//>>built define("dojox/grid/LazyTreeGridStoreModel", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel"], function(declare, array, lang, ForestStoreModel){ return declare("dojox.grid.LazyTreeGridStoreModel", ForestStoreModel, { // There are different approaches to get children for client-side // DataStore (e.g. dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore) or server-side DataStore // (e.g. dojox.data.QueryReadStore), so we need to be sure what kind of // DataStore is being used serverStore: false, // server side store constructor: function(/* Object */ args){ this.serverStore = !!args.serverStore; }, mayHaveChildren: function(/*dojo.data.Item*/ item){ var children = null; return array.some(this.childrenAttrs, function(attr){ children = this.store.getValue(item, attr); if(lang.isString(children)){ return parseInt(children, 10) > 0 || children.toLowerCase() === "true" ? true : false; }else if(typeof children == "number"){ return children > 0; }else if(typeof children == "boolean"){ return children; }else if(this.store.isItem(children)){ children = this.store.getValues(item, attr); return lang.isArray(children) ? children.length > 0 : false; }else{ return false; } }, this); }, getChildren: function(/*dojo.data.Item*/parentItem, /*function(items, size)*/onComplete, /*function*/ onError, /*object*/queryObj){ if(queryObj){ var start = queryObj.start || 0, count = queryObj.count, parentId = queryObj.parentId, sort = queryObj.sort; if(parentItem === this.root){ this.root.size = 0; this.store.fetch({ start: start, count: count, sort: sort, query: this.query, onBegin: lang.hitch(this, function(size){ this.root.size = size; }), onComplete: lang.hitch(this, function(items){ onComplete(items, queryObj, this.root.size); }), onError: onError }); }else{ var store = this.store; if(!store.isItemLoaded(parentItem)){ var getChildren = lang.hitch(this, arguments.callee); store.loadItem({ item: parentItem, onItem: function(parentItem){ getChildren(parentItem, onComplete, onError, queryObj); }, onError: onError }); return; } if(this.serverStore && !this._isChildrenLoaded(parentItem)){ this.childrenSize = 0; this.store.fetch({ start: start, count: count, sort: sort, query: lang.mixin({parentId: parentId}, this.query || {}), onBegin: lang.hitch(this, function(size){ this.childrenSize = size; }), onComplete: lang.hitch(this, function(items){ onComplete(items, queryObj, this.childrenSize); }), onError: onError }); }else{ this.inherited(arguments); } } }else{ this.inherited(arguments); } }, _isChildrenLoaded: function(parentItem){ // summary: // Check if all children of the given item have been loaded var children = null; return array.every(this.childrenAttrs, function(attr){ children = this.store.getValues(parentItem, attr); return array.every(children, function(c){ return this.store.isItemLoaded(c); }, this); }, this); }, //overwritten onNewItem: function(item, parentInfo){ }, onDeleteItem: function(item){ } }); });