//>>built define("dojox/css3/fx", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/connect", // dojo.connect "dojo/dom-style", // dojo.style "dojo/_base/fx", "dojo/fx", "dojo/_base/html", "dojox/html/ext-dojo/style", "dojox/fx/ext-dojo/complex"], function(lang,connectUtil,domStyle,baseFx,coreFx,htmlUtil,htmlStyleExt,complexFx){ var css3fx = lang.getObject("dojox.css3.fx", true); /*===== css3fx = dojox.css3.fx =====*/ return lang.mixin(css3fx, { puff: function(args){ // summary: // Returns an animation that will do a "puff" effect on the given node // // description: // Fades out an element and scales it to args.endScale // return coreFx.combine([baseFx.fadeOut(args), this.expand({ node: args.node, endScale: args.endScale || 2 }) ]); }, expand: function(args){ // summary: // Returns an animation that expands args.node // // description: // Scales an element to args.endScale // return baseFx.animateProperty({ node: args.node, properties: { transform: { start: "scale(1)", end: "scale(" + [args.endScale || 3] + ")" } } }); }, shrink: function(args){ // summary: // Returns an animation that shrinks args.node // // description: // Shrinks an element, same as expand({ node: node, endScale: .01 }); // return this.expand({ node: args.node, endScale: .01 }); }, rotate: function(args){ // summary: // Returns an animation that rotates an element // // description: // Rotates an element from args.startAngle to args.endAngle // return baseFx.animateProperty({ node: args.node, duration: args.duration || 1000, properties: { transform: { start: "rotate(" + (args.startAngle || "0deg") + ")", end: "rotate(" + (args.endAngle || "360deg") + ")" } } }); }, flip: function(args){ // summary: // Returns an animation that flips an element around his y axis // // description: // Flips an element around his y axis. The default is a 360deg flip // but it's possible to run a partial flip using args.whichAnims // // example: // | // half flip // | dojox.css3.fx.flip({ // | node: domNode, // | whichAnim: [0, 1] // | }).play(); // var anims = [], whichAnims = args.whichAnims || [0, 1, 2, 3], direction = args.direction || 1, transforms = [ { start: "scale(1, 1) skew(0deg,0deg)", end: "scale(0, 1) skew(0," + (direction * 30) + "deg)" }, { start: "scale(0, 1) skew(0deg," + (direction * 30) + "deg)", end: "scale(-1, 1) skew(0deg,0deg)" }, { start: "scale(-1, 1) skew(0deg,0deg)", end: "scale(0, 1) skew(0deg," + (-direction * 30) + "deg)" }, { start: "scale(0, 1) skew(0deg," + (-direction * 30) + "deg)", end: "scale(1, 1) skew(0deg,0deg)" } ]; for(var i = 0; i < whichAnims.length; i++){ anims.push(baseFx.animateProperty( lang.mixin({ node: args.node, duration: args.duration || 600, properties: { transform: transforms[whichAnims[i]] }}, args) )); } return coreFx.chain(anims); }, bounce: function(args){ // summary: // Returns an animation that do a "bounce" effect on args.node // // description: // Vertical bounce animation, the scaleX, scaleY deformation and the // jump height (args.jumpHeight) can be specified // var anims = [], n = args.node, duration = args.duration || 1000, scaleX = args.scaleX || 1.2, scaleY = args.scaleY || .6, ds = htmlUtil.style, oldPos = ds(n, "position"), newPos = "absolute", oldTop = ds(n, "top"), combinedAnims = [], bTime = 0, round = Math.round, jumpHeight = args.jumpHeight || 70 ; if(oldPos !== "absolute"){ newPos = "relative"; } var a1 = baseFx.animateProperty({ node: n, duration: duration / 6, properties: { transform: { start: "scale(1, 1)", end: "scale(" + scaleX + ", " + scaleY + ")" } } }); connectUtil.connect(a1, "onBegin", function(){ ds(n, { transformOrigin: "50% 100%", position: newPos }); }); anims.push(a1); var a2 = baseFx.animateProperty({ node: n, duration: duration / 6, properties: { transform: { end: "scale(1, 1)", start: "scale(" + scaleX + ", " + scaleY + ")" } } }); combinedAnims.push(a2); combinedAnims.push(new baseFx.Animation(lang.mixin({ curve: [], duration: duration / 3, delay: duration / 12, onBegin: function(){ bTime = (new Date).getTime(); }, onAnimate: function(){ var cTime = (new Date).getTime(); ds(n, { top: parseInt(ds(n, "top")) - round(jumpHeight*((cTime-bTime)/this.duration)) + "px" }); bTime = cTime; } }, args))); anims.push(coreFx.combine(combinedAnims)); anims.push(baseFx.animateProperty(lang.mixin({ duration: duration / 3, onEnd: function(){ ds(n, { position: oldPos }); }, properties:{ top: oldTop } }, args))); anims.push(a1); anims.push(a2); return coreFx.chain(anims); } }); });