//>>built define("dojox/dtl/contrib/dom", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-construct", "../_base", "../dom" ], function(kernel,lang,connect,domStyle,domConstruct,dd,dddom){ /*===== dd = dojox.dtl; =====*/ var ddch = lang.getObject("dojox.dtl.contrib.dom", true); var simple = {render: function(){ return this.contents; }}; ddch.StyleNode = lang.extend(function(styles){ this.contents = {}; this._current = {}; this._styles = styles; for(var key in styles){ if(styles[key].indexOf("{{") != -1){ var node = new dd.Template(styles[key]); }else{ var node = lang.delegate(simple); node.contents = styles[key]; } this.contents[key] = node; } }, { render: function(context, buffer){ for(var key in this.contents){ var value = this.contents[key].render(context); if(this._current[key] != value){ domStyle.set(buffer.getParent(), key, this._current[key] = value); } } return buffer; }, unrender: function(context, buffer){ this._current = {}; return buffer; }, clone: function(buffer){ return new this.constructor(this._styles); } }); ddch.BufferNode = lang.extend(function(nodelist, options){ this.nodelist = nodelist; this.options = options; }, { _swap: function(type, node){ if(!this.swapped && this.parent.parentNode){ if(type == "node"){ if((node.nodeType == 3 && !this.options.text) || (node.nodeType == 1 && !this.options.node)){ return; } }else if(type == "class"){ if(type != "class"){ return; } } this.onAddNode && connect.disconnect(this.onAddNode); this.onRemoveNode && connect.disconnect(this.onRemoveNode); this.onChangeAttribute && connect.disconnect(this.onChangeAttribute); this.onChangeData && connect.disconnect(this.onChangeData); this.swapped = this.parent.cloneNode(true); this.parent.parentNode.replaceChild(this.swapped, this.parent); } }, render: function(context, buffer){ this.parent = buffer.getParent(); if(this.options.node){ this.onAddNode = connect.connect(buffer, "onAddNode", lang.hitch(this, "_swap", "node")); this.onRemoveNode = connect.connect(buffer, "onRemoveNode", lang.hitch(this, "_swap", "node")); } if(this.options.text){ this.onChangeData = connect.connect(buffer, "onChangeData", lang.hitch(this, "_swap", "node")); } if(this.options["class"]){ this.onChangeAttribute = connect.connect(buffer, "onChangeAttribute", lang.hitch(this, "_swap", "class")); } buffer = this.nodelist.render(context, buffer); if(this.swapped){ this.swapped.parentNode.replaceChild(this.parent, this.swapped); domConstruct.destroy(this.swapped); }else{ this.onAddNode && connect.disconnect(this.onAddNode); this.onRemoveNode && connect.disconnect(this.onRemoveNode); this.onChangeAttribute && connect.disconnect(this.onChangeAttribute); this.onChangeData && connect.disconnect(this.onChangeData); } delete this.parent; delete this.swapped; return buffer; }, unrender: function(context, buffer){ return this.nodelist.unrender(context, buffer); }, clone: function(buffer){ return new this.constructor(this.nodelist.clone(buffer), this.options); } }); lang.mixin(ddch, { buffer: function(parser, token){ // summary: // Buffer large DOM manipulations during re-render. // description: // When using DomTemplate, wrap any content // that you expect to change often during // re-rendering. It will then remove its parent // from the main document while it re-renders that // section of code. It will only remove it from // the main document if a mainpulation of somes sort // happens. ie It won't swap out if it diesn't have to. // example: // By default, it considers only node addition/removal // to be "changing" // // | {% buffer %}{% for item in items %}
  • {{ item }}
  • {% endfor %}{% endbuffer %} // example: // You can explicitly declare options: // // * node: Watch node removal/addition // * class: Watch for a classname to be changed // * text: Watch for any text to be changed // // | {% buffer node class %}{% for item in items %}
  • {{ item }}
  • {% endfor %}{% endbuffer %} var parts = token.contents.split().slice(1); var options = {}; var found = false; for(var i = parts.length; i--;){ found = true; options[parts[i]] = true; } if(!found){ options.node = true; } var nodelist = parser.parse(["endbuffer"]); parser.next_token(); return new ddch.BufferNode(nodelist, options); }, html: function(parser, token){ kernel.deprecated("{% html someVariable %}", "Use {{ someVariable|safe }} instead"); return parser.create_variable_node(token.contents.slice(5) + "|safe"); }, style_: function(parser, token){ var styles = {}; token = token.contents.replace(/^style\s+/, ""); var rules = token.split(/\s*;\s*/g); for(var i = 0, rule; rule = rules[i]; i++){ var parts = rule.split(/\s*:\s*/g); var key = parts[0]; var value = lang.trim(parts[1]); if(value){ styles[key] = value; } } return new ddch.StyleNode(styles); } }); dd.register.tags("dojox.dtl.contrib", { "dom": ["html", "attr:style", "buffer"] }); return dojox.dtl.contrib.dom; });