define("dojox/fx/text", ["dojo/_base/lang", "./_base", "dojo/_base/fx", "dojo/fx","dojo/fx/easing", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/connect"],
function(lang, dojoxFx, baseFx, coreFx, easingLib, dom, domStyle, htmlLib, connectUtil ){
var textFx = lang.getObject("dojox.fx.text", true);
textFx._split = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary: Split a block of text into words or letters
// description:
// Returns an animation that will split the node into a grid
// of pieces that move independently.
// NOTE:
// In some rendering engines, the text will appear to "jump" from its initial position
// when the animation begins. To work around this bug, enclose the node's text in a
// args:
// args.crop: Boolean - If true, pieces will be positioned relatively rather than absolutely
// args.text: String - Text to place inside the node (otherwise node.innerHTML is used)
// args.words: Boolean - If true, the text will be split into words rather than characters
// args.pieceAnimation: Function(piece, pieceCoords, nodeCoords, number, numPieces)
// - Returns either the dojo.Animation or an array of dojo.Animation objects for the piece;
// pieceCoords is the result of dojo.coords(piece, true);
// nodeCoords is the result of dojo.coords(args.node, true);
// number is the piece's position in the array of pieces, and numPieces is the array.length
var node = args.node = dom.byId(args.node),
s = node.style,
cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(node),
nodeCoords = htmlLib.coords(node, true);
args.duration = args.duration || 1000;
args.words = args.words || false;
var originalHTML = (args.text && typeof(args.text) == "string") ? args.text : node.innerHTML,
originalHeight = s.height,
originalWidth = s.width,
animations = [];
domStyle.set(node, {
height: cs.height,
width: cs.width
// The following regular expression courtesy of Phil Haack
// http://haacked.com/archive/2004/10/25/usingregularexpressionstomatchhtml.aspx
var tagReg = /(<\/?\w+((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\/?>)/g;
// Translation: /(HTML tag plus spaces)|(word/letter without '<' plus spaces)/g
var reg = (args.words ?
/(<\/?\w+((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:".*?"|'.*?'|[^'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\/?>)\s*|([^\s<]+\s*)/g :
// Split the text into pieces
var pieces = (typeof args.text == "string") ? args.text.match(reg) : node.innerHTML.match(reg);
var html = "";
var numPieces = 0;
var number = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++){
var piece = pieces[i];
html += "" + piece + "";
html += piece;
node.innerHTML = html;
// Find the newly-created spans and create their animations
function animatePieces(piece){
var next = piece.nextSibling;
if(piece.tagName == "SPAN" && piece.childNodes.length == 1 && piece.firstChild.nodeType == 3){
var pieceCoords = htmlLib.coords(piece, true);
domStyle.set(piece, {
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
top: (args.crop ? "0px" : pieceCoords.t + "px"),
left: (args.crop ? "0px" : pieceCoords.l + "px"),
display: "inline"
var pieceAnimation = args.pieceAnimation(piece, pieceCoords, nodeCoords, number, numPieces);
// if pieceAnimation is an array, append its elements
animations = animations.concat(pieceAnimation);
// otherwise, append it
animations[animations.length] = pieceAnimation;
}else if(piece.firstChild){
var anim = coreFx.combine(animations);
connectUtil.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, function(){
node.innerHTML = originalHTML;
domStyle.set(node, {
height: originalHeight,
width: originalWidth
connectUtil.connect(anim, "onPlay", anim, args.onPlay);
connectUtil.connect(anim, "onEnd", anim, args.onEnd);
return anim; // dojo.Animation
textFx.explode = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary: Explode a block of text into words or letters
// description:
// Returns an animation that will split the text into a spans
// of words or characters that fly away from the center.
// args:
// args.crop: Boolean - If true, pieces will be positioned relatively rather than absolutely
// args.words: Boolean - If true, text will be split into words rather than characters
// args.random: Float - If set, pieces fly to random distances, for random durations,
// and in slightly random directions. The value defines how much
// randomness is introduced.
// args.distance: Float - Multiplier for the distance the pieces fly (even when random)
// args.fade: Boolean - If true, pieces fade out while in motion (default is true)
// args.fadeEasing: Function - If args.fade is true, the fade animations use this easing function
// args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the animation is reversed
// args.sync: Boolean - If args.unhide is true, all the pieces converge at the same time
// (default is true)
var node = args.node = dom.byId(args.node);
var s = node.style;
args.distance = args.distance || 1;
args.duration = args.duration || 1000;
args.random = args.random || 0;
if(typeof(args.fade) == "undefined"){
args.fade = true;
if(typeof(args.sync) == "undefined"){
args.sync = true;
args.random = Math.abs(args.random);
// Returns the animation object for each piece
args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, pieceCoords, coords, number, numPieces){
var pieceHeight = pieceCoords.h;
var pieceWidth = pieceCoords.w;
var distance = args.distance * 2;
var duration = args.duration;
var startTop = parseFloat(piece.style.top);
var startLeft = parseFloat(piece.style.left);
var delay = 0;
var randomX = 0;
var randomY = 0;
var seed = (Math.random() * args.random) + Math.max(1 - args.random, 0);
distance *= seed;
duration *= seed;
// To syncronize, give each piece an appropriate delay so they end together
delay = ((args.unhide && args.sync) || (!args.unhide && !args.sync)) ? (args.duration - duration) : 0;
// Slightly randomize the direction of each piece
randomX = Math.random() - 0.5;
randomY = Math.random() - 0.5;
var distanceY = ((coords.h - pieceHeight) / 2 - (pieceCoords.y - coords.y));
var distanceX = ((coords.w - pieceWidth) / 2 - (pieceCoords.x - coords.x));
var distanceXY = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(distanceX, 2) + Math.pow(distanceY, 2));
var endTop = startTop - distanceY * distance + distanceXY * randomY;
var endLeft = startLeft - distanceX * distance + distanceXY * randomX;
// Create the animation objects for the piece
// These are separate anim objects so they can have different curves
var pieceSlide = baseFx.animateProperty({
node: piece,
duration: duration,
delay: delay,
easing: (args.easing || (args.unhide ? easingLib.sinOut : easingLib.circOut)),
beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){
//piece.style.opacity = 0;
domStyle.set(piece,"opacity", 0);
piece.style.position = args.crop ? "relative" : "absolute";
piece.style.top = endTop + "px";
piece.style.left = endLeft + "px";
} : function(){piece.style.position = args.crop ? "relative" : "absolute";}),
properties: {
top: (args.unhide ? { start: endTop, end: startTop } : { start: startTop, end: endTop }),
left: (args.unhide ? { start: endLeft, end: startLeft } : { start: startLeft, end: endLeft })
var pieceFade = baseFx.animateProperty({
node: piece,
duration: duration,
delay: delay,
easing: (args.fadeEasing || easingLib.quadOut),
properties: {
opacity: (args.unhide ? {start: 0, end: 1} : {end: 0})
// return both animations as an array
return (args.unhide ? [pieceFade, pieceSlide] : [pieceSlide, pieceFade]);
// Otherwise return only the slide animation
return pieceSlide;
var anim = textFx._split(args);
return anim; // dojo.Animation
textFx.converge = function(/*Object*/ args){
args.unhide = true;
return textFx.explode(args);
textFx.disintegrate = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary: Split a block of text into words or letters and let them fall
// description:
// Returns an animation that will split the text into spans of words
// or characters that drop.
// args:
// args.crop: Boolean - If true, pieces will be positioned relatively rather than absolutely
// args.words: Boolean - If true, text will be split into words rather than characters
// args.interval: Float - The number of milliseconds between each piece's animation
// args.distance: Float - The number of the node's heights to drop (default is 1.5)
// args.fade: Boolean - If true, pieces fade out while in motion (default is true)
// args.random: Float - If set, pieces fall in random order. The value defines how much
// randomness is introduced
// args.reverseOrder: Boolean - If true, pieces animate in reversed order
// args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the peices fall from above and land in place
var node = args.node = dom.byId(args.node);
var s = node.style;
args.duration = args.duration || 1500;
args.distance = args.distance || 1.5;
args.random = args.random || 0;
args.fade = true;
var random = Math.abs(args.random);
// Returns the animation object for each piece
args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, pieceCoords, coords, number, numPieces){
var pieceHeight = pieceCoords.h;
var pieceWidth = pieceCoords.w;
var interval = args.interval || (args.duration / (1.5 * numPieces));
var duration = (args.duration - numPieces * interval);
var randomDelay = Math.random() * numPieces * interval;
// If distance is negative, start from the top right instead of bottom left
var uniformDelay = (args.reverseOrder || args.distance < 0) ?
(number * interval) : ((numPieces - number) * interval);
var delay = randomDelay * random + Math.max(1 - random, 0) * uniformDelay;
// Create the animation object for the piece
var properties = {};
properties.top = {
start: (parseFloat(piece.style.top) - coords.h * args.distance),
end: parseFloat(piece.style.top)
properties.opacity = {start: 0, end: 1};
properties.top = {end: (parseFloat(piece.style.top) + coords.h * args.distance)};
properties.opacity = {end: 0};
var pieceAnimation = baseFx.animateProperty({
node: piece,
duration: duration,
delay: delay,
easing: (args.easing || (args.unhide ? easingLib.sinIn : easingLib.circIn)),
properties: properties,
beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){
// piece.style.opacity = 0;
domStyle.set(piece, "opacity", 0);
piece.style.position = args.crop ? "relative" : "absolute";
piece.style.top = properties.top.start + "px";
} : function(){ piece.style.position = args.crop ? "relative" : "absolute";})
return pieceAnimation;
var anim = textFx._split(args);
return anim; // dojo.Animation
textFx.build = function(/*Object*/ args){
args.unhide = true;
return textFx.disintegrate(args);
textFx.blockFadeOut = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary: Split a block of text into words or letters and fade them
// description:
// Returns an animation that will split the text into spans of words
// or characters that fade in or out.
// args:
// args.words: Boolean - If true, text will be split into words rather than characters
// args.interval: Float - The number of milliseconds between each piece's animation (default is 0)
// args.random: Float - If true, pieces have a random delay. The value defines how much
// randomness is introduced
// args.reverseOrder: Boolean - If true, pieces animate in reversed order
// args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the animation is reversed
var node = args.node = dom.byId(args.node);;
var s = node.style;
args.duration = args.duration || 1000;
args.random = args.random || 0;
var random = Math.abs(args.random);
// Returns the animation object for each piece
args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, pieceCoords, coords, number, numPieces){
var interval = args.interval || (args.duration / (1.5 * numPieces));
var duration = (args.duration - numPieces * interval);
var randomDelay = Math.random() * numPieces * interval;
// If interval or random is negative, start from the bottom instead of top
var uniformDelay = (args.reverseOrder) ?
((numPieces - number) * interval) : (number * interval);
var delay = randomDelay * random + Math.max(1 - random, 0) * uniformDelay;
// Create the animation object for the piece
var pieceAnimation = baseFx.animateProperty({
node: piece,
duration: duration,
delay: delay,
easing: (args.easing || easingLib.sinInOut),
properties: {
opacity: (args.unhide ? {start: 0, end: 1} : {end:0})
beforeBegin: (args.unhide ? function(){ domStyle.set(piece,"opacity",0); } : undefined)
return pieceAnimation;
var anim = textFx._split(args);
return anim; // dojo.Animation
textFx.blockFadeIn = function(/*Object*/ args){
args.unhide = true;
return textFx.blockFadeOut(args);
textFx.backspace = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary: Split a block of text into words or letters and backspace them in sequence
// description:
// Returns an animation that will split the text into spans of words
// or characters that appear as if they were being backspaced (or typed) in real-time.
// args:
// args.interval: Float - The number of milliseconds between each piece's animation
// (default is determined by text length and args.duration);
// args.wordDelay: Integer - The number of milliseconds between each word
// (only effective when args.unhide = true)
// args.fixed: Boolean - If true, only style.opacity changes; otherwise, style.display
// changes between none and inline, adding realism (default = false)
// args.random: Float - If true, pieces have a random delay. The value defines how much
// randomness is introduced (only effective when args.unhide = true)
// args.unhide: Boolean - If true, the animation is reversed
var node = args.node = dom.byId(args.node);
var s = node.style;
args.words = false;
args.duration = args.duration || 2000;
args.random = args.random || 0;
var random = Math.abs(args.random);
var delay = 10;
// Returns the animation object for each piece
args.pieceAnimation = function(piece, pieceCoords, coords, number, numPieces){
var interval = args.interval || (args.duration / (1.5 * numPieces)),
text = ("textContent" in piece) ? piece.textContent : piece.innerText,
whitespace = text.match(/\s/g);
if(typeof(args.wordDelay) == "undefined"){
args.wordDelay = interval * 2;
delay = (numPieces - number - 1) * interval;
var beforeBegin, onEnd;
var beforeBegin = function(){ domStyle.set(piece,"opacity",0); };
var beforeBegin = function(){piece.style.display = "none";};
var onEnd = function(){piece.style.display = "inline";};
var onEnd = function(){piece.style.display = "none";};
// Create the animation object for the piece
var pieceAnimation = baseFx.animateProperty({
node: piece,
duration: 1,
delay: delay,
easing: (args.easing || easingLib.sinInOut),
properties: {
opacity: (args.unhide ? {start: 0, end: 1} : {end:0})
beforeBegin: beforeBegin,
onEnd: onEnd
var randomDelay = Math.random() * text.length * interval;
var wordDelay = randomDelay * random / 2 + Math.max(1 - random / 2, 0) * args.wordDelay;
delay += randomDelay * random + Math.max(1 - random, 0) * interval * text.length +
(wordDelay * (whitespace && text.lastIndexOf(whitespace[whitespace.length-1]) == text.length - 1));
return pieceAnimation;
var anim = textFx._split(args);
return anim; // dojo.Animation
textFx.type = function(/*Object*/ args){
args.unhide = true;
return textFx.backspace(args);
return textFx;