//>>built define("dojox/dtl/contrib/data", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "../_base", "dojo/_base/array" ], function(kernel,lang,dd,array){ /*===== dd = dojox.dtl; =====*/ lang.getObject("dojox.dtl.contrib.data", true); var ddcd = dd.contrib.data; var first = true; ddcd._BoundItem = lang.extend(function(item, store){ this.item = item; this.store = store; }, { get: function(key){ var store = this.store; var item = this.item; if(key == "getLabel"){ return store.getLabel(item); }else if(key == "getAttributes"){ return store.getAttributes(item); }else if(key == "getIdentity"){ if(store.getIdentity){ return store.getIdentity(item); } return "Store has no identity API"; }else{ if(!store.hasAttribute(item, key)){ if(key.slice(-1) == "s"){ if(first){ first = false; kernel.deprecated("You no longer need an extra s to call getValues, it can be figured out automatically"); } key = key.slice(0, -1); } if(!store.hasAttribute(item, key)){ return; } } var values = store.getValues(item, key); if(!values){ return; } if(!lang.isArray(values)){ return new ddcd._BoundItem(values, store); } values = array.map(values, function(value){ if(lang.isObject(value) && store.isItem(value)){ return new ddcd._BoundItem(value, store); } return value; }); values.get = ddcd._get; return values; } } }); ddcd._BoundItem.prototype.get.safe = true; ddcd.BindDataNode = lang.extend(function(items, query, store, alias){ this.items = items && new dd._Filter(items); this.query = query && new dd._Filter(query); this.store = new dd._Filter(store); this.alias = alias; }, { render: function(context, buffer){ var items = this.items && this.items.resolve(context); var query = this.query && this.query.resolve(context); var store = this.store.resolve(context); if(!store || !store.getFeatures){ throw new Error("data_bind didn't receive a store"); } if(query){ var sync = false; store.fetch({ query: query, sync: true, scope: this, onComplete: function(it){ sync = true; items = it; } }); if(!sync){ throw new Error("The bind_data tag only works with a query if the store executed synchronously"); } } var list = []; if(items){ for(var i = 0, item; item = items[i]; i++){ list.push(new ddcd._BoundItem(item, store)); } } context[this.alias] = list; return buffer; }, unrender: function(context, buffer){ return buffer; }, clone: function(){ return this; } }); lang.mixin(ddcd, { _get: function(key){ if(this.length){ return (this[0] instanceof ddcd._BoundItem) ? this[0].get(key) : this[0][key]; } }, bind_data: function(parser, token){ // summary: Turns a list of data store items into DTL compatible items // example: // `contextItems` and `contextStore` should be an item list // and a data store that get assigned to `newVariable` // // | {% bind_data contextItems to contextStore as newVariable %} var parts = token.contents.split(); if(parts[2] != 'to' || parts[4] != 'as' || !parts[5]){ throw new Error("data_bind expects the format: 'data_bind items to store as varName'"); } return new ddcd.BindDataNode(parts[1], null, parts[3], parts[5]); }, bind_query: function(parser, token){ // summary: Queries a data store and makes the returned items DTL compatible // example: // You can only use this with data stores that work in a synchronous // way (meaning that `onComplete` is fired during the `fetch` call). // A `sync` flag is sent to the fetch call so that stores that usually // work asynchronously make themselves syncrhonous if possible. // | {% bind_query contextQuery to contextStore as newVariable %} var parts = token.contents.split(); if(parts[2] != 'to' || parts[4] != 'as' || !parts[5]){ throw new Error("data_bind expects the format: 'bind_query query to store as varName'"); } return new ddcd.BindDataNode(null, parts[1], parts[3], parts[5]); } }); ddcd._get.safe = true; dd.register.tags("dojox.dtl.contrib", { "data": ["bind_data", "bind_query"] }); return dojox.dtl.contrib.data; });