//>>built define("dojox/form/Rating", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/dom-attr", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/string", "dojo/query", "dijit/form/_FormWidget" ], function(declare, lang, domAttr, domClass, string, query, FormWidget){ /*===== FormWidget = dijit.form._FormWidget; =====*/ return declare("dojox.form.Rating", FormWidget,{ // summary: // A widget for rating using stars. // // required: Boolean // TODO: Can be true or false, default is false. // required: false, templateString: null, // numStars: Integer/Float // The number of stars to show, default is 3. numStars: 3, // value: Integer/Float // The current value of the Rating value: 0, constructor:function(/*Object*/params){ // Build the templateString. The number of stars is given by this.numStars, // which is normally an attribute to the widget node. lang.mixin(this, params); // TODO actually "dijitInline" should be applied to the surrounding div, but FF2 // screws up when we query() for the star nodes, it orders them randomly, because of the use // of display:--moz-inline-box ... very strange bug // Since using ul and li in combintaion with dijitInline this problem doesnt exist anymore. // The focusNode is normally used to store the value, i dont know if that is right here, but seems standard for _FormWidgets var tpl = '
' + '' + '
'; // The value-attribute is used to "read" the value for processing in the widget class var starTpl = '
  • '; var rendered = ""; for(var i = 0; i < this.numStars; i++){ rendered += string.substitute(starTpl, {value:i+1}); } this.templateString = string.substitute(tpl, {stars:rendered}); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); this._renderStars(this.value); }, _onMouse: function(evt){ if(this.hovering){ var hoverValue = +domAttr.get(evt.target, "value"); this.onMouseOver(evt, hoverValue); this._renderStars(hoverValue, true); }else{ this._renderStars(this.value); } }, _renderStars: function(value, hover){ // summary: Render the stars depending on the value. query(".dojoxRatingStar", this.domNode).forEach(function(star, i){ if(i + 1 > value){ domClass.remove(star, "dojoxRatingStarHover"); domClass.remove(star, "dojoxRatingStarChecked"); }else{ domClass.remove(star, "dojoxRatingStar" + (hover ? "Checked" : "Hover")); domClass.add(star, "dojoxRatingStar" + (hover ? "Hover" : "Checked")); } }); }, onStarClick:function(/* Event */evt){ // summary: Connect on this method to get noticed when a star was clicked. // example: connect(widget, "onStarClick", function(event){ ... }) var newVal = +domAttr.get(evt.target, "value"); this.setAttribute("value", newVal == this.value ? 0 : newVal); this._renderStars(this.value); this.onChange(this.value); // Do I have to call this by hand? }, onMouseOver: function(/*evt, value*/){ // summary: Connect here, the value is passed to this function as the second parameter! }, setAttribute: function(/*String*/key, /**/value){ // summary: When calling setAttribute("value", 4), set the value and render the stars accordingly. this.set(key, value); if(key=="value"){ this._renderStars(this.value); this.onChange(this.value); // Do I really have to call this by hand? :-( } } }); });