//>>built define("dojox/form/manager/_EnableMixin", [ "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/dom-attr", "./_Mixin", "dojo/_base/declare" ], function(lang, dojo, domAttr, _Mixin, declare){ var fm = lang.getObject("dojox.form.manager", true), aa = fm.actionAdapter, ia = fm.inspectorAdapter; return declare("dojox.form.manager._EnableMixin", null, { // summary: // Form manager's mixin for controlling enable/disable state of // form elements. // description: // This mixin provides unified enable/disable functionality for // form widgets and form elements. It should be used together // with dojox.form.manager.Mixin. gatherEnableState: function(names){ // summary: // Gather enable state of all form elements and return as a dictionary. // names: Object?: // If it is an array, it is a list of names to be processed. // If it is an object, dictionary keys are names to be processed. // If it is omitted, all known form elements are to be processed. var result = this.inspectFormWidgets(ia(function(name, widget){ return !widget.get("disabled"); }), names); if(this.inspectFormNodes){ lang.mixin(result, this.inspectFormNodes(ia(function(name, node){ return !domAttr.get(node, "disabled"); }), names)); } return result; // Object }, enable: function(state, defaultState){ // summary: // Enable form controls according to the supplied state object. // state: Object?: // Optional. If a name-value dictionary, the value is true // to enable and false to disable. If an array, all names in the // array will be set to defaultState. If omitted, all form // elements will be set to defaultState. // defaultState: Boolean: // The default state (true, if omitted). if(arguments.length < 2 || defaultState === undefined){ defaultState = true; } this.inspectFormWidgets(aa(function(name, widget, value){ widget.set("disabled", !value); }), state, defaultState); if(this.inspectFormNodes){ this.inspectFormNodes(aa(function(name, node, value){ domAttr.set(node, "disabled", !value); }), state, defaultState); } return this; // self }, disable: function(state){ // summary: // Disable form controls according to the supplied state object // returning the previous state. // state: Object?: // Optional. If a name-value dictionary, the value is true // to enable and false to disable. If an array, all names in the // array will be disabled. If omitted, disables all. var oldState = this.gatherEnableState(); this.enable(state, false); return oldState; // Object } }); });