//>>built define("dojox/editor/plugins/PasteFromWord", [ "dojo", "dijit", "dojox", "dijit/_base/manager", "dijit/_editor/_Plugin", "dijit/_editor/RichText", "dijit/form/Button", "dijit/Dialog", "dojox/html/format", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/i18n", "dojo/string", "dojo/i18n!dojox/editor/plugins/nls/PasteFromWord" ], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) { dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.PasteFromWord",dijit._editor._Plugin,{ // summary: // This plugin provides PasteFromWord cabability to the editor. When // clicked, a dialog opens with a spartan RichText instance to paste // word content into via the keyboard commands. The contents are // then filtered to remove word style classes and other meta-junk // that tends to cause issues. // iconClassPrefix: [const] String // The CSS class name for the button node is formed from `iconClassPrefix` // and `command` iconClassPrefix: "dijitAdditionalEditorIcon", // width: [public] String // The width to use for the rich text area in the copy/pate dialog, in px. Default is 400px. width: "400px", // height: [public] String // The height to use for the rich text area in the copy/pate dialog, in px. Default is 300px. height: "300px", _template: ["
", "", " ", "", " | ", "