//>>built require({cache:{ 'url:dojox/grid/resources/Expando.html':"
\n"}}); define("dojox/grid/_TreeView", [ "dijit/registry", "../main", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/dom-attr", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/query", "dojo/parser", "dojo/text!./resources/Expando.html", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "./_View", "./_Builder", "./util" ], function(dijit, dojox, declare, array, lang, event, domAttr, domClass, domStyle, domCtr, query, parser, template, _Widget, _TemplatedMixin, _View, _Builder, util){ declare("dojox.grid._Expando", [ _Widget, _TemplatedMixin ], { open: false, toggleClass: "", itemId: "", cellIdx: -1, view: null, rowNode: null, rowIdx: -1, expandoCell: null, level: 0, templateString: template, _toggleRows: function(toggleClass, open){ if(!toggleClass || !this.rowNode){ return; } if(query("table.dojoxGridRowTableNeedsRowUpdate").length){ if(this._initialized){ this.view.grid.updateRow(this.rowIdx); } return; } var self = this; var g = this.view.grid; if(g.treeModel){ var p = this._tableRow ? domAttr.get(this._tableRow, "dojoxTreeGridPath") : ""; if(p){ query("tr[dojoxTreeGridPath^=\"" + p + "/\"]", this.rowNode).forEach(function(n){ var en = query(".dojoxGridExpando", n)[0]; if(en && en.parentNode && en.parentNode.parentNode && !domClass.contains(en.parentNode.parentNode, "dojoxGridNoChildren")){ var ew = dijit.byNode(en); if(ew){ ew._toggleRows(toggleClass, ew.open&&open); } } n.style.display = open ? "" : "none"; }); } }else{ query("tr." + toggleClass, this.rowNode).forEach(function(n){ if(domClass.contains(n, "dojoxGridExpandoRow")){ var en = query(".dojoxGridExpando", n)[0]; if(en){ var ew = dijit.byNode(en); var toggleClass = ew ? ew.toggleClass : en.getAttribute("toggleClass"); var wOpen = ew ? ew.open : self.expandoCell.getOpenState(en.getAttribute("itemId")); self._toggleRows(toggleClass, wOpen&&open); } } n.style.display = open ? "" : "none"; }); } }, setOpen: function(open){ if(open && domClass.contains(this.domNode, "dojoxGridExpandoLoading")){ open = false; } var view = this.view; var grid = view.grid; var store = grid.store; var treeModel = grid.treeModel; var d = this; var idx = this.rowIdx; var me = grid._by_idx[idx]; if(!me){ return; } if(treeModel && !this._loadedChildren){ if(open){ // Do this to make sure our children are fully-loaded var itm = grid.getItem(domAttr.get(this._tableRow, "dojoxTreeGridPath")); if(itm){ this.expandoInner.innerHTML = "o"; domClass.add(this.domNode, "dojoxGridExpandoLoading"); treeModel.getChildren(itm, function(items){ d._loadedChildren = true; d._setOpen(open); }); }else{ this._setOpen(open); } }else{ this._setOpen(open); } }else if(!treeModel && store){ if(open){ var data = grid._by_idx[this.rowIdx]; if(data&&!store.isItemLoaded(data.item)){ this.expandoInner.innerHTML = "o"; domClass.add(this.domNode, "dojoxGridExpandoLoading"); store.loadItem({ item: data.item, onItem: lang.hitch(this, function(i){ var idty = store.getIdentity(i); grid._by_idty[idty] = grid._by_idx[this.rowIdx] = { idty: idty, item: i }; this._setOpen(open); }) }); }else{ this._setOpen(open); } }else{ this._setOpen(open); } }else{ this._setOpen(open); } }, _setOpen: function(open){ if(open && this._tableRow && domClass.contains(this._tableRow, "dojoxGridNoChildren")){ this._setOpen(false); return; } this.expandoInner.innerHTML = open ? "-" : "+"; domClass.remove(this.domNode, "dojoxGridExpandoLoading"); domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dojoxGridExpandoOpened", open); if(this._tableRow){ domClass.toggle(this._tableRow, "dojoxGridRowCollapsed", !open); var base = domAttr.get(this._tableRow, "dojoxTreeGridBaseClasses"); var new_base = ""; if(open){ new_base = lang.trim((" " + base + " ").replace(" dojoxGridRowCollapsed ", " ")); }else{ if((" " + base + " ").indexOf(' dojoxGridRowCollapsed ') < 0){ new_base = base + (base ? ' ' : '' ) + 'dojoxGridRowCollapsed'; }else{ new_base = base; } } domAttr.set(this._tableRow, 'dojoxTreeGridBaseClasses', new_base); } var changed = (this.open !== open); this.open = open; if(this.expandoCell && this.itemId){ this.expandoCell.openStates[this.itemId] = open; } var v = this.view; var g = v.grid; if(this.toggleClass && changed){ if(!this._tableRow || !this._tableRow.style.display){ this._toggleRows(this.toggleClass, open); } } if(v && this._initialized && this.rowIdx >= 0){ g.rowHeightChanged(this.rowIdx); g.postresize(); v.hasVScrollbar(true); } this._initialized = true; }, onToggle: function(e){ this.setOpen(!this.open); event.stop(e); }, setRowNode: function(rowIdx, rowNode, view){ if(this.cellIdx < 0 || !this.itemId){ return false; } this._initialized = false; this.view = view; this.rowNode = rowNode; this.rowIdx = rowIdx; this.expandoCell = view.structure.cells[0][this.cellIdx]; var d = this.domNode; if(d && d.parentNode && d.parentNode.parentNode){ this._tableRow = d.parentNode.parentNode; } this.open = this.expandoCell.getOpenState(this.itemId); if(view.grid.treeModel){ // TODO: Rather than hard-code the 18px and 3px, we should probably // calculate them based off css or something... However, all the // themes that we support use these values. domStyle.set(this.domNode , "marginLeft" , (this.level * 18) + "px"); if(this.domNode.parentNode){ domStyle.set(this.domNode.parentNode, "backgroundPosition", ((this.level * 18) + (3)) + "px"); } } this.setOpen(this.open); return true; } }); var _TreeContentBuilder = declare("dojox.grid._TreeContentBuilder", _Builder._ContentBuilder, { generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, inRowIndex){ var html = this.getTableArray(), v = this.view, row = v.structure.cells[0], item = this.grid.getItem(inRowIndex), grid = this.grid, store = this.grid.store; util.fire(this.view, "onBeforeRow", [inRowIndex, [row]]); var createRow = function(level, rowItem, summaryRow, toggleClasses, rowStack, shown){ if(!shown){ if(html[0].indexOf('dojoxGridRowTableNeedsRowUpdate') == -1){ html[0] = html[0].replace("dojoxGridRowTable", "dojoxGridRowTable dojoxGridRowTableNeedsRowUpdate"); } return; } var rowNodeIdx = html.length; toggleClasses = toggleClasses || []; var tcJoin = toggleClasses.join('|'); var tcString = toggleClasses[toggleClasses.length - 1]; var clString = tcString + (summaryRow ? " dojoxGridSummaryRow" : ""); var sString = ""; if(grid.treeModel && rowItem && !grid.treeModel.mayHaveChildren(rowItem)){ clString += " dojoxGridNoChildren"; } html.push(''); var nextLevel = level + 1; var parentCell = null; for(var i=0, cell; (cell=row[i]); i++){ var m = cell.markup, cc = cell.customClasses = [], cs = cell.customStyles = []; // content (format can fill in cc and cs as side-effects) m[5] = cell.formatAtLevel(rowStack, rowItem, level, summaryRow, tcString, cc); // classes m[1] = cc.join(' '); // styles m[3] = cs.join(';'); // in-place concat html.push.apply(html, m); if(!parentCell && cell.level === nextLevel && cell.parentCell){ parentCell = cell.parentCell; } } html.push(''); if(rowItem && store && store.isItem(rowItem)){ var idty = store.getIdentity(rowItem); if(typeof grid._by_idty_paths[idty] == "undefined"){ grid._by_idty_paths[idty] = rowStack.join('/'); } } var expandoCell; var parentOpen; var path; var values; var iStack = rowStack.concat([]); if(grid.treeModel && rowItem){ if(grid.treeModel.mayHaveChildren(rowItem)){ expandoCell = v.structure.cells[0][grid.expandoCell||0]; parentOpen = expandoCell.getOpenState(rowItem) && shown; path = new dojox.grid.TreePath(rowStack.join('/'), grid); values = path.children(true)||[]; array.forEach(values, function(cItm, idx){ var nToggle = tcJoin.split('|'); nToggle.push(nToggle[nToggle.length - 1] + "-" + idx); iStack.push(idx); createRow(nextLevel, cItm, false, nToggle, iStack, parentOpen); iStack.pop(); }); } }else if(rowItem && parentCell && !summaryRow){ expandoCell = v.structure.cells[0][parentCell.level]; parentOpen = expandoCell.getOpenState(rowItem) && shown; if(store.hasAttribute(rowItem, parentCell.field)){ var tToggle = tcJoin.split('|'); tToggle.pop(); path = new dojox.grid.TreePath(rowStack.join('/'), grid); values = path.children(true)||[]; if(values.length){ html[rowNodeIdx] = ''; array.forEach(values, function(cItm, idx){ var nToggle = tcJoin.split('|'); nToggle.push(nToggle[nToggle.length - 1] + "-" + idx); iStack.push(idx); createRow(nextLevel, cItm, false, nToggle, iStack, parentOpen); iStack.pop(); }); iStack.push(values.length); createRow(level, rowItem, true, toggleClasses, iStack, parentOpen); }else{ html[rowNodeIdx] = ''; } }else{ if(!store.isItemLoaded(rowItem)){ html[0] = html[0].replace("dojoxGridRowTable", "dojoxGridRowTable dojoxGridRowTableNeedsRowUpdate"); }else{ html[rowNodeIdx] = ''; } } }else if(rowItem && !summaryRow && toggleClasses.length > 1){ html[rowNodeIdx] = ''; } }; createRow(0, item, false, ["dojoxGridRowToggle-" + inRowIndex], [inRowIndex], true); html.push(''); return html.join(''); // String }, findTarget: function(inSource, inTag){ var n = inSource; while(n && (n!=this.domNode)){ if(n.tagName && n.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'tr'){ break; } n = n.parentNode; } return (n != this.domNode) ? n : null; }, getCellNode: function(inRowNode, inCellIndex){ var node = query("td[idx='" + inCellIndex + "']", inRowNode)[0]; if(node&&node.parentNode&&!domClass.contains(node.parentNode, "dojoxGridSummaryRow")){ return node; } }, decorateEvent: function(e){ e.rowNode = this.findRowTarget(e.target); if(!e.rowNode){return false;} e.rowIndex = domAttr.get(e.rowNode, 'dojoxTreeGridPath'); this.baseDecorateEvent(e); e.cell = this.grid.getCell(e.cellIndex); return true; // Boolean } }); return declare("dojox.grid._TreeView", _View, { _contentBuilderClass: _TreeContentBuilder, _onDndDrop: function(source, nodes, copy){ if(this.grid && this.grid.aggregator){ this.grid.aggregator.clearSubtotalCache(); } this.inherited(arguments); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.connect(this.grid, '_cleanupExpandoCache', '_cleanupExpandoCache'); }, _cleanupExpandoCache: function(index, identity, item){ if(index == -1){ return; } array.forEach(this.grid.layout.cells, function(cell){ if(typeof cell['openStates'] != 'undefined'){ if(identity in cell.openStates){ delete cell.openStates[identity]; } } }); if(typeof index == "string" && index.indexOf('/') > -1){ var path = new dojox.grid.TreePath(index, this.grid); var ppath = path.parent(); while(ppath){ path = ppath; ppath = path.parent(); } var pitem = path.item(); if(!pitem){ return; } var idty = this.grid.store.getIdentity(pitem); if(typeof this._expandos[idty] != 'undefined'){ for(var i in this._expandos[idty]){ var exp = this._expandos[idty][i]; if(exp){ exp.destroy(); } delete this._expandos[idty][i]; } delete this._expandos[idty]; } }else{ for(var i in this._expandos){ if(typeof this._expandos[i] != 'undefined'){ for(var j in this._expandos[i]){ var exp = this._expandos[i][j]; if(exp){ exp.destroy(); } } } } this._expandos = {}; } }, postMixInProperties: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._expandos = {}; }, onBeforeRow: function(inRowIndex, cells){ // Save off our expando if we have one so we don't have to create it // again var g = this.grid; if(g._by_idx && g._by_idx[inRowIndex] && g._by_idx[inRowIndex].idty){ var idty = g._by_idx[inRowIndex].idty; this._expandos[idty] = this._expandos[idty] || {}; } this.inherited(arguments); }, onAfterRow: function(inRowIndex, cells, inRowNode){ array.forEach(query("span.dojoxGridExpando", inRowNode), function(n){ if(n && n.parentNode){ // Either create our expando or put the existing expando back // into place var tc = n.getAttribute("toggleClass"); var idty; var expando; var g = this.grid; if(g._by_idx && g._by_idx[inRowIndex] && g._by_idx[inRowIndex].idty){ idty = g._by_idx[inRowIndex].idty; expando = this._expandos[idty][tc]; } if(expando){ domCtr.place(expando.domNode, n, "replace"); expando.itemId = n.getAttribute("itemId"); expando.cellIdx = parseInt(n.getAttribute("cellIdx"), 10); if(isNaN(expando.cellIdx)){ expando.cellIdx = -1; } }else{ if(idty){ expando = parser.parse(n.parentNode)[0]; this._expandos[idty][tc] = expando; } } if(expando && !expando.setRowNode(inRowIndex, inRowNode, this)){ expando.domNode.parentNode.removeChild(expando.domNode); } } }, this); var alt = false; var self = this; query("tr[dojoxTreeGridPath]", inRowNode).forEach(function(n){ domClass.toggle(n, "dojoxGridSubRowAlt", alt); domAttr.set(n, "dojoxTreeGridBaseClasses", n.className); alt = !alt; self.grid.rows.styleRowNode(domAttr.get(n, 'dojoxTreeGridPath'), n); }); this.inherited(arguments); }, updateRowStyles: function(inRowIndex){ var rowNodes = query("tr[dojoxTreeGridPath='" + inRowIndex + "']", this.domNode); if(rowNodes.length){ this.styleRowNode(inRowIndex, rowNodes[0]); } }, getCellNode: function(inRowIndex, inCellIndex){ var row = query("tr[dojoxTreeGridPath='" + inRowIndex + "']", this.domNode)[0]; if(row){ return this.content.getCellNode(row, inCellIndex); } }, destroy: function(){ this._cleanupExpandoCache(); this.inherited(arguments); } }); });