//>>built define("dojox/editor/plugins/AutoSave", [ "dojo", "dijit", // _scopeName "dojox", "dijit/_base/manager", // getUniqueId() "dijit/_base/popup", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin", "dijit/Dialog", "dijit/MenuItem", "dijit/Menu", "dijit/form/Button", "dijit/form/ComboButton", "dijit/form/ComboBox", "dijit/form/_TextBoxMixin", // selectInputText() "dijit/form/TextBox", "dijit/TooltipDialog", "dijit/_editor/_Plugin", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/date/locale", "dojo/i18n", "dojo/string", "dojox/editor/plugins/Save", "dojo/i18n!dojox/editor/plugins/nls/AutoSave" ], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) { dojo.experimental("dojox.editor.plugins.AutoSave"); dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins._AutoSaveSettingDialog", [dijit._Widget, dijit._TemplatedMixin, dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin], { // dialogTitle [public] String // The tile of the Auto-Save setting dialog dialogTitle: "", // dialogDescription [public] String // The description of the Auto-Save setting dialog dialogDescription: "", // paramName [public] String // The name of the parameter (Auto-Save Interval) paramName: "", // paramLabel [public] String // Minute paramLabel: "", // btnOk [public] String // The label of the OK button btnOk: "", // btnCancel [public] String // The label of the Cancel button btnCancel: "", widgetsInTemplate: true, templateString: "" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "" + "
" + "
" + "
", postMixInProperties: function(){ this.id = dijit.getUniqueId(this.declaredClass.replace(/\./g,"_")); this.dialogId = this.id + "_dialog"; this.textBoxId = this.id + "_textBox"; }, show: function(){ // summary: // Display the setting dialog. If the internal interval value is "" // set it to zero // tags: // public if(this._value == ""){ this._value = 0; this.intBox.set("value", 0); }else{ this.intBox.set("value", this._value); } this.dialog.show(); dijit.selectInputText(this.intBox.focusNode); }, hide: function(){ // summray: // Hide the setting dialog. // tags: // public this.dialog.hide(); }, onOk: function(){ // summary: // Handle the OK event and close the dialog. // tags: // public this.dialog.hide(); }, onCancel: function(){ // summary: // Handle the Cancel event and close the dialog. // tags: // public this.dialog.hide(); }, _onKeyDown: function(evt){ // summary: // Handle the keydown event // tags: // private if(evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.ENTER){ this.onOk(); } }, _onChange: function(/*String*/ val){ // summary: // Check if the value is between 1 - 999. // tags: // public if(this._isValidValue(val)){ this._value = val; }else{ this.intBox.set("value", this._value); } }, _setValueAttr: function(/*String*/ val){ // summary: // Set the value attribute if it is acceptable // val: // The invertal value // tags: // private if(this._isValidValue(val)){ this._value = val; } }, _getValueAttr: function(){ // summary: // Get the interval value // tags: // protected return this._value; }, _isValidValue: function(/*String*/ val){ // summary: // Check if this value between 1- 999 // tags: // private var regExp = /^\d{0,3}$/, _v = String(val); return Boolean(_v.match ? _v.match(regExp) : ""); } }); dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.AutoSave", dojox.editor.plugins.Save, { // summary: // This plugin provides the auto save capability to the editor. The // plugin saves the content of the editor in interval. When // the save action is performed, the document in the editor frame // will be posted to the URL provided, or none, if none provided. // url [public] String // The URL to POST the content back to. Used by the save function. url: "", // logErrors [public] boolean // Boolean flag to indicate that the default action for save and // error handlers is to just log to console. Default is true. logResults: true, // interval [public] Number // The interval to perform the save action. interval: 0, // _iconClassPrefix [private] String // This prefix of the CSS class _iconClassPrefix: "dijitEditorIconAutoSave", // _MIN [private const] Number // Default 1 minute _MIN: 60000, _setIntervalAttr: function(val){ // summary: // Set the interval value. // Delay the boundary check to _isValidValue of the dialog class // val: // The interval value. // tags: // private this.interval = val; }, _getIntervalAttr: function(){ // summary: // Get the interval value // tags: // private return this._interval; }, setEditor: function(editor){ // summary: // Over-ride for the setting of the editor. No toggle button for // this plugin. And start to save the content of the editor in // interval // editor: Object // The editor to configure for this plugin to use. this.editor = editor; this._strings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "AutoSave"); this._initButton(); this._saveSettingDialog = new dojox.editor.plugins._AutoSaveSettingDialog({ "dialogTitle": this._strings["saveSettingdialogTitle"], "dialogDescription": this._strings["saveSettingdialogDescription"], "paramName": this._strings["saveSettingdialogParamName"], "paramLabel": this._strings["saveSettingdialogParamLabel"], "btnOk": this._strings["saveSettingdialogButtonOk"], "btnCancel": this._strings["saveSettingdialogButtonCancel"] }); this.connect(this._saveSettingDialog, "onOk", "_onDialogOk"); var pd = (this._promDialog = new dijit.TooltipDialog()); pd.startup(); pd.set("content", ""); }, _initButton: function(){ var menu = new dijit.Menu({ style: "display: none" }), menuItemSave = new dijit.MenuItem({ iconClass: this._iconClassPrefix + "Default " + this._iconClassPrefix, label: this._strings["saveLabel"] }), menuItemAutoSave = (this._menuItemAutoSave = new dijit.MenuItem({ iconClass: this._iconClassPrefix + "Setting " + this._iconClassPrefix, label: this._strings["saveSettingLabelOn"] })); menu.addChild(menuItemSave); menu.addChild(menuItemAutoSave); this.button = new dijit.form.ComboButton({ label: this._strings["saveLabel"], iconClass: this._iconClassPrefix + "Default " + this._iconClassPrefix, showLabel: false, dropDown: menu }); this.connect(this.button, "onClick", "_save"); this.connect(menuItemSave, "onClick", "_save"); this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler = dojo.connect(menuItemAutoSave, "onClick", this, "_showAutSaveSettingDialog"); }, _showAutSaveSettingDialog: function(){ // summary: // Show the setting dialog // tags: // private var dialog = this._saveSettingDialog; dialog.set("value", this.interval); dialog.show(); }, _onDialogOk: function(){ // summary: // If the interval is set (larger than 0), enable auto-save. // tags: // private var interval = (this.interval = this._saveSettingDialog.get("value") * this._MIN); if(interval > 0){ this._setSaveInterval(interval); // Change the menu "Set Auto-Save Interval..." to "Turn off Auto-Save" // Connect it to another handler that terminates the auto-save. dojo.disconnect(this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler); this._menuItemAutoSave.set("label", this._strings["saveSettingLabelOff"]); this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler = dojo.connect(this._menuItemAutoSave, "onClick", this, "_onStopClick"); // Change the icon of the main button to auto-save style this.button.set("iconClass", this._iconClassPrefix + "Setting " + this._iconClassPrefix); } }, _onStopClick: function(){ // summary: // Stop auto-save // tags: // private this._clearSaveInterval(); // Change the menu "Turn off Auto-Save" to "Set Auto-Save Interval...". // Connect it to another handler that show the setting dialog. dojo.disconnect(this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler); this._menuItemAutoSave.set("label", this._strings["saveSettingLabelOn"]); this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler = dojo.connect(this._menuItemAutoSave, "onClick", this, "_showAutSaveSettingDialog"); // Change the icon of the main button this.button.set("iconClass", this._iconClassPrefix + "Default " + this._iconClassPrefix); }, _setSaveInterval: function(/*Number*/ interval){ // summary: // Function to trigger saving of the editor document // tags: // private if(interval <= 0){ return; } this._clearSaveInterval(); this._intervalHandler = setInterval(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ if(!this._isWorking && !this.get("disabled")){ // If the plugin is not disabled (ViewSource, etc.) // and not working. Do saving! this._isWorking = true; this._save(); } }), interval); }, _clearSaveInterval: function(){ if(this._intervalHandler){ clearInterval(this._intervalHandler); this._intervalHandler = null; } }, onSuccess: function(resp, ioargs){ // summary: // User over-ridable save success function for editor content. // resp: // The response from the server, if any, in text format. // tags: // public this.button.set("disabled", false); // Show the successful message this._promDialog.set("content", dojo.string.substitute( this._strings["saveMessageSuccess"], {"0": dojo.date.locale.format(new Date(), {selector: "time"})})); dijit.popup.open({popup: this._promDialog, around: this.button.domNode}); this._promDialogTimeout = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ clearTimeout(this._promDialogTimeout); this._promDialogTimeout = null; dijit.popup.close(this._promDialog); }), 3000); this._isWorking = false; if(this.logResults){ console.log(resp); } }, onError: function(error, ioargs){ // summary: // User over-ridable save success function for editor content. // resp: // The response from the server, if any, in text format. // tags: // public this.button.set("disabled", false); // Show the failure message this._promDialog.set("content", dojo.string.substitute( this._strings["saveMessageFail"], {"0": dojo.date.locale.format(new Date(), {selector: "time"})})); dijit.popup.open({popup: this._promDialog, around: this.button.domNode}); this._promDialogTimeout = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){ clearTimeout(this._promDialogTimeout); this._promDialogTimeout = null; dijit.popup.close(this._promDialog); }), 3000); this._isWorking = false; if(this.logResults){ console.log(error); } }, destroy: function(){ // summary: // Cleanup of our plugin. this.inherited(arguments); this._menuItemAutoSave = null; if(this._promDialogTimeout){ clearTimeout(this._promDialogTimeout); this._promDialogTimeout = null; dijit.popup.close(this._promDialog); } this._clearSaveInterval(); if(this._saveSettingDialog){ this._saveSettingDialog.destroyRecursive(); this._destroyRecursive = null; } if(this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler){ dojo.disconnect(this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler); this._menuItemAutoSaveClickHandler = null; } } }); // Register this plugin. dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){ if(o.plugin){ return; } var name = o.args.name.toLowerCase(); if(name == "autosave"){ o.plugin = new dojox.editor.plugins.AutoSave({ url: ("url" in o.args) ? o.args.url : "", logResults: ("logResults" in o.args) ? o.args.logResults : true, interval: ("interval" in o.args) ? o.args.interval : 5 }); } }); return dojox.editor.plugins.AutoSave; });