//>>built define("dojox/charting/action2d/_IndicatorElement", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "../Element", "../plot2d/common", "../axis2d/common", "dojox/gfx"], function(lang, declare, Element, dcpc, dcac, gfx){ // all the code below should be removed when http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/11299 will be available var getBoundingBox = function(shape){ return getTextBBox(shape, shape.getShape().text); }; var getTextBBox = function(s, t){ var c = s.declaredClass; if (c.indexOf("svg")!=-1){ // try/catch the FF native getBBox error. cheaper than walking up in the DOM // hierarchy to check the conditions (bench show /10 ) try { return lang.mixin({}, s.rawNode.getBBox()); }catch (e){ return null; } }else if(c.indexOf("vml")!=-1){ var rawNode = s.rawNode, _display = rawNode.style.display; rawNode.style.display = "inline"; var w = gfx.pt2px(parseFloat(rawNode.currentStyle.width)); var h = gfx.pt2px(parseFloat(rawNode.currentStyle.height)); var sz = {x: 0, y: 0, width: w, height: h}; // in VML, the width/height we get are in view coordinates // in our case we don't zoom the view so that is ok // It's impossible to get the x/y from the currentStyle.left/top, // because all negative coordinates are 'clipped' to 0. // (x:0 + translate(-100) -> x=0 computeLocation(s, sz); rawNode.style.display = _display; return sz; }else if(c.indexOf("silverlight")!=-1){ var bb = {width: s.rawNode.actualWidth, height: s.rawNode.actualHeight}; return computeLocation(s, bb, 0.75); }else if(s.getTextWidth){ // canvas var w = s.getTextWidth(); var font = s.getFont(); var fz = font ? font.size : gfx.defaultFont.size; var h = gfx.normalizedLength(fz); sz = {width: w, height: h}; computeLocation(s, sz, 0.75); return sz; } }; var computeLocation = function(s, sz, coef){ var width = sz.width, height = sz.height, sh = s.getShape(), align = sh.align; switch (align) { case "end": sz.x = sh.x - width; break; case "middle": sz.x = sh.x - width / 2; break; case "start": default: sz.x = sh.x; break; } coef = coef || 1; sz.y = sh.y - height*coef; // rough approximation of the ascent!... return sz; }; return declare("dojox.charting.action2d._IndicatorElement",[Element], { // summary: // Internal element used by indicator actions. // tags: // private constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){ if(!kwArgs){ kwArgs = {}; } this.inter = kwArgs.inter; }, _updateVisibility: function(cp, limit, attr){ var axis = attr=="x"?this.inter.plot._hAxis:this.inter.plot._vAxis; var scale = axis.getWindowScale(); this.chart.setAxisWindow(axis.name, scale, axis.getWindowOffset() + (cp[attr] - limit[attr]) / scale); this._noDirty = true; this.chart.render(); this._noDirty = false; if(!this._tracker){ this.initTrack(); } }, _trackMove: function(){ // let's update the selector this._updateIndicator(this.pageCoord); // if we reached that point once, then we don't stop until mouse up if(this._initTrackPhase){ this._initTrackPhase = false; this._tracker = setInterval(lang.hitch(this, this._trackMove), 100); } }, initTrack: function(){ this._initTrackPhase = true; this._tracker = setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, this._trackMove), 500); }, stopTrack: function(){ if(this._tracker){ if(this._initTrackPhase){ clearTimeout(this._tracker); }else{ clearInterval(this._tracker); } this._tracker = null; } }, render: function(){ if(!this.isDirty()){ return; } this.cleanGroup(); if (!this.pageCoord){ return; } this._updateIndicator(this.pageCoord, this.secondCoord); }, _updateIndicator: function(cp1, cp2){ var inter = this.inter, plot = inter.plot, v = inter.opt.vertical; var hAxis = this.chart.getAxis(plot.hAxis), vAxis = this.chart.getAxis(plot.vAxis); var hn = hAxis.name, vn = vAxis.name, hb = hAxis.getScaler().bounds, vb = vAxis.getScaler().bounds; var attr = v?"x":"y", n = v?hn:vn, bounds = v?hb:vb; // sort data point if(cp2){ var tmp; if(v){ if(cp1.x>cp2.x){ tmp = cp2; cp2 = cp1; cp1 = tmp; } }else{ if(cp1.y>cp2.y){ tmp = cp2; cp2 = cp1; cp1 = tmp; } } } var cd1 = plot.toData(cp1), cd2; if(cp2){ cd2 = plot.toData(cp2); } var o = {}; o[hn] = hb.from; o[vn] = vb.from; var min = plot.toPage(o); o[hn] = hb.to; o[vn] = vb.to; var max = plot.toPage(o); if(cd1[n] < bounds.from){ // do not autoscroll if dual indicator if(!cd2 && inter.opt.autoScroll){ this._updateVisibility(cp1, min, attr); return; }else{ cp1[attr] = min[attr]; } // cp1 might have changed, let's update cd1 cd1 = plot.toData(cp1); }else if(cd1[n] > bounds.to){ if(!cd2 && inter.opt.autoScroll){ this._updateVisibility(cp1, max, attr); return; }else{ cp1[attr] = max[attr]; } // cp1 might have changed, let's update cd1 cd1 = plot.toData(cp1); } var c1 = this._getData(cd1, attr, v), c2; if(c1.y == null){ // we have no data for that point let's just return return; } if(cp2){ if(cd2[n] < bounds.from){ cp2[attr] = min[attr]; cd2 = plot.toData(cp2); }else if(cd2[n] > bounds.to){ cp2[attr] = max[attr]; cd2 = plot.toData(cp2); } c2 = this._getData(cd2, attr, v); if(c2.y == null){ // we have no data for that point let's pretend we have a single touch point cp2 = null; } } var t1 = this._renderIndicator(c1, cp2?1:0, hn, vn, min, max); if(cp2){ var t2 = this._renderIndicator(c2, 2, hn, vn, min, max); var delta = v?c2.y-c1.y:c2.x-c1.y; var text = inter.opt.labelFunc?inter.opt.labelFunc(c1, c2, inter.opt.fixed, inter.opt.precision): (dcpc.getLabel(delta, inter.opt.fixed, inter.opt.precision)+" ("+dcpc.getLabel(100*delta/(v?c1.y:c1.x), true, 2)+"%)"); this._renderText(text, inter, this.chart.theme, v?(t1.x+t2.x)/2:t1.x, v?t1.y:(t1.y+t2.y)/2, c1, c2); }; }, _renderIndicator: function(coord, index, hn, vn, min, max){ var t = this.chart.theme, c = this.chart.getCoords(), inter = this.inter, plot = inter.plot, v = inter.opt.vertical; var mark = {}; mark[hn] = coord.x; mark[vn] = coord.y; mark = plot.toPage(mark); var cx = mark.x - c.x, cy = mark.y - c.y; var x1 = v?cx:min.x - c.x, y1 = v?min.y - c.y:cy, x2 = v?x1:max.x - c.x, y2 = v?max.y - c.y:y1; var sh = inter.opt.lineShadow?inter.opt.lineShadow:t.indicator.lineShadow, ls = inter.opt.lineStroke?inter.opt.lineStroke:t.indicator.lineStroke, ol = inter.opt.lineOutline?inter.opt.lineOutline:t.indicator.lineOutline; if(sh){ this.group.createLine({x1: x1 + sh.dx, y1: y1 + sh.dy, x2: x2 + sh.dx, y2: y2 + sh.dy}).setStroke(sh); } if(ol){ ol = dcpc.makeStroke(ol); ol.width = 2 * ol.width + ls.width; this.group.createLine({x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2}).setStroke(ol); } this.group.createLine({x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2}).setStroke(ls); var ms = inter.opt.markerSymbol?inter.opt.markerSymbol:t.indicator.markerSymbol, path = "M" + cx + " " + cy + " " + ms; sh = inter.opt.markerShadow?inter.opt.markerShadow:t.indicator.markerShadow; ls = inter.opt.markerStroke?inter.opt.markerStroke:t.indicator.markerStroke; ol = inter.opt.markerOutline?inter.opt.markerOutline:t.indicator.markerOutline; if(sh){ var sp = "M" + (cx + sh.dx) + " " + (cy + sh.dy) + " " + ms; this.group.createPath(sp).setFill(sh.color).setStroke(sh); } if(ol){ ol = dcpc.makeStroke(ol); ol.width = 2 * ol.width + ls.width; this.group.createPath(path).setStroke(ol); } var shape = this.group.createPath(path); var sf = this._shapeFill(inter.opt.markerFill?inter.opt.markerFill:t.indicator.markerFill, shape.getBoundingBox()); shape.setFill(sf).setStroke(ls); if(index==0){ var text = inter.opt.labelFunc?inter.opt.labelFunc(coord, null, inter.opt.fixed, inter.opt.precision): dcpc.getLabel(v?coord.y:coord.x, inter.opt.fixed, inter.opt.precision); this._renderText(text, inter, t, v?x1:x2+5, v?y2+5:y1, coord); }else{ return v?{x: x1, y: y2+5}:{x: x2+5, y: y1}; } }, _renderText: function(text, inter, t, x, y, c1, c2){ var label = dcac.createText.gfx( this.chart, this.group, x, y, "middle", text, inter.opt.font?inter.opt.font:t.indicator.font, inter.opt.fontColor?inter.opt.fontColor:t.indicator.fontColor); var b = getBoundingBox(label); b.x-=2; b.y-=1; b.width+=4; b.height+=2; b.r = inter.opt.radius?inter.opt.radius:t.indicator.radius; sh = inter.opt.shadow?inter.opt.shadow:t.indicator.shadow; ls = inter.opt.stroke?inter.opt.stroke:t.indicator.stroke; ol = inter.opt.outline?inter.opt.outline:t.indicator.outline; if(sh){ this.group.createRect(b).setFill(sh.color).setStroke(sh); } if(ol){ ol = dcpc.makeStroke(ol); ol.width = 2 * ol.width + ls.width; this.group.createRect(b).setStroke(ol); } var f = inter.opt.fillFunc?inter.opt.fillFunc(c1, c2):(inter.opt.fill?inter.opt.fill:t.indicator.fill); this.group.createRect(b).setFill(this._shapeFill(f, b)).setStroke(ls); label.moveToFront(); }, _getData: function(cd, attr, v){ // we need to find which actual data point is "close" to the data value var data = this.chart.getSeries(this.inter.opt.series).data; // let's consider data are sorted because anyway rendering will be "weird" with unsorted data // i is an index in the array, which is different from a x-axis value even for index based data var i, r, l = data.length; for (i = 0; i < l; ++i){ r = data[i]; if(r == null){ // move to next item }else if(typeof r == "number"){ if(i + 1 > cd[attr]){ break; } }else if(r[attr] > cd[attr]){ break; } } var x,y,px,py; if(typeof r == "number"){ x = i+1; y = r; if(i>0){ px = i; py = data[i-1]; } }else{ x = r.x; y = r.y; if(i>0){ px = data[i-1].x; py = data[i-1].y; } } if(i>0){ var m = v?(x+px)/2:(y+py)/2; if(cd[attr]<=m){ x = px; y = py; } } return {x: x, y: y}; }, cleanGroup: function(creator){ // summary: // Clean any elements (HTML or GFX-based) out of our group, and create a new one. // creator: dojox.gfx.Surface? // An optional surface to work with. // returns: dojox.charting.Element // A reference to this object for functional chaining. this.inherited(arguments); // we always want to be above regular plots and not clipped this.group.moveToFront(); return this; // dojox.charting.Element }, clear: function(){ // summary: // Clear out any parameters set on this plot. // returns: dojox.charting.action2d._IndicatorElement // The reference to this plot for functional chaining. this.dirty = true; return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d._IndicatorElement }, getSeriesStats: function(){ // summary: // Returns default stats (irrelevant for this type of plot). // returns: Object // {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions. return lang.delegate(dcpc.defaultStats); }, initializeScalers: function(){ // summary: // Does nothing (irrelevant for this type of plot). return this; }, isDirty: function(){ // summary: // Return whether or not this plot needs to be redrawn. // returns: Boolean // If this plot needs to be rendered, this will return true. return !this._noDirty && (this.dirty || this.inter.plot.isDirty()); } }); });