//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/drawing/ui/dom/Zoom", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojox/drawing/plugins/_Plugin"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.drawing.ui.dom.Zoom"); dojo.require("dojox.drawing.plugins._Plugin"); dojox.drawing.ui.dom.Zoom = dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare( // NOTE: // dojox.drawing.ui.dom.Zoom is DEPRECATED. // This was a temporary DOM solution. Use the non-dom // tools for Toobar and Plugins. // // summary: // A plugin that allows for zooming the canvas in and out. An // action-tool is added to the toolbar with plus, minus and 100% // buttons. // example: // |
// |
// |
// |
// dojox.drawing.plugins._Plugin, function(options){ var cls = options.node.className; var txt = options.node.innerHTML; this.domNode = dojo.create("div", {id:"btnZoom", "class":"toolCombo"}, options.node, "replace"); this.makeButton("ZoomIn", this.topClass); this.makeButton("Zoom100", this.midClass); this.makeButton("ZoomOut", this.botClass); }, { type:"dojox.drawing.ui.dom.Zoom", // // zoomInc: Float // The amount of zoom that will occur upon each click. zoomInc:.1, // // maxZoom: Number // The maximum the canvas can be zoomed in. 10 = 1000% maxZoom:10, // // minZoom: Float // The most the canvas can be zoomed out. .1 = 10% minZoom:.1, // // zoomFactor: [readonly] Float // The current zoom amount zoomFactor:1, // // baseClass: String // The CSS class added to the Toolbar buttons baseClass:"drawingButton", // // topClass: String // The CSS class added to the top (or left) Toolbar button topClass:"toolComboTop", // // midClass: String // The CSS class added to the middle Toolbar button midClass:"toolComboMid", // // botClass: String // The CSS class added to the bottom (or right) Toolbar button botClass:"toolComboBot", // makeButton: function(name, cls){ // summary: // Internal. Creates one of the buttons in the zoom-button set. // var node = dojo.create("div", {id:"btn"+name, "class":this.baseClass+" "+cls, innerHTML:'
'}, this.domNode); dojo.connect(document, "mouseup", function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.removeClass(node, "active"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mouseup", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.removeClass(node, "active"); this["on"+name](); // this is what calls the methods below }); dojo.connect(node, "mouseover", function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.addClass(node, "hover"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mousedown", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.addClass(node, "active"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mouseout", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.removeClass(node, "hover"); }); }, onZoomIn: function(/*Mouse Event*/evt){ // summary: // Handles zoom in. // this.zoomFactor += this.zoomInc; this.zoomFactor = Math.min(this.zoomFactor, this.maxZoom); this.canvas.setZoom(this.zoomFactor); this.mouse.setZoom(this.zoomFactor); }, onZoom100: function(/*Mouse Event*/evt){ // summary: // Zooms to 100% // this.zoomFactor = 1; this.canvas.setZoom(this.zoomFactor); this.mouse.setZoom(this.zoomFactor); }, onZoomOut: function(/*Mouse Event*/evt){ // summary: // Handles zoom out. // this.zoomFactor -= this.zoomInc; this.zoomFactor = Math.max(this.zoomFactor, this.minZoom); this.canvas.setZoom(this.zoomFactor); this.mouse.setZoom(this.zoomFactor); } } ); //dojox.drawing.register(dojox.drawing.plugins.tools.Pan, "plugin"); });