//>>built define("dojox/charting/plot2d/ClusteredColumns", ["dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "./Columns", "./common", "dojox/lang/functional", "dojox/lang/functional/reversed", "dojox/lang/utils"], function(arr, declare, Columns, dc, df, dfr, du){ /*===== var Columns = dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns; =====*/ var purgeGroup = dfr.lambda("item.purgeGroup()"); return declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns", Columns, { // summary: // A plot representing grouped or clustered columns (vertical bars). render: function(dim, offsets){ // summary: // Run the calculations for any axes for this plot. // dim: Object // An object in the form of { width, height } // offsets: Object // An object of the form { l, r, t, b}. // returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns // A reference to this plot for functional chaining. if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){ return this.performZoom(dim, offsets); } this.resetEvents(); this.dirty = this.isDirty(); if(this.dirty){ arr.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup); this._eventSeries = {}; this.cleanGroup(); var s = this.group; df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); }); } var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, width, thickness, ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler), vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler), baseline = Math.max(0, this._vScaler.bounds.lower), baselineHeight = vt(baseline), events = this.events(); f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._hScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt, this.series.length); gap = f.gap; width = thickness = f.size; for(var i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){ var run = this.series[i], shift = thickness * i; if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){ t.skip(); this._reconnectEvents(run.name); continue; } run.cleanGroup(); var theme = t.next("column", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group, eventSeries = new Array(run.data.length); for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){ var value = run.data[j]; if(value !== null){ var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y, vv = vt(v), height = vv - baselineHeight, h = Math.abs(height), finalTheme = typeof value != "number" ? t.addMixin(theme, "column", value, true) : t.post(theme, "column"); if(width >= 1 && h >= 0){ var rect = { x: offsets.l + ht(j + 0.5) + gap + shift, y: dim.height - offsets.b - (v > baseline ? vv : baselineHeight), width: width, height: h }; var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets); specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect); var shape = s.createRect(rect).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke); run.dyn.fill = shape.getFill(); run.dyn.stroke = shape.getStroke(); if(events){ var o = { element: "column", index: j, run: run, shape: shape, x: j + 0.5, y: v }; this._connectEvents(o); eventSeries[j] = o; } if(this.animate){ this._animateColumn(shape, dim.height - offsets.b - baselineHeight, h); } } } } this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries; run.dirty = false; } this.dirty = false; return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns } }); });