//>>built define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Cookie", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/json", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/unload", "dojo/cookie", "../_Plugin", "../../_RowSelector", "../../EnhancedGrid", "../../cells/_base" ], function(declare, array, lang, has, html, json, win, unload, cookie, _Plugin, _RowSelector, EnhancedGrid){ var gridCells = lang.getObject("dojox.grid.cells"); // Generate a cookie key for the given grid. var _cookieKeyBuilder = function(grid){ return window.location + "/" + grid.id; }; //Utilities: var _getCellsFromStructure = function(structure){ var cells = []; if(!lang.isArray(structure)){ structure = [structure]; } array.forEach(structure,function(viewDef){ if(lang.isArray(viewDef)){ viewDef = {"cells" : viewDef}; } var rows = viewDef.rows || viewDef.cells; if(lang.isArray(rows)){ if(!lang.isArray(rows[0])){ rows = [rows]; } array.forEach(rows, function(row){ if(lang.isArray(row)){ array.forEach(row, function(cell){ cells.push(cell); }); } }); } }); return cells; }; // Persist column width var _loadColWidth = function(colWidths, grid){ if(lang.isArray(colWidths)){ var oldFunc = grid._setStructureAttr; grid._setStructureAttr = function(structure){ if(!grid._colWidthLoaded){ grid._colWidthLoaded = true; var cells = _getCellsFromStructure(structure); for(var i = cells.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if(typeof colWidths[i] == "number"){ cells[i].width = colWidths[i] + "px"; }else if(colWidths[i] == 'hidden'){ cells[i].hidden = true; } } } oldFunc.call(grid, structure); grid._setStructureAttr = oldFunc; }; } }; var _saveColWidth = function(grid){ return array.map(array.filter(grid.layout.cells, function(cell){ return !(cell.isRowSelector || cell instanceof gridCells.RowIndex); }), function(cell){ return cell.hidden ? 'hidden' : html[has("webkit") ? "marginBox" : "contentBox"](cell.getHeaderNode()).w; }); }; // Persist column order var _loadColumnOrder = function(colOrder, grid){ if(colOrder && array.every(colOrder, function(viewInfo){ return lang.isArray(viewInfo) && array.every(viewInfo, function(subrowInfo){ return lang.isArray(subrowInfo) && subrowInfo.length > 0; }); })){ var oldFunc = grid._setStructureAttr; var isCell = function(def){ return ("name" in def || "field" in def || "get" in def); }; var isView = function(def){ return (def !== null && lang.isObject(def) && ("cells" in def || "rows" in def || ("type" in def && !isCell(def)))); }; grid._setStructureAttr = function(structure){ if(!grid._colOrderLoaded){ grid._colOrderLoaded = true; grid._setStructureAttr = oldFunc; structure = lang.clone(structure); if(lang.isArray(structure) && !array.some(structure, isView)){ structure = [{ cells: structure }]; }else if(isView(structure)){ structure = [structure]; } var cells = _getCellsFromStructure(structure); array.forEach(lang.isArray(structure) ? structure : [structure], function(viewDef, viewIdx){ var cellArray = viewDef; if(lang.isArray(viewDef)){ viewDef.splice(0, viewDef.length); }else{ delete viewDef.rows; cellArray = viewDef.cells = []; } array.forEach(colOrder[viewIdx], function(subrow){ array.forEach(subrow, function(cellInfo){ var i, cell; for(i = 0; i < cells.length; ++i){ cell = cells[i]; if(json.toJson({'name':cell.name,'field':cell.field}) == json.toJson(cellInfo)){ break; } } if(i < cells.length){ cellArray.push(cell); } }); }); }); } oldFunc.call(grid, structure); }; } }; var _saveColumnOrder = function(grid){ var colOrder = array.map(array.filter(grid.views.views, function(view){ return !(view instanceof _RowSelector); }), function(view){ return array.map(view.structure.cells, function(subrow){ return array.map(array.filter(subrow, function(cell){ return !(cell.isRowSelector || cell instanceof gridCells.RowIndex); }), function(cell){ return { "name": cell.name, "field": cell.field }; }); }); }); return colOrder; }; // Persist sorting order var _loadSortOrder = function(sortOrder, grid){ try{ if(lang.isObject(sortOrder)){ grid.setSortIndex(sortOrder.idx, sortOrder.asc); } }catch(e){ //setSortIndex will finally call _fetch, some exceptions will be throw //'cause the grid hasn't be fully loaded now. Just ignore them. } }; var _saveSortOrder = function(grid){ return { idx: grid.getSortIndex(), asc: grid.getSortAsc() }; }; if(!has("ie")){ // Now in non-IE, widgets are no longer destroyed on page unload, // so we have to destroy it manually to trigger saving cookie. unload.addOnWindowUnload(function(){ array.forEach(dijit.findWidgets(win.body()), function(widget){ if(widget instanceof EnhancedGrid && !widget._destroyed){ widget.destroyRecursive(); } }); }); } var Cookie = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Cookie", _Plugin, { // summary: // This plugin provides a way to persist some grid features in cookie. // Default persistable features are: // column width: "columnWidth" (handler name) // column order: "columnOrder" // sorting order: "sortOrder" // // Grid users can define new persistable features // by calling the following before grid is initialized (that is, during "preInit"); // | grid.addCookieHandler({ // | name: "a name for the new persistable feature", // | onLoad: function(savedObject, grid){ // | //load the cookie. // | }, // | onSave: function(grid){ // | //save the cookie. // | } // | }); // name: String // Plugin name name: "cookie", _cookieEnabled: true, constructor: function(grid, args){ this.grid = grid; args = (args && lang.isObject(args)) ? args : {}; this.cookieProps = args.cookieProps; this._cookieHandlers = []; this._mixinGrid(); //Column width & simple sorting & column reorder are base grid features, so they must be supported. this.addCookieHandler({ name: "columnWidth", onLoad: _loadColWidth, onSave: _saveColWidth }); this.addCookieHandler({ name: "columnOrder", onLoad: _loadColumnOrder, onSave: _saveColumnOrder }); this.addCookieHandler({ name: "sortOrder", onLoad: _loadSortOrder, onSave: _saveSortOrder }); array.forEach(this._cookieHandlers, function(handler){ if(args[handler.name] === false){ handler.enable = false; } }, this); }, destroy:function(){ this._saveCookie(); this._cookieHandlers = null; this.inherited(arguments); }, _mixinGrid: function(){ var g = this.grid; g.addCookieHandler = lang.hitch(this, "addCookieHandler"); g.removeCookie = lang.hitch(this, "removeCookie"); g.setCookieEnabled = lang.hitch(this, "setCookieEnabled"); g.getCookieEnabled = lang.hitch(this, "getCookieEnabled"); }, _saveCookie: function(){ if(this.getCookieEnabled()){ var ck = {}, chs = this._cookieHandlers, cookieProps = this.cookieProps, cookieKey = _cookieKeyBuilder(this.grid); for(var i = chs.length-1; i >= 0; --i){ if(chs[i].enabled){ //Do the real saving work here. ck[chs[i].name] = chs[i].onSave(this.grid); } } cookieProps = lang.isObject(this.cookieProps) ? this.cookieProps : {}; cookie(cookieKey, json.toJson(ck), cookieProps); }else{ this.removeCookie(); } }, onPreInit: function(){ var grid = this.grid, chs = this._cookieHandlers, cookieKey = _cookieKeyBuilder(grid), ck = cookie(cookieKey); if(ck){ ck = json.fromJson(ck); for(var i = 0; i < chs.length; ++i){ if(chs[i].name in ck && chs[i].enabled){ //Do the real loading work here. chs[i].onLoad(ck[chs[i].name], grid); } } } this._cookie = ck || {}; this._cookieStartedup = true; }, addCookieHandler: function(args){ // summary: // If a grid plugin wants cookie service, call this. // This must be called during preInit. // args: Object // An object with the following structure: // | { // | name: "some-string", // | onLoad: /* void */ function(/* object */partOfCookie, /* EDG */grid){...}, // | onSave: /* object */ function(/* EDG */grid){...} // | } if(args.name){ var dummy = function(){}; args.onLoad = args.onLoad || dummy; args.onSave = args.onSave || dummy; if(!("enabled" in args)){ args.enabled = true; } for(var i = this._cookieHandlers.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if(this._cookieHandlers[i].name == args.name){ this._cookieHandlers.splice(i, 1); } } this._cookieHandlers.push(args); if(this._cookieStartedup && args.name in this._cookie){ args.onLoad(this._cookie[args.name], this.grid); } } }, removeCookie: function(){ // summary: // Remove cookie for this grid. var key = _cookieKeyBuilder(this.grid); cookie(key, null, {expires: -1}); }, setCookieEnabled: function(cookieName, enabled){ // summary: // A setter to enable|disable cookie support for a particular Grid feature. // cookieName: String? // Name of a cookie handler if provided, otherwise for all cookies. // enabled: Boolean if(typeof cookieName == 'string'){ var chs = this._cookieHandlers; for(var i = chs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if(chs[i].name === cookieName){ chs[i].enabled = !!enabled; } } }else{ this._cookieEnabled = !!cookieName; if(!this._cookieEnabled){ this.removeCookie(); } } }, getCookieEnabled: function(cookieName){ // summary: // A getter to check cookie support of a particular Grid feature. // cookieName: String? // Name of a cookie handler if provided, otherwise for all cookies. if(lang.isString(cookieName)){ var chs = this._cookieHandlers; for(var i = chs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ if(chs[i].name == cookieName){ return chs[i].enabled; } } return false; } return this._cookieEnabled; } }); EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(Cookie, {"preInit": true}); return Cookie; });