//>>built define("dojox/charting/plot2d/Bubble", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "./Base", "./common", "dojox/lang/functional", "dojox/lang/functional/reversed", "dojox/lang/utils", "dojox/gfx/fx"], function(lang, declare, arr, Base, dc, df, dfr, du, fx){ /*===== var Base = dojox.charting.plot2d.Base; =====*/ var purgeGroup = dfr.lambda("item.purgeGroup()"); return declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble", Base, { // summary: // A plot representing bubbles. Note that data for Bubbles requires 3 parameters, // in the form of: { x, y, size }, where size determines the size of the bubble. defaultParams: { hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x" vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y" animate: null // animate bars into place }, optionalParams: { // theme component stroke: {}, outline: {}, shadow: {}, fill: {}, font: "", fontColor: "" }, constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){ // summary: // Create a plot of bubbles. // chart: dojox.charting.Chart // The chart this plot belongs to. // kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs? // Optional keyword arguments object to help define plot parameters. this.opt = lang.clone(this.defaultParams); du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs); du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams); this.series = []; this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis; this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis; this.animate = this.opt.animate; }, // override the render so that we are plotting only circles. render: function(dim, offsets){ // summary: // Run the calculations for any axes for this plot. // dim: Object // An object in the form of { width, height } // offsets: Object // An object of the form { l, r, t, b}. // returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble // A reference to this plot for functional chaining. if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){ return this.performZoom(dim, offsets); } this.resetEvents(); this.dirty = this.isDirty(); if(this.dirty){ arr.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup); this._eventSeries = {}; this.cleanGroup(); var s = this.group; df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); }); } var t = this.chart.theme, ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler), vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler), events = this.events(); for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){ var run = this.series[i]; if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){ t.skip(); this._reconnectEvents(run.name); continue; } run.cleanGroup(); if(!run.data.length){ run.dirty = false; t.skip(); continue; } if(typeof run.data[0] == "number"){ console.warn("dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble: the data in the following series cannot be rendered as a bubble chart; ", run); continue; } var theme = t.next("circle", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group, points = arr.map(run.data, function(v, i){ return v ? { x: ht(v.x) + offsets.l, y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v.y), radius: this._vScaler.bounds.scale * (v.size / 2) } : null; }, this); var frontCircles = null, outlineCircles = null, shadowCircles = null; // make shadows if needed if(theme.series.shadow){ shadowCircles = arr.map(points, function(item){ if(item !== null){ var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "circle", item, true), shadow = finalTheme.series.shadow; var shape = s.createCircle({ cx: item.x + shadow.dx, cy: item.y + shadow.dy, r: item.radius }).setStroke(shadow).setFill(shadow.color); if(this.animate){ this._animateBubble(shape, dim.height - offsets.b, item.radius); } return shape; } return null; }, this); if(shadowCircles.length){ run.dyn.shadow = shadowCircles[shadowCircles.length - 1].getStroke(); } } // make outlines if needed if(theme.series.outline){ outlineCircles = arr.map(points, function(item){ if(item !== null){ var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "circle", item, true), outline = dc.makeStroke(finalTheme.series.outline); outline.width = 2 * outline.width + theme.series.stroke.width; var shape = s.createCircle({ cx: item.x, cy: item.y, r: item.radius }).setStroke(outline); if(this.animate){ this._animateBubble(shape, dim.height - offsets.b, item.radius); } return shape; } return null; }, this); if(outlineCircles.length){ run.dyn.outline = outlineCircles[outlineCircles.length - 1].getStroke(); } } // run through the data and add the circles. frontCircles = arr.map(points, function(item){ if(item !== null){ var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "circle", item, true), rect = { x: item.x - item.radius, y: item.y - item.radius, width: 2 * item.radius, height: 2 * item.radius }; var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets); specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect); var shape = s.createCircle({ cx: item.x, cy: item.y, r: item.radius }).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke); if(this.animate){ this._animateBubble(shape, dim.height - offsets.b, item.radius); } return shape; } return null; }, this); if(frontCircles.length){ run.dyn.fill = frontCircles[frontCircles.length - 1].getFill(); run.dyn.stroke = frontCircles[frontCircles.length - 1].getStroke(); } if(events){ var eventSeries = new Array(frontCircles.length); arr.forEach(frontCircles, function(s, i){ if(s !== null){ var o = { element: "circle", index: i, run: run, shape: s, outline: outlineCircles && outlineCircles[i] || null, shadow: shadowCircles && shadowCircles[i] || null, x: run.data[i].x, y: run.data[i].y, r: run.data[i].size / 2, cx: points[i].x, cy: points[i].y, cr: points[i].radius }; this._connectEvents(o); eventSeries[i] = o; } }, this); this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries; }else{ delete this._eventSeries[run.name]; } run.dirty = false; } this.dirty = false; return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble }, _animateBubble: function(shape, offset, size){ fx.animateTransform(lang.delegate({ shape: shape, duration: 1200, transform: [ {name: "translate", start: [0, offset], end: [0, 0]}, {name: "scale", start: [0, 1/size], end: [1, 1]}, {name: "original"} ] }, this.animate)).play(); } }); });