//>>built define("dojox/data/XmlItem", ["dojo/_base/declare"], function(declare) { return declare("dojox.data.XmlItem", null, { constructor: function(element, store, query){ // summary: // Initialize with an XML element // element: // An XML element // store: // The containing store, if any. // query: // The query to use to look up a specific element. // Usually an XPath or dojo.query statement. this.element = element; this.store = store; this.q = query; }, // summary: // A data item of 'XmlStore' // description: // This class represents an item of 'XmlStore' holding an XML element. // 'element' // element: // An XML element toString: function(){ // summary: // Return a value of the first text child of the element // returns: // a value of the first text child of the element var str = ""; if(this.element){ for(var i = 0; i < this.element.childNodes.length; i++){ var node = this.element.childNodes[i]; if(node.nodeType === 3 || node.nodeType === 4){ str += node.nodeValue; } } } return str; //String } }); });