//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/drawing/ui/dom/Toolbar", ["dijit","dojo","dojox"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.drawing.ui.dom.Toolbar"); dojo.deprecated("dojox.drawing.ui.dom.Toolbar", "It may not even make it to the 1.4 release.", 1.4); (function(){ dojo.declare("dojox.drawing.ui.dom.Toolbar", [], { // NOTE: // dojox.drawing.Toolbar is DEPRECATED. // The intention never was to use HTML as buttons for a Drawing. // This was implemented in order to finish the project for which // Drawing was developed. // Instead use: drawing/ui/Toolbar.js // // summary: // Creates a Toolbar to be used with a DojoX Drawing. // description: // Currently works in markup only. A class is required with // either horizontal or vertical as a class (IE prevented using // either as a default). Assign an attribute of 'drawingId' with // the id of the DojoX Drawing to which this is assigned. // The node children will be assigned as the Tools in the toolbar. // Plugins can also be assigned. // The Toolbar is largely self contained and has no real public // methods or events. the Drawing object should be used. // // example: // |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// // TODO: Toolbar works in markup only. Need programmatic. // NOTE: There are plans to make the toolbar out of dojox.gfx vectors. // This may change the APIs in the future. // // baseClass:String // The CSS style to apply to the toolbar node baseClass:"drawingToolbar", // buttonClass:String // The CSS style to apply to each button node buttonClass:"drawingButton", // iconClass:String // The CSS style to apply to each button icon node iconClass:"icon", // constructor: function(props, node){ // props is null from markup dojo.addOnLoad(this, function(){ this.domNode = dojo.byId(node); dojo.addClass(this.domNode, this.baseClass); this.parse(); }); }, createIcon: function(/*HTMLNode*/node, /* ? Function*/constr){ // summary: // Internal. Creates an icon node for each button. // arguments: // node: HTMLNode // The button node. // constr: [optional] Function // Optional. If not supplied, an icon is not created. // Information for each icon is derived from // the ToolsSetup object defined at the end // of each tool. See: stencil._Base // var setup = constr && constr.setup ? constr.setup : {}; if(setup.iconClass){ var icon = setup.iconClass ? setup.iconClass : "iconNone"; var tip = setup.tooltip ? setup.tooltip : "Tool"; var iNode = dojo.create("div", {title:tip}, node); dojo.addClass(iNode, this.iconClass); dojo.addClass(iNode, icon); dojo.connect(node, "mouseup", function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.removeClass(node, "active"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mouseover", function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.addClass(node, "hover"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mousedown", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.addClass(node, "active"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mouseout", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.removeClass(node, "hover"); }); } }, createTool: function(/*HTMLNode*/node){ // summary: // Creates a button on the Toolbar that is // a Tool, not a Plugin. Tools draw Stencils, // Plugins do actions. // arguments: // node: HTMLNode // The button node. // node.innerHTML = ""; var type = dojo.attr(node, "tool"); this.toolNodes[type] = node; dojo.attr(node, "tabIndex", 1); var constr = dojo.getObject(type); this.createIcon(node, constr); this.drawing.registerTool(type, constr); dojo.connect(node, "mouseup", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.removeClass(node, "active"); this.onClick(type); }); dojo.connect(node, "mouseover", function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.addClass(node, "hover"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mousedown", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.addClass(node, "active"); }); dojo.connect(node, "mouseout", this, function(evt){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); dojo.removeClass(node, "hover"); }); }, parse: function(){ // summary: // Initializing method that reads the dom node and its // children for tools and plugins. // var drawingId = dojo.attr(this.domNode, "drawingId"); this.drawing = dojox.drawing.util.common.byId(drawingId); !this.drawing && console.error("Drawing not found based on 'drawingId' in Toolbar. "); this.toolNodes = {}; var _sel; dojo.query(">", this.domNode).forEach(function(node, i){ node.className = this.buttonClass; var tool = dojo.attr(node, "tool"); var action = dojo.attr(node, "action"); var plugin = dojo.attr(node, "plugin"); if(tool){ if(i==0 || dojo.attr(node, "selected")=="true"){ _sel = tool; } this.createTool(node); }else if(plugin){ var p = {name:plugin, options:{}}, opt = dojo.attr(node, "options"); if(opt){ p.options = eval("("+opt+")"); } p.options.node = node; node.innerHTML = ""; this.drawing.addPlugin(p); this.createIcon(node, dojo.getObject(dojo.attr(node, "plugin"))); } }, this); this.drawing.initPlugins(); dojo.connect(this.drawing, "setTool", this, "onSetTool"); this.drawing.setTool(_sel); }, onClick: function(/*String*/type){ // summary: // Event fired from clicking a Tool, not a PLugin. // Plugin clicks are handled within the plugin's class. // arguments: // type: Fully qualified name of class. ex: // dojox.drawing.tools.Ellipse // this.drawing.setTool(type); }, onSetTool: function(/*String*/type){ // summary: // handles buttons clicks and selects or deselects for(var n in this.toolNodes){ if(n == type){ dojo.addClass(this.toolNodes[type], "selected"); this.toolNodes[type].blur(); }else{ dojo.removeClass(this.toolNodes[n], "selected"); } } } }); })(); });