//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/drawing/stencil/Ellipse", ["dijit","dojo","dojox"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.drawing.stencil.Ellipse"); /*===== __StencilData = { // summary: // the data used to create the dojox.gfx Shape // // cx: Number // Center point x cx:0, // cy: Number // Center point y cy:0, // rx: Number // Horizontal radius rx:0, // ry: Number // Vertical radius ry:0 } =====*/ dojox.drawing.stencil.Ellipse = dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare( // summary: // Creates a dojox.gfx Ellipse based on data or points provided. // dojox.drawing.stencil._Base, function(options){ // summary: // constructor }, { type:"dojox.drawing.stencil.Ellipse", anchorType: "group", baseRender:true, dataToPoints: function(/*Object*/o){ //summary: // Converts data to points. o = o || this.data; var x = o.cx - o.rx, y = o.cy - o.ry, w = o.rx*2, h = o.ry*2 this.points = [ {x:x, y:y}, // TL {x:x+w, y:y}, // TR {x:x+w, y:y+h}, // BR {x:x, y:y+h} // BL ]; return this.points; //Array }, pointsToData: function(/*Array*/p){ // summary: // Converts points to data p = p || this.points; var s = p[0]; var e = p[2]; this.data = { cx: s.x + (e.x - s.x)/2, cy: s.y + (e.y - s.y)/2, rx: (e.x - s.x)*.5, ry: (e.y - s.y)*.5 }; return this.data; //Object }, _create: function(/*String*/shp, /*__StencilData*/d, /*Object*/sty){ // summary: // Creates a dojox.gfx.shape based on passed arguments. // Can be called many times by implementation to create // multiple shapes in one stencil. // this.remove(this[shp]); this[shp] = this.container.createEllipse(d) .setStroke(sty) .setFill(sty.fill); this._setNodeAtts(this[shp]); }, render: function(){ // summary: // Renders the 'hit' object (the shape used for an expanded // hit area and for highlighting) and the'shape' (the actual // display object). // this.onBeforeRender(this); this.renderHit && this._create("hit", this.data, this.style.currentHit); this._create("shape", this.data, this.style.current); } } ); dojox.drawing.register({ name:"dojox.drawing.stencil.Ellipse" }, "stencil"); });