//>>built define("dojox/date/buddhist/Date", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/date" ], function(dojo, declare, dd){ dojo.getObject("date.buddhist.Date", true, dojox); dojo.experimental("dojox.date.buddhist.Date"); dojo.declare("dojox.date.buddhist.Date", null, { _date: 0, _month: 0, _year: 0, _hours: 0, _minutes: 0, _seconds: 0, _milliseconds: 0, _day: 0, constructor: function(){ // summary: This is the constructor // description: // This fucntion initialize the date object values // // example: // | var date1 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(); // | // | var date2 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(date1); // | // | var date3 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(2552,2,12); var len = arguments.length; if(!len){// use the current date value, added "" to the similarity to date this.fromGregorian(new Date()); }else if(len == 1){ var arg0 = arguments[0]; if(typeof arg0 == "number"){ // this is time "valueof" arg0 = new Date(arg0); } if(arg0 instanceof Date){ this.fromGregorian(arg0); }else if(arg0 == ""){ this._date = new Date(""); }else{ this._year = arg0._year; this._month = arg0._month; this._date = arg0._date; this._hours = arg0._hours; this._minutes = arg0._minutes; this._seconds = arg0._seconds; this._milliseconds = arg0._milliseconds; } }else if(len >=3){ this._year += arguments[0]; this._month += arguments[1]; this._date += arguments[2]; if(this._month >11){ console.warn("the month is incorrect , set 0"); this._month = 0; } this._hours += arguments[3] || 0; this._minutes += arguments[4] || 0; this._seconds += arguments[5] || 0; this._milliseconds += arguments[6] || 0; } }, getDate: function(/*boolean?*/isNumber){ // summary: This function returns the date value (0 - 30) // // example: // | var date1 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(); // | // | console.log(date1.getDate()); return parseInt(this._date); }, getMonth: function(){ // summary: This function return the month value ( 0 - 11 ) // // example: // | var date1 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(); // | // | console.log(date1.getMonth()+1); return parseInt(this._month); }, getFullYear: function(){ // summary: This function return the Year value // // example: // | var date1 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(); // | // | console.log(date1.getFullYear()); return parseInt(this._year); }, getHours: function(){ //summary: returns the Hour value return this._hours; }, getMinutes: function(){ //summary: returns the Minuites value return this._minutes; }, getSeconds: function(){ //summary: returns the seconde value return this._seconds; }, getMilliseconds: function(){ //summary: returns the Milliseconds value return this._milliseconds; }, setDate: function(/*number*/date){ // summary: This function sets the Date // example: // | var date1 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(); // | date1.setDate(2); date = parseInt(date); if(date > 0 && date <= this._getDaysInMonth(this._month, this._year)){ this._date = date; }else{ var mdays; if(date>0){ for(mdays = this._getDaysInMonth(this._month, this._year); date > mdays; date -= mdays,mdays = this._getDaysInMonth(this._month, this._year)){ this._month++; if(this._month >= 12){this._year++; this._month -= 12;} } this._date = date; }else{ for(mdays = this._getDaysInMonth((this._month-1)>=0 ?(this._month-1) :11 ,((this._month-1)>=0)? this._year: this._year-1); date <= 0; mdays = this._getDaysInMonth((this._month-1)>=0 ? (this._month-1) :11,((this._month-1)>=0)? this._year: this._year-1)){ this._month--; if(this._month < 0){this._year--; this._month += 12;} date+=mdays; } this._date = date; } } return this; }, setFullYear: function(/*number*/year, /*number?*/month, /*number?*/ date){ // summary: This function set Year // // example: // | var date1 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(); // | date1.setFullYear(2552); // | date1.setFullYear(2552, 1, 1); this._year = parseInt(year); }, setMonth: function(/*number*/month){ // summary: This function set Month // // example: // | var date1 = new dojox.date.buddhist.Date(); // | date1.setMonth(0); //first month this._year += Math.floor(month / 12); this._month = Math.floor(month % 12); for(; this._month < 0; this._month = this._month+12); }, setHours: function(){ //summary: set the Hours 0-23 var hours_arg_no = arguments.length; var hours = 0; if(hours_arg_no >= 1){ hours = parseInt(arguments[0]); } if(hours_arg_no >= 2){ this._minutes = parseInt(arguments[1]); } if(hours_arg_no >= 3){ this._seconds = parseInt(arguments[2]); } if(hours_arg_no == 4){ this._milliseconds = parseInt(arguments[3]); } while(hours >= 24){ this._date++; var mdays = this._getDaysInMonth(this._month, this._year); if(this._date > mdays){ this._month ++; if(this._month >= 12){this._year++; this._month -= 12;} this._date -= mdays; } hours -= 24; } this._hours = hours; }, _addMinutes: function(/*Number*/minutes){ minutes += this._minutes; this.setMinutes(minutes); this.setHours(this._hours + parseInt(minutes / 60)); return this; }, _addSeconds: function(/*Number*/seconds){ seconds += this._seconds; this.setSeconds(seconds); this._addMinutes(parseInt(seconds / 60)); return this; }, _addMilliseconds: function(/*Number*/milliseconds){ milliseconds += this._milliseconds; this.setMilliseconds(milliseconds); this._addSeconds(parseInt(milliseconds / 1000)); return this; }, setMinutes: function(/*Number*/minutes){ //summary: sets the minutes (0-59) only. this._minutes = minutes % 60; return this; }, setSeconds: function(/*Number*/seconds){ //summary: sets the seconds (0-59) only. this._seconds = seconds % 60; return this; }, setMilliseconds: function(/*Number*/milliseconds){ this._milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000; return this; }, toString: function(){ // summary: This returns a string representation of the date in "dd, MM, YYYY HH:MM:SS" format return this._date + ", " + this._month + ", " + this._year + " " + this._hours + ":" + this._minutes + ":" + this._seconds; // String }, //FIXME: remove this and replace usage with dojox.date.buddhist.getDaysInMonth? _getDaysInMonth: function(/*number*/month, /*number*/ year){ return dd.getDaysInMonth(new Date(year-543, month)); }, fromGregorian: function(/*Date*/gdate){ // summary: This function sets this Date to the Hebrew Date corresponding to the Gregorian Date var date = new Date(gdate); this._date = date.getDate(); this._month = date.getMonth(); this._year = date.getFullYear()+543; this._hours = date.getHours(); this._minutes = date.getMinutes(); this._seconds = date.getSeconds(); this._milliseconds = date.getMilliseconds(); this._day = date.getDay(); return this; }, toGregorian: function(){ // summary: This returns the equivalent Gregorian date value as a Date object return new Date(this._year-543, this._month, this._date, this._hours, this._minutes, this._seconds, this._milliseconds); // Date }, getDay: function(){ // summary: This function return Week Day value ( 0 - 6 ) return this.toGregorian().getDay(); // int } }); dojox.date.buddhist.Date.prototype.valueOf = function(){ return this.toGregorian().valueOf(); }; return dojox.date.buddhist.Date; });