//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/drawing/tools/Ellipse", ["dijit","dojo","dojox"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.drawing.tools.Ellipse"); dojox.drawing.tools.Ellipse = dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare( // summary: // A drawable Ellipse. // dojox.drawing.stencil.Ellipse, function(){ // summary: constructor }, { draws:true, onDrag: function(/*EventObject*/obj){ // summary: See stencil._Base.onDrag // var s = obj.start, e = obj; var x = s.x < e.x ? s.x : e.x, y = s.y < e.y ? s.y : e.y, w = s.x < e.x ? e.x-s.x : s.x-e.x, h = s.y < e.y ? e.y-s.y : s.y-e.y; if(this.keys.shift){ w = h = Math.max(w,h); } if(!this.keys.alt){ // ellipse is normally on center x+=w/2; y+=h/2; w/=2; h/=2; } else{ if(y - h < 0){ h = y; } if(x - w < 0){ w = x; } } this.points = [ {x:x-w, y:y-h}, // TL {x:x+w, y:y-h}, // TR {x:x+w, y:y+h}, // BR {x:x-w, y:y+h} // BL ]; this.render(); }, onUp: function(/*EventObject*/obj){ // summary: See stencil._Base.onUp // if(this.created || !this._downOnCanvas){ return; } this._downOnCanvas = false; //Default shape on single click if(!this.shape){ var s = obj.start, e = this.minimumSize*2; this.data = { cx: s.x+e, cy: s.y+e, rx: e, ry: e }; this.dataToPoints(); this.render(); }else{ // if too small, need to reset var o = this.pointsToData(); console.log("Create a default shape here, pt to data: ",o); if(o.rx*2