//>>built define("dojox/gauges/_Indicator", ["dojo/_base/lang","dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/fx","dojo/_base/html","dojo/_base/connect","dijit/_Widget","dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-class"], function(lang,declare,fx,html,connect,Widget,dom,domClass) { /*===== Widget = dijit._Widget; =====*/ return declare("dojox.gauges._Indicator",[Widget],{ // summary: // An indicator to be used in a gauge // // description: // An indicator widget, which has given properties. drawn by a gauge. // // example: // | // | ... // |
// |
// |
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// value: Number // The value (on the gauge) that this indicator should be placed at value: 0, // type: String // The type of indicator to draw. Varies by gauge type. Some examples include // "line", "arrow", and "bar" type: '', // color: String // The color of the indicator. color: 'black', // strokeColor: String // The color to stroke the outline of the indicator. strokeColor: '', // label: String // The text label for the indicator. label: '', // font: Object // The font for the indicator. The font is enerally in a format similar to: // {family: "Helvetica", weight: "bold", style: "italic", size: "18pt", rotated: true} font: {family: "sans-serif", size: "12px"}, // length: Number // The length of the indicator. In the above example, the radius of the AnalogGauge // is 125, but the length of the indicator is 135, meaning it would project beyond // the edge of the AnalogGauge length: 0, // width: Number // The width of the indicator. width: 0, // offset: Number // The offset of the indicator offset: 0, // hover: String // The string to put in the tooltip when this indicator is hovered over. hover: '', // front: boolean // Keep this indicator at the front front: false, // onDragMove: String // The function to call when this indicator is moved by dragging. // onDragMove: '', // easing: String|Object // indicates the easing function to be used when animating the of an indicator. easing: fx._defaultEasing, // duration: Number // indicates how long an animation of the indicator should take duration: 1000, // hideValues: Boolean // Indicates whether the text boxes showing the value of the indicator (as text // content) should be hidden or shown. Default is not hidden, aka shown. hideValue: false, // noChange: Boolean // Indicates whether the indicator's value can be changed. Useful for // a static target indicator. Default is false (that the value can be changed). noChange: false, // interactionMode: String // The interactionMode can have two values: "indicator" (the default) or "gauge". // When the value is "indicator", the user must click on the indicator to change the value. // When the value is "gauge", the user can click on the gauge to change the indicator value. // If a gauge contains several indicators with the indicatorMode property set to "gauge", then // only the first indicator will be moved when clicking the gauge. interactionMode: "indicator", _gauge: null, // title: String // The title of the indicator, to be displayed next to it's input box for the text-representation. title: "", startup: function(){ if(this.onDragMove){ this.onDragMove = lang.hitch(this.onDragMove); } if (this.strokeColor === ""){ this.strokeColor = undefined; } }, postCreate: function(){ if(this.title === ""){ html.style(this.domNode, "display", "none"); } if(lang.isString(this.easing)){ this.easing = lang.getObject(this.easing); } }, buildRendering: function(){ // summary: // Overrides _Widget.buildRendering var n = this.domNode = this.srcNodeRef ? this.srcNodeRef: dom.create("div"); domClass.add(n, "dojoxGaugeIndicatorDiv"); var title = dom.create("label"); if (this.title) title.innerHTML = this.title + ":"; dom.place(title, n); this.valueNode = dom.create("input", { className: "dojoxGaugeIndicatorInput", size: 5, value: this.value }); dom.place(this.valueNode, n); connect.connect(this.valueNode, "onchange", this, this._update); }, _update: function(){ // summary: // A private function, handling the updating of the gauge this._updateValue(true); }, _updateValue: function(animate){ // summary: // A private function, handling the updating of the gauge var value = this.valueNode.value; if(value === ''){ this.value = null; }else{ this.value = Number(value); this.hover = this.title+': '+value; } if(this._gauge){ this.draw(this._gauge._indicatorsGroup, animate || animate==undefined ? false: true); this.valueNode.value = this.value; if((this.title == 'Target' || this.front) && this._gauge.moveIndicator){ // if re-drawing value, make sure target is still on top this._gauge.moveIndicatorToFront(this); } this.valueChanged(); } }, valueChanged: function(){ // summary: // Invoked every time the value of the indicator changes. }, update: function(value, animate){ // summary: // Updates the value of the indicator, including moving/re-drawing at it's new location and // updating the text box if(!this.noChange){ this.valueNode.value = value; this._updateValue(animate); } }, handleMouseOver: function(e){ // summary: // Handles mouse-over events in the indicator. this._gauge._handleMouseOverIndicator(this, e); }, handleMouseOut: function(e){ // summary: // Handles mouse-out events in the indicator. this._gauge._handleMouseOutIndicator(this,e); this._gauge.gaugeContent.style.cursor = ''; }, handleMouseDown: function(e){ // summary: // Handles mouse-down events in the indicator. this._gauge._handleMouseDownIndicator(this,e); }, handleTouchStart: function(e){ // summary: // Handles touch start events in the indicator. this._gauge.handleTouchStartIndicator(this, e); }, onDragMove: function(){ // summary: // Handles updating the text box and the hover text while dragging an indicator this.value = Math.floor(this.value); this.valueNode.value = this.value; this.hover = this.title+': '+this.value; }, draw: function(/* Boolean? */ dontAnimate){ // summary: // Performs the initial drawing of the indicator. // dontAnimate: Boolean // Indicates if the drawing should not be animated (rather than teh default, to animate) }, remove: function(){ // summary: // Removes the indicator's shape from the gauge surface. if (this.shape) this.shape.parent.remove(this.shape); this.shape = null; if(this.text){ this.text.parent.remove(this.text); } this.text = null; } }); });