//>>built define("dojox/grid/_Layout", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "../main", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/dom-geometry", "./cells", "./_RowSelector" ], function(dojo, dojox, declare, array, lang, domGeometry){ return declare("dojox.grid._Layout", null, { // summary: // Controls grid cell layout. Owned by grid and used internally. constructor: function(inGrid){ this.grid = inGrid; }, // flat array of grid cells cells: [], // structured array of grid cells structure: null, // default cell width defaultWidth: '6em', // methods moveColumn: function(sourceViewIndex, destViewIndex, cellIndex, targetIndex, before){ var source_cells = this.structure[sourceViewIndex].cells[0]; var dest_cells = this.structure[destViewIndex].cells[0]; var cell = null; var cell_ri = 0; var target_ri = 0; for(var i=0, c; c=source_cells[i]; i++){ if(c.index == cellIndex){ cell_ri = i; break; } } cell = source_cells.splice(cell_ri, 1)[0]; cell.view = this.grid.views.views[destViewIndex]; for(i=0, c=null; c=dest_cells[i]; i++){ if(c.index == targetIndex){ target_ri = i; break; } } if(!before){ target_ri += 1; } dest_cells.splice(target_ri, 0, cell); var sortedCell = this.grid.getCell(this.grid.getSortIndex()); if(sortedCell){ sortedCell._currentlySorted = this.grid.getSortAsc(); } this.cells = []; cellIndex = 0; var v; for(i=0; v=this.structure[i]; i++){ for(var j=0, cs; cs=v.cells[j]; j++){ for(var k=0; c=cs[k]; k++){ c.index = cellIndex; this.cells.push(c); if("_currentlySorted" in c){ var si = cellIndex + 1; si *= c._currentlySorted ? 1 : -1; this.grid.sortInfo = si; delete c._currentlySorted; } cellIndex++; } } } //Fix #9481 - reset idx in cell markup array.forEach(this.cells, function(c){ var marks = c.markup[2].split(" "); var oldIdx = parseInt(marks[1].substring(5));//get old "idx" if(oldIdx != c.index){ marks[1] = "idx=\"" + c.index + "\""; c.markup[2] = marks.join(" "); } }); this.grid.setupHeaderMenu(); //this.grid.renderOnIdle(); }, setColumnVisibility: function(columnIndex, visible){ var cell = this.cells[columnIndex]; if(cell.hidden == visible){ cell.hidden = !visible; var v = cell.view, w = v.viewWidth; if(w && w != "auto"){ v._togglingColumn = domGeometry.getMarginBox(cell.getHeaderNode()).w || 0; } v.update(); return true; }else{ return false; } }, addCellDef: function(inRowIndex, inCellIndex, inDef){ var self = this; var getCellWidth = function(inDef){ var w = 0; if(inDef.colSpan > 1){ w = 0; }else{ w = inDef.width || self._defaultCellProps.width || self.defaultWidth; if(!isNaN(w)){ w = w + "em"; } } return w; }; var props = { grid: this.grid, subrow: inRowIndex, layoutIndex: inCellIndex, index: this.cells.length }; if(inDef && inDef instanceof dojox.grid.cells._Base){ var new_cell = lang.clone(inDef); props.unitWidth = getCellWidth(new_cell._props); new_cell = lang.mixin(new_cell, this._defaultCellProps, inDef._props, props); return new_cell; } var cell_type = inDef.type || inDef.cellType || this._defaultCellProps.type || this._defaultCellProps.cellType || dojox.grid.cells.Cell; if(lang.isString(cell_type)){ cell_type = lang.getObject(cell_type); } props.unitWidth = getCellWidth(inDef); return new cell_type(lang.mixin({}, this._defaultCellProps, inDef, props)); }, addRowDef: function(inRowIndex, inDef){ var result = []; var relSum = 0, pctSum = 0, doRel = true; for(var i=0, def, cell; (def=inDef[i]); i++){ cell = this.addCellDef(inRowIndex, i, def); result.push(cell); this.cells.push(cell); // Check and calculate the sum of all relative widths if(doRel && cell.relWidth){ relSum += cell.relWidth; }else if(cell.width){ var w = cell.width; if(typeof w == "string" && w.slice(-1) == "%"){ pctSum += window.parseInt(w, 10); }else if(w == "auto"){ // relative widths doesn't play nice with auto - since we // don't have a way of knowing how much space the auto is // supposed to take up. doRel = false; } } } if(relSum && doRel){ // We have some kind of relWidths specified - so change them to % array.forEach(result, function(cell){ if(cell.relWidth){ cell.width = cell.unitWidth = ((cell.relWidth / relSum) * (100 - pctSum)) + "%"; } }); } return result; }, addRowsDef: function(inDef){ var result = []; if(lang.isArray(inDef)){ if(lang.isArray(inDef[0])){ for(var i=0, row; inDef && (row=inDef[i]); i++){ result.push(this.addRowDef(i, row)); } }else{ result.push(this.addRowDef(0, inDef)); } } return result; }, addViewDef: function(inDef){ this._defaultCellProps = inDef.defaultCell || {}; if(inDef.width && inDef.width == "auto"){ delete inDef.width; } return lang.mixin({}, inDef, {cells: this.addRowsDef(inDef.rows || inDef.cells)}); }, setStructure: function(inStructure){ this.fieldIndex = 0; this.cells = []; var s = this.structure = []; if(this.grid.rowSelector){ var sel = { type: dojox._scopeName + ".grid._RowSelector" }; if(lang.isString(this.grid.rowSelector)){ var width = this.grid.rowSelector; if(width == "false"){ sel = null; }else if(width != "true"){ sel['width'] = width; } }else{ if(!this.grid.rowSelector){ sel = null; } } if(sel){ s.push(this.addViewDef(sel)); } } var isCell = function(def){ return ("name" in def || "field" in def || "get" in def); }; var isRowDef = function(def){ if(lang.isArray(def)){ if(lang.isArray(def[0]) || isCell(def[0])){ return true; } } return false; }; var isView = function(def){ return (def !== null && lang.isObject(def) && ("cells" in def || "rows" in def || ("type" in def && !isCell(def)))); }; if(lang.isArray(inStructure)){ var hasViews = false; for(var i=0, st; (st=inStructure[i]); i++){ if(isView(st)){ hasViews = true; break; } } if(!hasViews){ s.push(this.addViewDef({ cells: inStructure })); }else{ for(i=0; (st=inStructure[i]); i++){ if(isRowDef(st)){ s.push(this.addViewDef({ cells: st })); }else if(isView(st)){ s.push(this.addViewDef(st)); } } } }else if(isView(inStructure)){ // it's a view object s.push(this.addViewDef(inStructure)); } this.cellCount = this.cells.length; this.grid.setupHeaderMenu(); } }); });