//>>built define("dojox/gauges/TextIndicator", ["dojo/_base/declare","./_Indicator"], function(declare, Indicator) { /*===== Indicator = dojox.gauges._Indicator; =====*/ return declare("dojox.gauges.TextIndicator", [Indicator], { // summary: // A gauge indicator the simply draws its value as text. // x: Number // The x coordinate of the indicator x: 0, // y: Number // The y coordinate of the indicator y: 0, // align: String // The horizontal alignment of the text, the value can be 'middle' (the default), 'left' or 'right' align: 'middle', // fixedPrecision: Boolean // Indicates that the number is displayed in fixed precision or not (precision is defined by the 'precision' property (default is true). fixedPrecision: true, // precision: Number // The number of tailing digits to display the value of the indicator when the 'fixedPrecision' property is set to true (default is 0). precision: 0, draw: function(group, /*Boolean?*/ dontAnimate){ // summary: // Override of dojox.gauges._Indicator.draw var v = this.value; if (v < this._gauge.min) { v = this._gauge.min; } if (v > this._gauge.max) { v = this._gauge.max; } var txt; var NumberUtils = this._gauge ? this._gauge._getNumberModule() : null; if (NumberUtils) { txt = this.fixedPrecision ? NumberUtils.format(v, { places: this.precision }) : NumberUtils.format(v); } else { txt = this.fixedPrecision ? v.toFixed(this.precision) : v.toString(); } var x = this.x ? this.x : 0; var y = this.y ? this.y : 0; var align = this.align ? this.align : "middle"; if(!this.shape){ this.shape = group.createText({ x: x, y: y, text: txt, align: align }); }else{ this.shape.setShape({ x: x, y: y, text: txt, align: align }); } this.shape.setFill(this.color); if (this.font) this.shape.setFont(this.font); } }); });