//>>built define("dojox/grid/enhanced/_Events", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/keys", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/event", "dojox/grid/_Events" ], function(dojo, declare, keys, html, event, _Events){ return declare("dojox.grid.enhanced._Events", null, { // summary: // Overwrite some default events of DataGrid // // description: // Methods are copied or replaced for overwriting, this might be refined once // an overall plugin architecture is set up for DataGrid. //_events: Object // Method map cached from dojox.grid._Events(). _events: null, // headerCellActiveClass: String // css class to apply to grid header cells when activated(mouse down) headerCellActiveClass: 'dojoxGridHeaderActive', // cellActiveClass: String // css class to apply to grid content cells when activated(mouse down) cellActiveClass: 'dojoxGridCellActive', // rowActiveClass: String // css class to apply to grid rows when activated(mouse down) rowActiveClass: 'dojoxGridRowActive', constructor: function(inGrid){ //TODO - extend dojox.grid._Events rather than mixin for 1.8 this._events = new _Events(); //mixin "this" to Grid inGrid.mixin(inGrid, this); }, dokeyup: function(e){ // summary: // Grid key up event handler. // e: Event // Un-decorated event object this.focus.currentArea().keyup(e); }, onKeyDown: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onKeyDown(); if(e.altKey || e.metaKey){ return; } var focus = this.focus; var editing = this.edit.isEditing(); switch(e.keyCode){ case keys.TAB: if(e.ctrlKey){ return; } focus.tab(e.shiftKey ? -1:1,e); break; case keys.UP_ARROW: case keys.DOWN_ARROW: if(editing){ return; } focus.currentArea().move(e.keyCode == keys.UP_ARROW ? -1 : 1, 0, e); break; case keys.LEFT_ARROW: case keys.RIGHT_ARROW: if(editing){ return; } var offset = (e.keyCode == keys.LEFT_ARROW) ? 1 : -1; if(html._isBodyLtr()){ offset *= -1; } focus.currentArea().move(0, offset, e); break; case keys.F10: if(this.menus && e.shiftKey){ this.onRowContextMenu(e); } break; default: focus.currentArea().keydown(e); break; } }, //TODO - make the following events more reasonalble - e.g. more accurate conditions //events for row selectors domouseup: function(e){ if(e.cellNode){ this.onMouseUp(e); }else{ this.onRowSelectorMouseUp(e); } }, domousedown: function(e){ if(!e.cellNode){ this.onRowSelectorMouseDown(e); } }, onMouseUp: function(e){ // summary: // New - Event fired when mouse is up inside grid. // e: Event // Decorated event object that contains reference to grid, cell, and rowIndex this[e.rowIndex == -1 ? "onHeaderCellMouseUp" : "onCellMouseUp"](e); }, onCellMouseDown: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onCellMouseDown() html.addClass(e.cellNode, this.cellActiveClass); html.addClass(e.rowNode, this.rowActiveClass); }, onCellMouseUp: function(e){ // summary: // New - Event fired when mouse is up inside content cell. // e: Event // Decorated event object that contains reference to grid, cell, and rowIndex html.removeClass(e.cellNode, this.cellActiveClass); html.removeClass(e.rowNode, this.rowActiveClass); }, onCellClick: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onCellClick() //invoke dojox.grid._Events.onCellClick() this._events.onCellClick.call(this, e); //move mouse events to the focus manager. this.focus.contentMouseEvent(e);//TODO }, onCellDblClick: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onCellDblClick() if(this.pluginMgr.isFixedCell(e.cell)){ return; } if(this._click.length > 1 && (!this._click[0] || !this._click[1])){ this._click[0] = this._click[1] = e; } //invoke dojox.grid._Events.onCellDblClick() this._events.onCellDblClick.call(this, e); }, onRowClick: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onRowClick() this.edit.rowClick(e); if(!e.cell || !this.plugin('indirectSelection')){ this.selection.clickSelectEvent(e); } }, onRowContextMenu: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onRowContextMenu() if(!this.edit.isEditing() && this.menus){ this.showMenu(e); } }, onSelectedRegionContextMenu: function(e){ // summary: // New - Event fired when a selected region context menu is accessed via mouse right click. // e: Event // Decorated event object which contains reference to grid and info of selected // regions(selection type - row|column, selected index - [...]) if(this.selectedRegionMenu){ this.selectedRegionMenu._openMyself({ target: e.target, coords: e.keyCode !== keys.F10 && "pageX" in e ? { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY } : null }); event.stop(e); } }, onHeaderCellMouseOut: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onHeaderCellMouseOut() if(e.cellNode){ html.removeClass(e.cellNode, this.cellOverClass); html.removeClass(e.cellNode, this.headerCellActiveClass); } }, onHeaderCellMouseDown: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onHeaderCellMouseDown() if(e.cellNode){//TBD - apply to selection region for nested sorting? html.addClass(e.cellNode, this.headerCellActiveClass); } }, onHeaderCellMouseUp: function(e){ // summary: // New event if(e.cellNode){ html.removeClass(e.cellNode, this.headerCellActiveClass); } }, onHeaderCellClick: function(e){ // summary: // Overwritten, see dojox.grid._Events.onHeaderCellClick() //move focus to header. this.focus.currentArea("header"); //invoke dojox.grid._Events.onHeaderCellClick() if(!e.cell.isRowSelector){ this._events.onHeaderCellClick.call(this, e); } //move mouse events to the focus manager. this.focus.headerMouseEvent(e); }, onRowSelectorMouseDown: function(e){ this.focus.focusArea("rowHeader", e); }, onRowSelectorMouseUp: function(e){}, //triggered in _View, see Selector plugin onMouseUpRow: function(e){ if(e.rowIndex != -1){ this.onRowMouseUp(e); } }, onRowMouseUp: function(e){} }); });