//>>built define("dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList-style", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/NodeList","dojo/NodeList-fx", "dojo/fx", "../style"], function(lang, NodeList, NodeListFx, coreFx, styleX){ // summary: // Core extensions to `dojo.NodeList` providing additional fx to `dojo.NodeList-fx` // from `dojox.fx.style` // // description: // A Package to extend dojo base NodeList with fx provided by the `dojox.fx` project. // These are experimental animations, in an experimental lang.extend( NodeList, { addClassFx: function(cssClass, args){ // summary: // Animate the effects of adding a class to all nodes in this list. // see `dojox.fx.addClass` // // tags: FX, NodeList // // example: // | // fade all elements with class "bar" to to 50% opacity // | dojo.query(".bar").addClassFx("bar").play(); return coreFx.combine(this.map(function(n){ // dojo.Animation return styleX.addClass(n, cssClass, args); })); }, removeClassFx: function(cssClass, args){ // summary: // Animate the effect of removing a class to all nodes in this list. // see `dojox.fx.removeClass` // // tags: FX, NodeList // // example: // | dojo.query(".box").removeClassFx("bar").play(); return coreFx.combine(this.map(function(n){ // dojo.Animation return styleX.removeClass(n, cssClass, args); })); }, toggleClassFx: function(cssClass, force, args){ // summary: // Animate the effect of adding or removing a class to all nodes in this list. // see `dojox.fx.toggleClass` // // tags: FX, NodeList // // example: // | dojo.query(".box").toggleClass("bar").play(); return coreFx.combine(this.map(function(n){ // dojo.Animation return styleX.toggleClass(n, cssClass, force, args); })); } }); return NodeList; });