given in the context object(arg_obj). // tags: // private // returns: // undefined var _this = this; array.forEach(arg_obj._views, function(view, vIdx){ arg_obj.view = view; arg_obj.viewIdx = vIdx; if(writer.beforeView(arg_obj)){ array.forEach(view.structure.cells, function(subrow, srIdx){ arg_obj.subrow = subrow; arg_obj.subrowIdx = srIdx; if(writer.beforeSubrow(arg_obj)){ array.forEach(subrow, function(cell, cIdx){ if(arg_obj.isHeader && _this._isSpecialCol(cell)){ arg_obj.spCols.push(cell.index); } arg_obj.cell = cell; arg_obj.cellIdx = cIdx; writer.handleCell(arg_obj); }); writer.afterSubrow(arg_obj); } }); writer.afterView(arg_obj); } }); }, _goThroughGridData: function(/* Array */items,/* ExportWriter */writer){ // summary: // Use the given export writer(writer) to go through the grid structure // and the given rows(items), then return the writer output. // tags: // private var grid = this.grid, views = array.filter(grid.views.views, function(view){ return !(view instanceof _RowSelector); }), arg_obj = { 'grid': grid, 'isHeader': true, 'spCols': [], '_views': views, 'colOffset': (views.length < grid.views.views.length ? -1 : 0) }; //go through header if(writer.beforeHeader(grid)){ this._buildRow(arg_obj,writer); writer.afterHeader(); } //go through content arg_obj.isHeader = false; if(writer.beforeContent(items)){ array.forEach(items, function(item, rIdx){ arg_obj.row = item; arg_obj.rowIdx = rIdx; if(writer.beforeContentRow(arg_obj)){ this._buildRow(arg_obj, writer); writer.afterContentRow(arg_obj); } }, this); writer.afterContent(); } return writer.toString(); }, _isSpecialCol: function(/* dojox.grid.__CellDef */header_cell){ // summary: // Row selectors and row indexes should be recognized and handled separately. // tags: // private return header_cell.isRowSelector || header_cell instanceof gridCells.RowIndex; //Boolean }, _getExportWriter: function(/* string */ fileType, /* object? */ writerArgs){ // summary: // Use the given export format type(fileType) // and writer arguments(writerArgs) to create // a ExportWriter and return it. // tags: // private var writerName, cls, expCls = Exporter; if(expCls.writerNames){ writerName = expCls.writerNames[fileType.toLowerCase()]; cls = lang.getObject(writerName); if(cls){ var writer = new cls(writerArgs); writer.formatter = this.formatter; return writer; //ExportWriter }else{ throw new Error('Please make sure class "' + writerName + '" is required.'); } } throw new Error('The writer for "' + fileType + '" has not been registered.'); } }); Exporter.registerWriter = function(/* string */fileType,/* string */writerClsName){ // summary: // Register a writer(writerClsName) to a export format type(fileType). // This function separates the Exporter from all kinds of writers. // tags: // public Exporter.writerNames = Exporter.writerNames || {}; Exporter.writerNames[fileType] = writerClsName; }; EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(Exporter/*name:'exporter'*/); return Exporter; });