//>>built require({cache:{ 'url:dojox/grid/resources/Expando.html':"
\n"}}); define("dojox/grid/LazyTreeGrid", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/query", "dojo/parser", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojo/dom", "dojo/keys", "dojo/text!./resources/Expando.html", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "./TreeGrid", "./_Builder", "./_View", "./_Layout", "./cells/tree", "./_RowManager", "./_FocusManager", "./_EditManager", "./DataSelection", "./util" ], function(dojo, declare, lang, event, array, query, parser, domConstruct, domClass, domStyle, domGeometry, dom, keys, template, _widget, _templatedMixin, TreeGrid, _Builder, _View, _Layout, TreeCell, _RowManager, _FocusManager, _EditManager, DataSelection, util){ var _LazyExpando = declare("dojox.grid._LazyExpando", [_widget, _templatedMixin], { grid: null, view: null, rowIdx: -1, cellIdx: -1, level: 0, itemId: "", templateString: template, onToggle: function(evt){ // summary: // The onclick handler of expando, expand/collapse a tree node if has children. if(this.grid._treeCache.items[this.rowIdx]){ this.grid.focus.setFocusIndex(this.rowIdx, this.cellIdx); this.setOpen(!this.grid._treeCache.items[this.rowIdx].opened); try{ event.stop(evt); }catch(e){} } }, setOpen: function(open){ // summary: // expand/collapse the row where the expando is in. var g = this.grid, item = g._by_idx[this.rowIdx].item; if(item && g.treeModel.mayHaveChildren(item) && !g._loading && g._treeCache.items[this.rowIdx].opened !== open){ g._treeCache.items[this.rowIdx].opened = open; g.expandoFetch(this.rowIdx, open); this._updateOpenState(item); } }, _updateOpenState: function(item){ var g = this.grid, state; if(item && g.treeModel.mayHaveChildren(item)){ state = g._treeCache.items[this.rowIdx].opened; this.expandoInner.innerHTML = state ? "-" : "+"; domClass.toggle(this.domNode, "dojoxGridExpandoOpened", state); this.domNode.parentNode.setAttribute("aria-expanded", state); }else{ domClass.remove(this.domNode, "dojoxGridExpandoOpened"); } }, setRowNode: function(rowIdx, rowNode, view){ if(this.cellIdx < 0 || !this.itemId){ return false; } this.view = view; this.grid = view.grid; this.rowIdx = rowIdx; var marginPos = this.grid.isLeftToRight() ? "marginLeft" : "marginRight"; domStyle.set(this.domNode.parentNode, marginPos, (this.level * 1.125) + "em"); this._updateOpenState(this.grid._by_idx[this.rowIdx].item); return true; } }); var _TreeGridContentBuilder = declare("dojox.grid._TreeGridContentBuilder", _Builder._ContentBuilder, { generateHtml: function(inDataIndex, rowIndex){ var html = this.getTableArray(), grid = this.grid, v = this.view, cells = v.structure.cells, item = grid.getItem(rowIndex), level = 0, toggleClass = "", treePath = grid._treeCache.items[rowIndex] ? grid._treeCache.items[rowIndex].treePath : null; util.fire(this.view, "onBeforeRow", [rowIndex, cells]); if(item && lang.isArray(treePath)){ level = treePath.length; toggleClass = grid.treeModel.mayHaveChildren(item) ? "" : "dojoxGridNoChildren"; } var i = 0, j = 0, row, cell, mergedCells, totalWidth = 0, totalWidthes = []; for(; row = cells[j]; j++){ if(row.hidden || row.header){ continue; } html.push(''); // cell merge mergedCells = this._getColSpans(level); if(mergedCells){ array.forEach(mergedCells, function(c){ for(i = 0; cell = row[i]; i++){ if(i >= c.start && i <= c.end){ totalWidth += this._getCellWidth(row, i); } } totalWidthes.push(totalWidth); totalWidth = 0; }, this); } var m, cc, cs, pbm, k = 0; for(i = 0; cell = row[i]; i++){ m = cell.markup; cc = cell.customClasses = []; cs = cell.customStyles = []; if(mergedCells && mergedCells[k] && (i >= mergedCells[k].start && i <= mergedCells[k].end)){ var primaryIdx = mergedCells[k].primary || mergedCells[k].start; if(i == primaryIdx){ m[5] = cell.formatAtLevel(item, level, rowIndex); m[1] = cc.join(' '); pbm = domGeometry.getMarginBox(cell.getHeaderNode()).w - domGeometry.getContentBox(cell.getHeaderNode()).w; cs = cell.customStyles = ['width:' + (totalWidthes[k] - pbm) + "px"]; m[3] = cs.join(';'); html.push.apply(html, m); }else if(i == mergedCells[k].end){ k++; continue; }else{ continue; } }else{ m[5] = cell.formatAtLevel(item, level, rowIndex); m[1] = cc.join(' '); m[3] = cs.join(';'); html.push.apply(html, m); } } html.push(''); } html.push(''); return html.join(''); // String }, _getColSpans: function(level){ var colSpans = this.grid.colSpans; return colSpans && colSpans[level] ? colSpans[level] : null; }, _getCellWidth: function(cells, colIndex){ var curCell = cells[colIndex], node = curCell.getHeaderNode(); if(curCell.hidden){ return 0; } if(colIndex == cells.length - 1 || array.every(cells.slice(colIndex + 1), function(cell){ return cell.hidden; })){ var headerNodePos = domGeometry.position(cells[colIndex].view.headerContentNode.firstChild); return headerNodePos.x + headerNodePos.w - domGeometry.position(node).x; }else{ var nextCell; do{ nextCell = cells[++colIndex]; }while(nextCell.hidden); return domGeometry.position(nextCell.getHeaderNode()).x - domGeometry.position(node).x; } } }); declare("dojox.grid._TreeGridView", _View, { _contentBuilderClass: _TreeGridContentBuilder, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._expandos = {}; this.connect(this.grid, '_onCleanupExpandoCache', '_cleanupExpandoCache'); }, destroy: function(){ this._cleanupExpandoCache(); this.inherited(arguments); }, _cleanupExpandoCache: function(identity){ if(identity && this._expandos[identity]){ this._expandos[identity].destroy(); delete this._expandos[identity]; }else{ var i; for(i in this._expandos){ this._expandos[i].destroy(); } this._expandos = {}; } }, onAfterRow: function(rowIndex, cells, rowNode){ query("span.dojoxGridExpando", rowNode).forEach(function(n){ if(n && n.parentNode){ var idty, expando, _byIdx = this.grid._by_idx; if(_byIdx && _byIdx[rowIndex] && _byIdx[rowIndex].idty){ idty = _byIdx[rowIndex].idty; expando = this._expandos[idty]; } if(expando){ domConstruct.place(expando.domNode, n, "replace"); expando.itemId = n.getAttribute("itemId"); expando.cellIdx = parseInt(n.getAttribute("cellIdx"), 10); if(isNaN(expando.cellIdx)){ expando.cellIdx = -1; } }else{ expando = parser.parse(n.parentNode)[0]; if(idty){ this._expandos[idty] = expando; } } if(!expando.setRowNode(rowIndex, rowNode, this)){ expando.domNode.parentNode.removeChild(expando.domNode); } domConstruct.destroy(n); } }, this); this.inherited(arguments); }, updateRow: function(rowIndex){ var grid = this.grid, item; if(grid.keepSelection){ item = grid.getItem(rowIndex); if(item){ grid.selection.preserver._reSelectById(item, rowIndex); } } this.inherited(arguments); } }); var LazyTreeCell = lang.mixin(lang.clone(TreeCell), { formatAtLevel: function(item, level, rowIndex){ if(!item){ return this.formatIndexes(rowIndex, item, level); } var result = "", ret = "", content; if(this.isCollapsable && this.grid.store.isItem(item)){ ret = ''; } content = this.formatIndexes(rowIndex, item, level); result = ret !== "" ? '
' + ret + content + '
' : content; return result; }, formatIndexes: function(rowIndex, item, level){ var info = this.grid.edit.info, d = this.get ? this.get(rowIndex, item) : (this.value || this.defaultValue); if(this.editable && (this.alwaysEditing || (info.rowIndex === rowIndex && info.cell === this))){ return this.formatEditing(d, rowIndex); }else{ return this._defaultFormat(d, [d, rowIndex, level, this]); } } }); var _LazyTreeLayout = declare("dojox.grid._LazyTreeLayout", _Layout, { // summary: // Override the dojox.grid._TreeLayout to modify the _TreeGridView and cell formatter setStructure: function(structure){ var g = this.grid, s = structure; if(g && !array.every(s, function(i){ return !!i.cells; })){ s = arguments[0] = [{cells:[s]}];//intentionally change arguments[0] } if(s.length === 1 && s[0].cells.length === 1){ s[0].type = "dojox.grid._TreeGridView"; this._isCollapsable = true; s[0].cells[0][this.grid.expandoCell].isCollapsable = true; } this.inherited(arguments); }, addCellDef: function(rowIndex, cellIndex, def){ var obj = this.inherited(arguments); return lang.mixin(obj, LazyTreeCell); } }); var _LazyTreeGridCache = declare("dojox.grid._LazyTreeGridCache", null, { // summary: // An internal object used to cache the tree path and open state of each item. // The form of the cache items would be an object array: // [{opened: true/false, treePath: [level0 parent id, level1 parent id, ...]}] // example: // | [{opened: true, treePath: []}, // | {opened: false, treePath: ["root0"]}, // | {opened: false, treePath: ["root0"]}, // | {opened: false, treePath: []}, // | ...] constructor: function(){ this.items = []; }, getSiblingIndex: function(rowIndex, treePath){ var i = rowIndex - 1, indexCount = 0, tp; for(; i >=0; i--){ tp = this.items[i] ? this.items[i].treePath : []; if(tp.join('/') === treePath.join('/')){ indexCount++; }else if(tp.length < treePath.length){ break; } } return indexCount; }, removeChildren: function(rowIndex){ // find next sibling index var i = rowIndex + 1, count, tp, treePath = this.items[rowIndex] ? this.items[rowIndex].treePath : []; for(; i < this.items.length; i++){ tp = this.items[i] ? this.items[i].treePath : []; if(tp.join('/') === treePath.join('/') || tp.length <= treePath.length){ break; } } count = i - (rowIndex + 1); this.items.splice(rowIndex + 1, count); return count; } }); var LazyTreeGrid = declare("dojox.grid.LazyTreeGrid", TreeGrid, { // summary: // An enhanced TreeGrid widget which supports lazy-loading for nested children items // // description: // LazyTreeGrid inherits from dojo.grid.TreeGrid and applies virtual scrolling mechanism // to nested children rows so that it's possible to deal with complex tree structure data set // with nested and huge children rows. It's also compatible with dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel // // Most methods and properties pertaining to dojox.grid.DataGrid // and dojox.grid.TreeGrid also apply here // // LazyTreeGrid does not support summary row/items aggregate due to the lazy-loading rationale. _layoutClass: _LazyTreeLayout, _size: 0, // treeModel: dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel | dojox.grid.LazyTreeGridStoreModel // A tree store model object. treeModel: null, // defaultState: Object // Used to restore the state of LazyTreeGrid. // This object should ONLY be obtained from `LazyTreeGrid.getState()`. defaultState: null, // colSpans: Object // a json object that defines column span of each level rows // attributes: // 0/1/..: which level need to colspan // start: start column index of colspan // end: end column index of colspan // primary: index of column which content will be displayed (default is value of start). // example: // | colSpans = { // | 0: [ // | {start: 0, end: 1, primary: 0}, // | {start: 2, end: 4, primary: 3} // | ], // | 1: [ // | {start: 0, end: 3, primary: 1} // | ] // | }; colSpans: null, postCreate: function(){ this._setState(); this.inherited(arguments); if(!this._treeCache){ this._treeCache = new _LazyTreeGridCache(); } if(!this.treeModel || !(this.treeModel instanceof dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel)){ throw new Error("dojox.grid.LazyTreeGrid: must be used with a treeModel which is an instance of dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel"); } domClass.add(this.domNode, "dojoxGridTreeModel"); dom.setSelectable(this.domNode, this.selectable); }, createManagers: function(){ this.rows = new _RowManager(this); this.focus = new _FocusManager(this); this.edit = new _EditManager(this); }, createSelection: function(){ this.selection = new DataSelection(this); }, setModel: function(treeModel){ if(!treeModel){ return; } this._setModel(treeModel); this._cleanup(); this._refresh(true); }, setStore: function(store, query, queryOptions){ if(!store){ return; } this._setQuery(query, queryOptions); this.treeModel.query = query; this.treeModel.store = store; this.treeModel.root.children = []; this.setModel(this.treeModel); }, onSetState: function(){ // summary: // Event fired when a default state being set. }, _setState: function(){ if(this.defaultState){ this._treeCache = this.defaultState.cache; this.sortInfo = this.defaultState.sortInfo || 0; this.query = this.defaultState.query || this.query; this._lastScrollTop = this.defaultState.scrollTop; if(this.keepSelection){ this.selection.preserver._selectedById = this.defaultState.selection; }else{ this.selection.selected = this.defaultState.selection || []; } this.onSetState(); } }, getState: function(){ // summary: // Get the current state of LazyTreeGrid including expanding, sorting, selection and scroll top state. var _this = this, selection = this.keepSelection ? this.selection.preserver._selectedById : this.selection.selected; return { cache: lang.clone(_this._treeCache), query: lang.clone(_this.query), sortInfo: lang.clone(_this.sortInfo), scrollTop: lang.clone(_this.scrollTop), selection: lang.clone(selection) }; }, _setQuery: function(query, queryOptions){ this.inherited(arguments); this.treeModel.query = query; }, filter: function(query, reRender){ this._cleanup(); this.inherited(arguments); }, destroy: function(){ this._cleanup(); this.inherited(arguments); }, expand: function(itemId){ // summary: // Expand the row with the given itemId. // id: string? this._fold(itemId, true); }, collapse: function(itemId){ // summary: // Collapse the row with the given itemId. // id: string? this._fold(itemId, false); }, refresh: function(keepState){ // summary: // Refresh, and persist the expand/collapse state when keepState equals true // keepState: boolean if(!keepState){ this._cleanup(); } this._refresh(true); }, _cleanup: function(){ this._treeCache.items = []; this._onCleanupExpandoCache(); }, setSortIndex: function(inIndex, inAsc){ // Need to clean up the cache before sorting if(this.canSort(inIndex + 1)){ this._cleanup(); } this.inherited(arguments); }, _refresh: function(isRender){ this._clearData(); this.updateRowCount(this._size); this._fetch(0, true); }, render: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this.setScrollTop(this.scrollTop); }, _onNew: function(item, parentInfo){ var addingChild = parentInfo && this.store.isItem(parentInfo.item) && array.some(this.treeModel.childrenAttrs, function(c){ return c === parentInfo.attribute; }); var items = this._treeCache.items, byIdx = this._by_idx; if(!addingChild){ items.push({opened: false, treePath: []}); this._size += 1; this.inherited(arguments); }else{ var parentItem = parentInfo.item, parentIdty = this.store.getIdentity(parentItem), rowIndex = -1, i = 0; for(; i < byIdx.length; i++){ if(parentIdty === byIdx[i].idty){ rowIndex = i; break; } } if(rowIndex >= 0){ if(items[rowIndex] && items[rowIndex].opened){ var parentTreePath = items[rowIndex].treePath, pos = rowIndex + 1; for(; pos < items.length; pos++){ if(items[pos].treePath.length <= parentTreePath.length){ break; } } var treePath = parentTreePath.slice(); treePath.push(parentIdty); this._treeCache.items.splice(pos, 0, {opened: false, treePath: treePath}); // update grid._by_idx var idty = this.store.getIdentity(item); this._by_idty[idty] = { idty: idty, item: item }; byIdx.splice(pos, 0, this._by_idty[idty]); // update grid this._size += 1; this.updateRowCount(this._size); this._updateRenderedRows(pos); }else{ this.updateRow(rowIndex); } } } }, _onDelete: function(item){ var i = 0, rowIndex = -1, idty = this.store.getIdentity(item); for(; i < this._by_idx.length; i++){ if(idty === this._by_idx[i].idty){ rowIndex = i; break; } } if(rowIndex >= 0){ var items = this._treeCache.items, treePath = items[rowIndex] ? items[rowIndex].treePath : [], tp, count = 1; i = rowIndex + 1; for(; i < this._size; i++, count++){ tp = items[i] ? items[i].treePath : []; if(items[i].treePath.length <= treePath.length){ break; } } items.splice(rowIndex, count); this._onCleanupExpandoCache(idty); this._by_idx.splice(rowIndex, count); this._size -= count; this.updateRowCount(this._size); this._updateRenderedRows(rowIndex); } }, _onCleanupExpandoCache: function(identity){}, _fetch: function(start, isRender){ if(!this._loading){ this._loading = true; } start = start || 0; var count = this._size - start > 0 ? Math.min(this.rowsPerPage, this._size - start) : this.rowsPerPage; var i = 0; var fetchedItems = []; this._reqQueueLen = 0; for(; i < count; i++){ if(this._by_idx[start + i]){ fetchedItems.push(this._by_idx[start + i].item); }else{ break; } } if(fetchedItems.length === count){ this._reqQueueLen = 1; this._onFetchBegin(this._size, {startRowIdx: start, count: count}); this._onFetchComplete(fetchedItems, {startRowIdx: start, count: count}); }else{ var level, nextLevel, len = 1, items = this._treeCache.items, treePath = items[start] ? items[start].treePath : []; for(i = 1; i < count; i++){ level = items[start + len - 1] ? items[start + len - 1].treePath.length : 0; nextLevel = items[start + len] ? items[start + len].treePath.length : 0; if(level !== nextLevel){ this._reqQueueLen++; this._fetchItems({startRowIdx: start, count: len, treePath: treePath}); start = start + len; len = 1; treePath = items[start] ? items[start].treePath : 0; }else{ len++; } } this._reqQueueLen++; this._fetchItems({startRowIdx: start, count: len, treePath: treePath}); } }, _fetchItems: function(req){ if(this._pending_requests[req.startRowIdx]){ return; } this.showMessage(this.loadingMessage); this._pending_requests[req.startRowIdx] = true; var onError = lang.hitch(this, '_onFetchError'), start = this._treeCache.getSiblingIndex(req.startRowIdx, req.treePath); if(req.treePath.length === 0){ this.store.fetch({ start: start, startRowIdx: req.startRowIdx, treePath: req.treePath, count: req.count, query: this.query, sort: this.getSortProps(), queryOptions: this.queryOptions, onBegin: lang.hitch(this, '_onFetchBegin'), onComplete: lang.hitch(this, '_onFetchComplete'), onError: lang.hitch(this, '_onFetchError') }); }else{ var parentId = req.treePath[req.treePath.length - 1], parentItem; var queryObj = { start: start, startRowIdx: req.startRowIdx, treePath: req.treePath, count: req.count, parentId: parentId, sort: this.getSortProps() }; var _this = this; var onComplete = function(){ var f = lang.hitch(_this, '_onFetchComplete'); if(arguments.length == 1){ f.apply(_this, [arguments[0], queryObj]); }else{ f.apply(_this, arguments); } }; if(this._by_idty[parentId]){ parentItem = this._by_idty[parentId].item; this.treeModel.getChildren(parentItem, onComplete, onError, queryObj); }else{ this.store.fetchItemByIdentity({ identity: parentId, onItem: function(item){ _this.treeModel.getChildren(item, onComplete, onError, queryObj); }, onError: onError }); } } }, _onFetchBegin: function(size, request){ if(this._treeCache.items.length === 0){ this._size = parseInt(size, 10); } size = this._size; // this._size = size = this._treeCache.items.length; this.inherited(arguments); }, _onFetchComplete: function(items, request){ var startRowIdx = request.startRowIdx, count = request.count, start = items.length <= count ? 0: request.start, treePath = request.treePath || []; if(lang.isArray(items) && items.length > 0){ var i = 0, len = Math.min(count, items.length); for(; i < len; i++){ if(!this._treeCache.items[startRowIdx + i]){ this._treeCache.items[startRowIdx + i] = {opened: false, treePath: treePath}; } if(!this._by_idx[startRowIdx + i]){ this._addItem(items[start + i], startRowIdx + i, true); } // this._treeCache.items.splice(startRowIdx + i, 0, {opened: false, treePath: treePath}); } this.updateRows(startRowIdx, len); } if(this._size == 0){ this.showMessage(this.noDataMessage); }else{ this.showMessage(); } this._pending_requests[startRowIdx] = false; this._reqQueueLen--; if(this._loading && this._reqQueueLen === 0){ this._loading = false; if(this._lastScrollTop){ this.setScrollTop(this._lastScrollTop); } } }, expandoFetch: function(rowIndex, open){ // summary: // Function for fetch children of a given row if(this._loading || !this._by_idx[rowIndex]){return;} this._loading = true; this._toggleLoadingClass(rowIndex, true); this.expandoRowIndex = rowIndex; var item = this._by_idx[rowIndex].item; // this._pages = []; if(open){ var queryObj = { start: 0, count: this.rowsPerPage, parentId: this.store.getIdentity(this._by_idx[rowIndex].item), sort: this.getSortProps() }; this.treeModel.getChildren(item, lang.hitch(this, "_onExpandoComplete"), lang.hitch(this, "_onFetchError"), queryObj); }else{ // get the whole children number when clear the children from cache var num = this._treeCache.removeChildren(rowIndex); // remove the items from grid._by_idx this._by_idx.splice(rowIndex + 1, num); this._bop = this._eop = -1; //update grid this._size -= num; this.updateRowCount(this._size); this._updateRenderedRows(rowIndex + 1); this._toggleLoadingClass(rowIndex, false); if(this._loading){ this._loading = false; } this.focus._delayedCellFocus(); } }, _onExpandoComplete: function(childItems, request, size){ size = isNaN(size) ? childItems.length : parseInt(size, 10); var treePath = this._treeCache.items[this.expandoRowIndex].treePath.slice(0); treePath.push(this.store.getIdentity(this._by_idx[this.expandoRowIndex].item)); var i = 1, idty; for(; i <= size; i++){ this._treeCache.items.splice(this.expandoRowIndex + i, 0, {treePath: treePath, opened: false}); } this._size += size; this.updateRowCount(this._size); for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ if(childItems[i]){ idty = this.store.getIdentity(childItems[i]); this._by_idty[idty] = { idty: idty, item: childItems[i] }; this._by_idx.splice(this.expandoRowIndex + 1 + i, 0, this._by_idty[idty]); }else{ this._by_idx.splice(this.expandoRowIndex + 1 + i, 0, null); } } this._updateRenderedRows(this.expandoRowIndex + 1); this._toggleLoadingClass(this.expandoRowIndex, false); this.stateChangeNode = null; if(this._loading){ this._loading = false; } if(this.autoHeight === true){ this._resize(); } this.focus._delayedCellFocus(); }, styleRowNode: function(rowIndex, rowNode){ if(rowNode){ this.rows.styleRowNode(rowIndex, rowNode); } }, onStyleRow: function(row){ if(!this.layout._isCollapsable){ this.inherited(arguments); return; } row.customClasses = (row.odd ? " dojoxGridRowOdd" : "") + (row.selected ? " dojoxGridRowSelected" : "") + (row.over ? " dojoxGridRowOver" : ""); this.focus.styleRow(row); this.edit.styleRow(row); }, onKeyDown: function(e){ if(e.altKey || e.metaKey){ return; } var expando = dijit.findWidgets(e.target)[0]; if(e.keyCode === keys.ENTER && expando instanceof _LazyExpando){ expando.onToggle(); } this.inherited(arguments); }, _toggleLoadingClass: function(rowIndex, flag){ var views = this.views.views, node, rowNode = views[views.length - 1].getRowNode(rowIndex); if(rowNode){ node = query('.dojoxGridExpando', rowNode)[0]; if(node){ domClass.toggle(node, "dojoxGridExpandoLoading", flag); } } }, _updateRenderedRows: function(start){ array.forEach(this.scroller.stack, function(p){ if(p * this.rowsPerPage >= start){ this.updateRows(p * this.rowsPerPage, this.rowsPerPage); }else if((p + 1) * this.rowsPerPage >= start){ this.updateRows(start, (p + 1) * this.rowsPerPage - start + 1); } }, this); }, _fold: function(itemId, open){ var rowIndex = -1, i = 0, byIdx = this._by_idx, idty = this._by_idty[itemId]; if(idty && idty.item && this.treeModel.mayHaveChildren(idty.item)){ for(; i < byIdx.length; i++){ if(byIdx[i] && byIdx[i].idty === itemId){ rowIndex = i; break; } } if(rowIndex >= 0){ var rowNode = this.views.views[this.views.views.length - 1].getRowNode(rowIndex); if(rowNode){ var expando = dijit.findWidgets(rowNode)[0]; if(expando){ expando.setOpen(open); } } } } } }); LazyTreeGrid.markupFactory = function(props, node, ctor, cellFunc){ return TreeGrid.markupFactory(props, node, ctor, cellFunc); }; return LazyTreeGrid; });