//>>built define("dojox/gauges/AnalogLineIndicator", ["dojo/_base/declare","./AnalogIndicatorBase"], function(declare, AnalogIndicatorBase) { /*===== AnalogIndicatorBase = dojox.gauges.AnalogIndicatorBase; =====*/ return declare("dojox.gauges.AnalogLineIndicator", [AnalogIndicatorBase], { // summary: // An indicator for the AnalogGauge that draws a segment of line that has for length the length of the indicator // and that starts at an offset from the center of the gauge. The line is drawn on the angle that corresponds // to the value of the indicator. _getShapes: function(/*dojox.gfx.Group*/ group){ // summary: // Private function for generating the shapes for this indicator. An indicator that behaves the // same might override this one and simply replace the shapes (such as ArrowIndicator). var direction = this.direction; var length = this.length; if (direction == 'inside') length = - length; return [group.createLine({x1: 0, y1: -this.offset, x2: 0, y2: -length-this.offset}) .setStroke({color: this.color, width: this.width})]; } }); });