//>>built define("dojox/charting/widget/Legend", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_Widget", "dojox/gfx","dojo/_base/array", "dojox/lang/functional", "dojox/lang/functional/array", "dojox/lang/functional/fold", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-class","dijit/_base/manager"], function(lang, html, declare, Widget, gfx, arrayUtil, df, dfa, dff, dom, domFactory, domClass, widgetManager){ /*===== var Widget = dijit._Widget; =====*/ var REVERSED_SERIES = /\.(StackedColumns|StackedAreas|ClusteredBars)$/; return declare("dojox.charting.widget.Legend", Widget, { // summary: A legend for a chart. A legend contains summary labels for // each series of data contained in the chart. // // Set the horizontal attribute to boolean false to layout legend labels vertically. // Set the horizontal attribute to a number to layout legend labels in horizontal // rows each containing that number of labels (except possibly the last row). // // (Line or Scatter charts (colored lines with shape symbols) ) // -o- Series1 -X- Series2 -v- Series3 // // (Area/Bar/Pie charts (letters represent colors)) // [a] Series1 [b] Series2 [c] Series3 chartRef: "", horizontal: true, swatchSize: 18, legendBody: null, postCreate: function(){ if(!this.chart){ if(!this.chartRef){ return; } this.chart = widgetManager.byId(this.chartRef); if(!this.chart){ var node = dom.byId(this.chartRef); if(node){ this.chart = widgetManager.byNode(node); }else{ console.log("Could not find chart instance with id: " + this.chartRef); return; } } this.series = this.chart.chart.series; }else{ this.series = this.chart.series; } this.refresh(); }, buildRendering: function(){ this.domNode = domFactory.create("table", {role: "group", "aria-label": "chart legend", "class": "dojoxLegendNode"}); this.legendBody = domFactory.create("tbody", null, this.domNode); this.inherited(arguments); }, refresh: function(){ // summary: regenerates the legend to reflect changes to the chart // cleanup if(this._surfaces){ arrayUtil.forEach(this._surfaces, function(surface){ surface.destroy(); }); } this._surfaces = []; while(this.legendBody.lastChild){ domFactory.destroy(this.legendBody.lastChild); } if(this.horizontal){ domClass.add(this.domNode, "dojoxLegendHorizontal"); // make a container this._tr = domFactory.create("tr", null, this.legendBody); this._inrow = 0; } var s = this.series; if(s.length == 0){ return; } if(s[0].chart.stack[0].declaredClass == "dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie"){ var t = s[0].chart.stack[0]; if(typeof t.run.data[0] == "number"){ var filteredRun = df.map(t.run.data, "Math.max(x, 0)"); if(df.every(filteredRun, "<= 0")){ return; } var slices = df.map(filteredRun, "/this", df.foldl(filteredRun, "+", 0)); arrayUtil.forEach(slices, function(x, i){ this._addLabel(t.dyn[i], t._getLabel(x * 100) + "%"); }, this); }else{ arrayUtil.forEach(t.run.data, function(x, i){ this._addLabel(t.dyn[i], x.legend || x.text || x.y); }, this); } }else{ if(this._isReversal()){ s = s.slice(0).reverse(); } arrayUtil.forEach(s, function(x){ this._addLabel(x.dyn, x.legend || x.name); }, this); } }, _addLabel: function(dyn, label){ // create necessary elements var wrapper = domFactory.create("td"), icon = domFactory.create("div", null, wrapper), text = domFactory.create("label", null, wrapper), div = domFactory.create("div", { style: { "width": this.swatchSize + "px", "height":this.swatchSize + "px", "float": "left" } }, icon); domClass.add(icon, "dojoxLegendIcon dijitInline"); domClass.add(text, "dojoxLegendText"); // create a skeleton if(this._tr){ // horizontal this._tr.appendChild(wrapper); if(++this._inrow === this.horizontal){ // make a fresh container this._tr = domFactory.create("tr", null, this.legendBody); this._inrow = 0; } }else{ // vertical var tr = domFactory.create("tr", null, this.legendBody); tr.appendChild(wrapper); } // populate the skeleton this._makeIcon(div, dyn); text.innerHTML = String(label); text.dir = this.getTextDir(label, text.dir); }, _makeIcon: function(div, dyn){ var mb = { h: this.swatchSize, w: this.swatchSize }; var surface = gfx.createSurface(div, mb.w, mb.h); this._surfaces.push(surface); if(dyn.fill){ // regions surface.createRect({x: 2, y: 2, width: mb.w - 4, height: mb.h - 4}). setFill(dyn.fill).setStroke(dyn.stroke); }else if(dyn.stroke || dyn.marker){ // draw line var line = {x1: 0, y1: mb.h / 2, x2: mb.w, y2: mb.h / 2}; if(dyn.stroke){ surface.createLine(line).setStroke(dyn.stroke); } if(dyn.marker){ // draw marker on top var c = {x: mb.w / 2, y: mb.h / 2}; if(dyn.stroke){ surface.createPath({path: "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + dyn.marker}). setFill(dyn.stroke.color).setStroke(dyn.stroke); }else{ surface.createPath({path: "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + dyn.marker}). setFill(dyn.color).setStroke(dyn.color); } } }else{ // nothing surface.createRect({x: 2, y: 2, width: mb.w - 4, height: mb.h - 4}). setStroke("black"); surface.createLine({x1: 2, y1: 2, x2: mb.w - 2, y2: mb.h - 2}).setStroke("black"); surface.createLine({x1: 2, y1: mb.h - 2, x2: mb.w - 2, y2: 2}).setStroke("black"); } }, _isReversal: function(){ return (!this.horizontal) && arrayUtil.some(this.chart.stack, function(item){ return REVERSED_SERIES.test(item.declaredClass); }); } }); });