//>>built define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/CellMerge", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/html", "../_Plugin", "../../EnhancedGrid" ], function(declare, array, lang, html, _Plugin, EnhancedGrid){ var CellMerge = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.CellMerge", _Plugin, { // summary: // This plugin provides functions to merge(un-merge) adjacent cells within one row. // Acceptable plugin paramters: // 1. mergedCells: Array // An array of objects with structure: // { // row: function(Integer)|Integer // If it's a function, it's a predicate to decide which rows are to be merged. // It takes an integer (the row index), and should return true or false; // start: Integer // The column index of the left most cell that shall be merged. // end: Integer // The column index of the right most cell that shall be merged. // major: Integer // The column index of the cell whose content should be used as the content of the merged cell. // It must be larger than or equal to the startColumnIndex, and less than or equal to the endColumnIndex. // If it is omitted, the content of the leading edge (left-most for ltr, right most for rtl) cell will be used. // } // name: String // Plugin name name: "cellMerge", constructor: function(grid, args){ this.grid = grid; this._records = []; this._merged = {}; if(args && lang.isObject(args)){ this._setupConfig(args.mergedCells); } this._initEvents(); this._mixinGrid(); }, //----------------Public---------------------------- mergeCells: function(rowTester, startColumnIndex, endColumnIndex, majorColumnIndex){ // summary: // Merge cells from *startColumnIndex* to *endColumnIndex* at rows that make *rowTester* return true, // using the content of the cell at *majorColumnIndex* // tags: // public // rowTester: function(Integer)|Integer // If it's a function, it's a predicate to decide which rows are to be merged. // It takes an integer (the row index), and should return true or false; // startColumnIndex: Integer // The column index of the left most cell that shall be merged. // endColumnIndex: Integer // The column index of the right most cell that shall be merged. // majorColumnIndex: Integer? // The column index of the cell whose content should be used as the content of the merged cell. // It must be larger than or equal to the startColumnIndex, and less than or equal to the endColumnIndex. // If it is omitted, the content of the leading edge (left-most for ltr, right most for rtl) cell will be used. // return: Object | null // A handler for the merged cells created by a call of this function. // This handler can be used later to unmerge cells using the function unmergeCells // If the merge is not valid, returns null; var item = this._createRecord({ "row": rowTester, "start": startColumnIndex, "end": endColumnIndex, "major": majorColumnIndex }); if(item){ this._updateRows(item); } return item; }, unmergeCells: function(mergeHandler){ // summary: // Unmerge the cells that are merged by the *mergeHandler*, which represents a call to the function mergeCells. // tags: // public // mergeHandler: object // A handler for the merged cells created by a call of function mergeCells. var idx; if(mergeHandler && (idx = array.indexOf(this._records, mergeHandler)) >= 0){ this._records.splice(idx, 1); this._updateRows(mergeHandler); } }, getMergedCells: function(){ // summary: // Get all records of currently merged cells. // tags: // public // return: Array // An array of records for merged-cells. // The record has the following structure: // { // "row": 1, //the row index // "start": 2, //the start column index // "end": 4, //the end column index // "major": 3, //the major column index // "handle": someHandle, //The handler that covers this merge cell record. // } var res = []; for(var i in this._merged){ res = res.concat(this._merged[i]); } return res; }, getMergedCellsByRow: function(rowIndex){ // summary: // Get the records of currently merged cells at the given row. // tags: // public // return: Array // An array of records for merged-cells. See docs of getMergedCells. return this._merged[rowIndex] || []; }, //----------------Private-------------------------- _setupConfig: function(config){ array.forEach(config, this._createRecord, this); }, _initEvents: function(){ array.forEach(this.grid.views.views, function(view){ this.connect(view, "onAfterRow", lang.hitch(this, "_onAfterRow", view.index)); }, this); }, _mixinGrid: function(){ var g = this.grid; g.mergeCells = lang.hitch(this, "mergeCells"); g.unmergeCells = lang.hitch(this, "unmergeCells"); g.getMergedCells = lang.hitch(this, "getMergedCells"); g.getMergedCellsByRow = lang.hitch(this, "getMergedCellsByRow"); }, _getWidth: function(colIndex){ var node = this.grid.layout.cells[colIndex].getHeaderNode(); return html.position(node).w; }, _onAfterRow: function(viewIdx, rowIndex, subrows){ try{ if(rowIndex < 0){ return; } var result = [], i, j, len = this._records.length, cells = this.grid.layout.cells; //Apply merge-cell requests one by one. for(i = 0; i < len; ++i){ var item = this._records[i]; var storeItem = this.grid._by_idx[rowIndex]; if(item.view == viewIdx && item.row(rowIndex, storeItem && storeItem.item, this.grid.store)){ var res = { record: item, hiddenCells: [], totalWidth: 0, majorNode: cells[item.major].getNode(rowIndex), majorHeaderNode: cells[item.major].getHeaderNode() }; //Calculated the width of merged cell. for(j = item.start; j <= item.end; ++j){ var w = this._getWidth(j, rowIndex); res.totalWidth += w; if(j != item.major){ res.hiddenCells.push(cells[j].getNode(rowIndex)); } } //If width is valid, remember it. There may be multiple merges within one row. if(subrows.length != 1 || res.totalWidth > 0){ //Remove conflicted merges. for(j = result.length - 1; j >= 0; --j){ var r = result[j].record; if((r.start >= item.start && r.start <= item.end) || (r.end >= item.start && r.end <= item.end)){ result.splice(j, 1); } } result.push(res); } } } this._merged[rowIndex] = []; array.forEach(result, function(res){ array.forEach(res.hiddenCells, function(node){ html.style(node, "display", "none"); }); var pbm = html.marginBox(res.majorHeaderNode).w - html.contentBox(res.majorHeaderNode).w; var tw = res.totalWidth; //Tricky for WebKit. if(!html.isWebKit){ tw -= pbm; } html.style(res.majorNode, "width", tw + "px"); //In case we're dealing with multiple subrows. res.majorNode.setAttribute("colspan", res.hiddenCells.length + 1); this._merged[rowIndex].push({ "row": rowIndex, "start": res.record.start, "end": res.record.end, "major": res.record.major, "handle": res.record }); }, this); }catch(e){ console.warn("CellMerge._onAfterRow() error: ", rowIndex, e); } }, _createRecord: function(item){ if(this._isValid(item)){ item = { "row": item.row, "start": item.start, "end": item.end, "major": item.major }; var cells = this.grid.layout.cells; item.view = cells[item.start].view.index; item.major = typeof item.major == "number" && !isNaN(item.major) ? item.major : item.start; if(typeof item.row == "number"){ var r = item.row; item.row = function(rowIndex){ return rowIndex === r; }; }else if(typeof item.row == "string"){ var id = item.row; item.row = function(rowIndex, storeItem, store){ try{ if(store && storeItem && store.getFeatures()['dojo.data.api.Identity']){ return store.getIdentity(storeItem) == id; } }catch(e){ console.error(e); } return false; }; } if(lang.isFunction(item.row)){ this._records.push(item); return item; } } return null; }, _isValid: function(item){ var cells = this.grid.layout.cells, colCount = cells.length; return (lang.isObject(item) && ("row" in item) && ("start" in item) && ("end" in item) && item.start >= 0 && item.start < colCount && item.end > item.start && item.end < colCount && cells[item.start].view.index == cells[item.end].view.index && cells[item.start].subrow == cells[item.end].subrow && !(typeof item.major == "number" && (item.major < item.start || item.major > item.end))); }, _updateRows: function(item){ var min = null; for(var i = 0, count = this.grid.rowCount; i < count; ++i){ var storeItem = this.grid._by_idx[i]; if(storeItem && item.row(i, storeItem && storeItem.item, this.grid.store)){ this.grid.views.updateRow(i); if(min === null){ min = i; } } } if(min >= 0){ this.grid.scroller.rowHeightChanged(min); } } }); EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(CellMerge); return CellMerge; });