//>>built define("dojox/gfx/VectorText", ["dojo/_base/lang","dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/loader" /* dojo._getText */, "dojo/_base/xhr","./_base", "dojox/xml/DomParser", "dojox/html/metrics","./matrix"], function (lang,declare,arr,loader,xhr,gfx,xmlDomParser,HtmlMetrics,Matrix){ /*===== gfx = dojox.gfx; dojox.gfx.VectorText = { // summary: // An implementation of the SVG Font 1.1 spec, using dojox.gfx. // // Basic interface: // var f = new dojox.gfx.Font(url|string); // surface||group.createVectorText(text) // .setFill(fill) // .setStroke(stroke) // .setFont(fontStyleObject); // // The arguments passed to createVectorText are the same as you would // pass to surface||group.createText; the difference is that this // is entirely renderer-agnostic, and the return value is a subclass // of dojox.gfx.Group. // // Note also that the "defaultText" object is slightly different: // { type:"vectortext", x:0, y:0, width:null, height: null, // text: "", align: "start", decoration: "none" } // // ...as well as the "defaultVectorFont" object: // { type:"vectorfont", size:"10pt" } // // The reason for this should be obvious: most of the style for the font is defined // by the font object itself. // // Note that this will only render IF and WHEN you set the font. }; =====*/ var _getText = function(url){ var result; xhr.get({url:url, sync:true, load:function(text){ // Note synchronous! result = text; }}); return result; }; lang.getObject("dojox.gfx.VectorText", true); lang.mixin(gfx, { vectorFontFitting: { NONE: 0, // render text according to passed size. FLOW: 1, // render text based on the passed width and size FIT: 2 // render text based on a passed viewbox. }, defaultVectorText: { type:"vectortext", x:0, y:0, width: null, height: null, text: "", align: "start", decoration: "none", fitting: 0, // vectorFontFitting.NONE leading: 1.5 // in ems. }, defaultVectorFont: { type:"vectorfont", size: "10pt", family: null }, _vectorFontCache: {}, _svgFontCache: {}, getVectorFont: function(/* String */url){ if(gfx._vectorFontCache[url]){ return gfx._vectorFontCache[url]; } return new gfx.VectorFont(url); } }); return declare("dojox.gfx.VectorFont", null, { // EARLY RETURN _entityRe: /&(quot|apos|lt|gt|amp|#x[^;]+|#\d+);/g, _decodeEntitySequence: function(str){ // unescape the unicode sequences // nothing to decode if(!str.match(this._entityRe)){ return; } // undefined var xmlEntityMap = { amp:"&", apos:"'", quot:'"', lt:"<", gt:">" }; // we have at least one encoded entity. var r, tmp=""; while((r=this._entityRe.exec(str))!==null){ if(r[1].charAt(1)=="x"){ tmp += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(r[1].slice(2), 16)); } else if(!isNaN(parseInt(r[1].slice(1),10))){ tmp += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(r[1].slice(1), 10)); } else { tmp += xmlEntityMap[r[1]] || ""; } } return tmp; // String }, _parse: function(/* String */svg, /* String */url){ // summary: // Take the loaded SVG Font definition file and convert the info // into things we can use. The SVG Font definition must follow // the SVG 1.1 Font specification. var doc = gfx._svgFontCache[url]||xmlDomParser.parse(svg); // font information var f = doc.documentElement.byName("font")[0], face = doc.documentElement.byName("font-face")[0]; var unitsPerEm = parseFloat(face.getAttribute("units-per-em")||1000, 10); var advance = { x: parseFloat(f.getAttribute("horiz-adv-x"), 10), y: parseFloat(f.getAttribute("vert-adv-y")||0, 10) }; if(!advance.y){ advance.y = unitsPerEm; } var origin = { horiz: { x: parseFloat(f.getAttribute("horiz-origin-x")||0, 10), y: parseFloat(f.getAttribute("horiz-origin-y")||0, 10) }, vert: { x: parseFloat(f.getAttribute("vert-origin-x")||0, 10), y: parseFloat(f.getAttribute("vert-origin-y")||0, 10) } }; // face information var family = face.getAttribute("font-family"), style = face.getAttribute("font-style")||"all", variant = face.getAttribute("font-variant")||"normal", weight = face.getAttribute("font-weight")||"all", stretch = face.getAttribute("font-stretch")||"normal", // additional info, may not be needed range = face.getAttribute("unicode-range")||"U+0-10FFFF", panose = face.getAttribute("panose-1") || "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0", capHeight = face.getAttribute("cap-height"), ascent = parseFloat(face.getAttribute("ascent")||(unitsPerEm-origin.vert.y), 10), descent = parseFloat(face.getAttribute("descent")||origin.vert.y, 10), baseline = {}; // check for font-face-src/font-face-name var name = family; if(face.byName("font-face-name")[0]){ name = face.byName("font-face-name")[0].getAttribute("name"); } // see if this is cached already, and if so, forget the rest of the parsing. if(gfx._vectorFontCache[name]){ return; } // get any provided baseline alignment offsets. arr.forEach(["alphabetic", "ideographic", "mathematical", "hanging" ], function(attr){ var a = face.getAttribute(attr); if(a !== null /* be explicit, might be 0 */){ baseline[attr] = parseFloat(a, 10); } }); /* // TODO: decoration hinting. var decoration = { }; arr.forEach(["underline", "strikethrough", "overline"], function(type){ if(face.getAttribute(type+"-position")!=null){ decoration[type]={ }; } }); */ // missing glyph info var missing = parseFloat(doc.documentElement.byName("missing-glyph")[0].getAttribute("horiz-adv-x")||advance.x, 10); // glyph information var glyphs = {}, glyphsByName={}, g=doc.documentElement.byName("glyph"); arr.forEach(g, function(node){ // we are going to assume the following: // 1) we have the unicode attribute // 2) we have the name attribute // 3) we have the horiz-adv-x and d attributes. var code = node.getAttribute("unicode"), name = node.getAttribute("glyph-name"), xAdv = parseFloat(node.getAttribute("horiz-adv-x")||advance.x, 10), path = node.getAttribute("d"); // unescape the unicode sequences if(code.match(this._entityRe)){ code = this._decodeEntitySequence(code); } // build our glyph objects var o = { code: code, name: name, xAdvance: xAdv, path: path }; glyphs[code]=o; glyphsByName[name]=o; }, this); // now the fun part: look for kerning pairs. var hkern=doc.documentElement.byName("hkern"); arr.forEach(hkern, function(node, i){ var k = -parseInt(node.getAttribute("k"),10); // look for either a code or a name var u1=node.getAttribute("u1"), g1=node.getAttribute("g1"), u2=node.getAttribute("u2"), g2=node.getAttribute("g2"), gl; if(u1){ // the first of the pair is a sequence of unicode characters. // TODO: deal with unicode ranges and mulitple characters. u1 = this._decodeEntitySequence(u1); if(glyphs[u1]){ gl = glyphs[u1]; } } else { // we are referring to a name. // TODO: deal with multiple names if(glyphsByName[g1]){ gl = glyphsByName[g1]; } } if(gl){ if(!gl.kern){ gl.kern = {}; } if(u2){ // see the notes above. u2 = this._decodeEntitySequence(u2); gl.kern[u2] = { x: k }; } else { if(glyphsByName[g2]){ gl.kern[glyphsByName[g2].code] = { x: k }; } } } }, this); // pop the final definition in the font cache. lang.mixin(this, { family: family, name: name, style: style, variant: variant, weight: weight, stretch: stretch, range: range, viewbox: { width: unitsPerEm, height: unitsPerEm }, origin: origin, advance: lang.mixin(advance, { missing:{ x: missing, y: missing } }), ascent: ascent, descent: descent, baseline: baseline, glyphs: glyphs }); // cache the parsed font gfx._vectorFontCache[name] = this; gfx._vectorFontCache[url] = this; if(name!=family && !gfx._vectorFontCache[family]){ gfx._vectorFontCache[family] = this; } // cache the doc if(!gfx._svgFontCache[url]){ gfx._svgFontCache[url]=doc; } }, _clean: function(){ // summary: // Clean off all of the given mixin parameters. var name = this.name, family = this.family; arr.forEach(["family","name","style","variant", "weight","stretch","range","viewbox", "origin","advance","ascent","descent", "baseline","glyphs"], function(prop){ try{ delete this[prop]; } catch(e) { } }, this); // try to pull out of the font cache. if(gfx._vectorFontCache[name]){ delete gfx._vectorFontCache[name]; } if(gfx._vectorFontCache[family]){ delete gfx._vectorFontCache[family]; } return this; }, constructor: function(/* String|dojo._Url */url){ // summary:: // Create this font object based on the SVG Font definition at url. this._defaultLeading = 1.5; if(url!==undefined){ this.load(url); } }, load: function(/* String|dojo._Url */url){ // summary:: // Load the passed SVG and send it to the parser for parsing. this.onLoadBegin(url.toString()); this._parse( gfx._svgFontCache[url.toString()]||_getText(url.toString()), url.toString() ); this.onLoad(this); return this; // dojox.gfx.VectorFont }, initialized: function(){ // summary:: // Return if we've loaded a font def, and the parsing was successful. return (this.glyphs!==null); // Boolean }, // preset round to 3 places. _round: function(n){ return Math.round(1000*n)/1000; }, _leading: function(unit){ return this.viewbox.height * (unit||this._defaultLeading); }, _normalize: function(str){ return str.replace(/\s+/g, String.fromCharCode(0x20)); }, _getWidth: function(glyphs){ var w=0, last=0, lastGlyph=null; arr.forEach(glyphs, function(glyph, i){ last=glyph.xAdvance; if(glyphs[i] && glyph.kern && glyph.kern[glyphs[i].code]){ last += glyph.kern[glyphs[i].code].x; } w += last; lastGlyph = glyph; }); // if the last glyph was a space, pull it off. if(lastGlyph && lastGlyph.code == " "){ w -= lastGlyph.xAdvance; } return this._round(w/*-last*/); }, _getLongestLine: function(lines){ var maxw=0, idx=0; arr.forEach(lines, function(line, i){ var max = Math.max(maxw, this._getWidth(line)); if(max > maxw){ maxw = max; idx=i; } }, this); return { width: maxw, index: idx, line: lines[idx] }; }, _trim: function(lines){ var fn = function(arr){ // check if the first or last character is a space and if so, remove it. if(!arr.length){ return; } if(arr[arr.length-1].code == " "){ arr.splice(arr.length-1, 1); } if(!arr.length){ return; } if(arr[0].code == " "){ arr.splice(0, 1); } }; if(lang.isArray(lines[0])){ // more than one line. arr.forEach(lines, fn); } else { fn(lines); } return lines; }, _split: function(chars, nLines){ // summary: // split passed chars into nLines by finding the closest whitespace. var w = this._getWidth(chars), limit = Math.floor(w/nLines), lines = [], cw = 0, c = [], found = false; for(var i=0, l=chars.length; i=limit){ var chr=chars[i]; while(found && chr.code != " " && i>=0){ chr = c.pop(); i--; } lines.push(c); c=[]; cw=0; found=false; } c.push(chars[i]); } if(c.length){ lines.push(c); } // "trim" it return this._trim(lines); }, _getSizeFactor: function(size){ // given the size, return a scaling factor based on the height of the // font as defined in the font definition file. size += ""; // force the string cast. var metrics = HtmlMetrics.getCachedFontMeasurements(), height=this.viewbox.height, f=metrics["1em"], unit=parseFloat(size, 10); // the default. if(size.indexOf("em")>-1){ return this._round((metrics["1em"]*unit)/height); } else if(size.indexOf("ex")>-1){ return this._round((metrics["1ex"]*unit)/height); } else if(size.indexOf("pt")>-1){ return this._round(((metrics["12pt"] / 12)*unit) / height); } else if(size.indexOf("px")>-1){ return this._round(((metrics["16px"] / 16)*unit) / height); } else if(size.indexOf("%")>-1){ return this._round((metrics["1em"]*(unit / 100)) / height); } else { f=metrics[size]||metrics.medium; return this._round(f/height); } }, _getFitFactor: function(lines, w, h, l){ // summary: // Find the scaling factor for the given phrase set. if(!h){ // if no height was passed, we assume an array of glyphs instead of lines. return this._round(w/this._getWidth(lines)); } else { var maxw = this._getLongestLine(lines).width, maxh = (lines.length*(this.viewbox.height*l))-((this.viewbox.height*l)-this.viewbox.height); return this._round(Math.min(w/maxw, h/maxh)); } }, _getBestFit: function(chars, w, h, ldng){ // summary: // Get the best number of lines to return given w and h. var limit=32, factor=0, lines=limit; while(limit>0){ var f=this._getFitFactor(this._split(chars, limit), w, h, ldng); if(f>factor){ factor = f; lines=limit; } limit--; } return { scale: factor, lines: this._split(chars, lines) }; }, _getBestFlow: function(chars, w, scale){ // summary: // Based on the given scale, do the best line splitting possible. var lines = [], cw = 0, c = [], found = false; for(var i=0, l=chars.length; i=w){ var chr=chars[i]; while(found && chr.code != " " && i>=0){ chr = c.pop(); i--; } lines.push(c); c=[]; cw=0; found=false; } c.push(chars[i]); } if(c.length){ lines.push(c); } return this._trim(lines); }, // public functions getWidth: function(/* String */text, /* Float? */scale){ // summary: // Get the width of the rendered text without actually rendering it. return this._getWidth(arr.map(this._normalize(text).split(""), function(chr){ return this.glyphs[chr] || { xAdvance: this.advance.missing.x }; }, this)) * (scale || 1); // Float }, getLineHeight: function(/* Float? */scale){ // summary: // return the height of a single line, sans leading, based on scale. return this.viewbox.height * (scale || 1); // Float }, // A note: // Many SVG exports do not include information such as x-height, caps-height // and other coords that may help alignment. We can calc the baseline and // we can get a mean line (i.e. center alignment) but that's about all, reliably. getCenterline: function(/* Float? */scale){ // summary: // return the y coordinate that is the center of the viewbox. return (scale||1) * (this.viewbox.height/2); }, getBaseline: function(/* Float? */scale){ // summary: // Find the baseline coord for alignment; adjust for scale if passed. return (scale||1) * (this.viewbox.height+this.descent); // Float }, draw: function(/* dojox.gfx.Container */group, /* dojox.gfx.__TextArgs */textArgs, /* dojox.gfx.__FontArgs */fontArgs, /* dojox.gfx.__FillArgs */fillArgs, /* dojox.gfx.__StrokeArgs? */strokeArgs){ // summary: // based on the passed parameters, draw the given text using paths // defined by this font. // // description: // The main method of a VectorFont, draw() will take a text fragment // and render it in a set of groups and paths based on the parameters // passed. // // The basics of drawing text are simple enough: pass it your text as // part of the textArgs object, pass size and family info as part of // the fontArgs object, pass at least a color as the fillArgs object, // and if you are looking to create an outline, pass the strokeArgs // object as well. fillArgs and strokeArgs are the same as any other // gfx fill and stroke arguments; they are simply applied to any path // object generated by this method. // // Resulting GFX structure // ----------------------- // // The result of this function is a set of gfx objects in the following // structure: // // | dojox.gfx.Group // the parent group generated by this function // | + dojox.gfx.Group[] // a group generated for each line of text // | + dojox.gfx.Path[] // each glyph/character in the text // // Scaling transformations (i.e. making the generated text the correct size) // are always applied to the parent Group that is generated (i.e. the top // node in the above example). In theory, if you are looking to do any kind // of other transformations (such as a translation), you should apply it to // the group reference you pass to this method. If you find that you need // to apply transformations to the group that is returned by this method, // you will need to reapply the scaling transformation as the *last* transform, // like so: // // | textGroup.setTransform(new dojox.gfx.Matrix2D([ // | dojox.gfx.matrix.translate({ dx: dx, dy: dy }), // | textGroup.getTransform() // | ])); // // In general, this should never be necessary unless you are doing advanced // placement of your text. // // Advanced Layout Functionality // ----------------------------- // // In addition to straight text fragments, draw() supports a few advanced // operations not normally available with vector graphics: // // * Flow operations (i.e. wrap to a given width) // * Fitting operations (i.e. find a best fit to a given rectangle) // // To enable either, pass a `fitting` property along with the textArgs object. // The possible values are contained in the dojox.gfx.vectorFontFitting enum // (NONE, FLOW, FIT). // // `Flow fitting` // Flow fitting requires both a passed size (in the fontArgs object) and a // width (passed with the textArgs object). draw() will attempt to split the // passed text up into lines, at the closest whitespace according to the // passed width. If a width is missing, it will revert to NONE. // // `Best fit fitting` // Doing a "best fit" means taking the passed text, and finding the largest // size and line breaks so that it is the closest fit possible. With best // fit, any size arguments are ignored; if a height is missing, it will revert // to NONE. // // Other notes // ----------- // // `a11y` // Since the results of this method are rendering using pure paths (think // "convert to outlines" in Adobe Illustrator), any text rendered by this // code is NOT considered a11y-friendly. If a11y is a requirement, we // suggest using other, more a11y-friendly methods. // // `Font sources` // Always make sure that you are legally allowed to use any fonts that you // convert to SVG format; we claim no responsibility for any licensing // infractions that may be caused by the use of this code. if(!this.initialized()){ throw new Error("dojox.gfx.VectorFont.draw(): we have not been initialized yet."); } // TODO: BIDI handling. Deal with layout/alignments based on font parameters. // start by creating the overall group. This is the INNER group (the caller // should be the outer). var g = group.createGroup(); // do the x/y translation on the parent group // FIXME: this is probably not the best way of doing this. if(textArgs.x || textArgs.y){ group.applyTransform({ dx: textArgs.x||0, dy: textArgs.y||0 }); } // go get the glyph array. var text = arr.map(this._normalize(textArgs.text).split(""), function(chr){ return this.glyphs[chr] || { path:null, xAdvance: this.advance.missing.x }; }, this); // determine the font style info, ignore decoration. var size = fontArgs.size, fitting = textArgs.fitting, width = textArgs.width, height = textArgs.height, align = textArgs.align, leading = textArgs.leading||this._defaultLeading; // figure out if we have to do fitting at all. if(fitting){ // more than zero. if((fitting==gfx.vectorFontFitting.FLOW && !width) || (fitting==gfx.vectorFontFitting.FIT && (!width || !height))){ // reset the fitting if we don't have everything we need. fitting = gfx.vectorFontFitting.NONE; } } // set up the lines array and the scaling factor. var lines, scale; switch(fitting){ case gfx.vectorFontFitting.FIT: var o=this._getBestFit(text, width, height, leading); scale = o.scale; lines = o.lines; break; case gfx.vectorFontFitting.FLOW: scale = this._getSizeFactor(size); lines = this._getBestFlow(text, width, scale); break; default: scale = this._getSizeFactor(size); lines = [ text ]; } // make sure lines doesn't have any empty lines. lines = arr.filter(lines, function(item){ return item.length>0; }); // let's start drawing. var cy = 0, maxw = this._getLongestLine(lines).width; for(var i=0, l=lines.length; i