//>>built define("dojox/dtl/_Templated", [ "dojo/_base/declare", "./_base", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/cache", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/string", "dojo/parser", "dijit/_base/manager" ], function(declare,dd,TemplatedMixin, domConstruct,Cache,Array,dString,Parser,dijitMgr){ /*===== Cache = dojo.cache; dString = dojo.string; Parser = dojo.parser; TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin; dd = dojox.dtl; =====*/ return declare("dojox.dtl._Templated", TemplatedMixin, { // summary: The base-class for DTL-templated widgets. _dijitTemplateCompat: false, buildRendering: function(){ // summary: The method overrides dijit._TemplatedMixin.startup. var node; if(this.domNode && !this._template){ return; } if(!this._template){ var t = this.getCachedTemplate( this.templatePath, this.templateString, this._skipNodeCache ); if(t instanceof dd.Template) { this._template = t; }else{ node = t; } } if(!node){ var context = new dd._Context(this); if(!this._created){ delete context._getter; } var nodes = domConstruct.toDom( this._template.render(context) ); // TODO: is it really necessary to look for the first node? if(nodes.nodeType !== 1 && nodes.nodeType !== 3){ // nodes.nodeType === 11 // the node is a document fragment for(var i = 0, l = nodes.childNodes.length; i < l; ++i){ node = nodes.childNodes[i]; if(node.nodeType == 1){ break; } } }else{ // the node is an element or a text node = nodes; } } this._attachTemplateNodes(node, function(n,p){ return n.getAttribute(p); }); if(this.widgetsInTemplate){ //Make sure dojoType is used for parsing widgets in template. //The Parser.query could be changed from multiversion support. var parser = Parser, qry, attr; if(parser._query != "[dojoType]"){ qry = parser._query; attr = parser._attrName; parser._query = "[dojoType]"; parser._attrName = "dojoType"; } //Store widgets that we need to start at a later point in time var cw = (this._startupWidgets = Parser.parse(node, { noStart: !this._earlyTemplatedStartup, inherited: {dir: this.dir, lang: this.lang} })); //Restore the query. if(qry){ parser._query = qry; parser._attrName = attr; } this._supportingWidgets = dijitMgr.findWidgets(node); this._attachTemplateNodes(cw, function(n,p){ return n[p]; }); } if(this.domNode){ domConstruct.place(node, this.domNode, "before"); this.destroyDescendants(); domConstruct.destroy(this.domNode); } this.domNode = node; this._fillContent(this.srcNodeRef); }, _templateCache: {}, getCachedTemplate: function(templatePath, templateString, alwaysUseString){ // summary: // Layer for dijit._Templated.getCachedTemplate var tmplts = this._templateCache; var key = templateString || templatePath; if(tmplts[key]){ return tmplts[key]; } templateString = dString.trim(templateString || Cache(templatePath, {sanitize: true})); if( this._dijitTemplateCompat && (alwaysUseString || templateString.match(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g)) ){ templateString = this._stringRepl(templateString); } // If we always use a string, or find no variables, just store it as a node if(alwaysUseString || !templateString.match(/\{[{%]([^\}]+)[%}]\}/g)){ return tmplts[key] = domConstruct.toDom(templateString); }else{ return tmplts[key] = new dd.Template(templateString); } }, render: function(){ // summary: Renders the widget. this.buildRendering(); }, startup: function(){ // summary: The method overrides dijit._TemplatedMixin.startup. Array.forEach(this._startupWidgets, function(w){ if(w && !w._started && w.startup){ w.startup(); } }); this.inherited(arguments); } }); });