//>>built define("dojox/gauges/Range", ["dojo/_base/declare","dijit/_Widget"], function(declare, Widget) { /*===== Widget = dijit._Widget; =====*/ return declare("dojox.gauges.Range", [Widget], { // summary: // a range to be used in a _Gauge // // description: // a range widget, which has given properties. drawn by a _Gauge. // // example: // | // | ... // |
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// low: Number // the low value of the range low: 0, // high: Number // the high value of the range high: 0, // hover: String // the text to put in the tooltip for the gauge hover: '', // color: Object // the color of the range. This must be an object of one of two forms: // {'color': 'color-name'} // OR // (for a gradient:) // {'type': 'linear', 'colors': [{offset: 0, color:'#C0C0C0'}, {offset: 1, color: '#E0E0E0'}] } color: null, // size: Number // for a circular gauge (such as an AnalogGauge), this dictates the size of the arc size: 0, startup: function(){ this.color = this.color ? ( this.color.color || this.color) : 'black'; } }); });