define("dojox/charting/action2d/Tooltip", ["dojo/_base/kernel", "dijit/Tooltip","dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/declare", "./PlotAction",
"dojox/gfx/matrix", "dojox/lang/functional", "dojox/lang/functional/scan", "dojox/lang/functional/fold"],
function(dojo, Tooltip, lang, html, declare, PlotAction, m, df, dfs, dff){
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.__TooltipCtorArgs", dojox.charting.action2d.__PlotActionCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Additional arguments for tooltip actions.
// text: Function?
// The function that produces the text to be shown within a tooltip. By default this will be
// set by the plot in question, by returning the value of the element.
text: null
var PlotAction = dojox.charting.action2d.PlotAction;
var DEFAULT_TEXT = function(o){
var t = o.run && o.run.data && o.run.data[o.index];
if(t && typeof t != "number" && (t.tooltip || t.text)){
return t.tooltip || t.text;
if(o.element == "candlestick"){
return '
+ 'Open: | ' + o.data.open + ' |
+ 'High: | ' + o.data.high + ' |
+ 'Low: | ' + o.data.low + ' |
+ 'Close: | ' + o.data.close + ' |
+ (o.data.mid !== undefined ? 'Mid: | ' + o.data.mid + ' |
' : '')
+ '
return o.element == "bar" ? o.x : o.y;
var pi4 = Math.PI / 4, pi2 = Math.PI / 2;
return declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip", PlotAction, {
// summary:
// Create an action on a plot where a tooltip is shown when hovering over an element.
// the data description block for the widget parser
defaultParams: {
text: DEFAULT_TEXT // the function to produce a tooltip from the object
optionalParams: {}, // no optional parameters
constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the tooltip action and connect it to the plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart
// The chart this action belongs to.
// plot: String?
// The plot this action is attached to. If not passed, "default" is assumed.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.action2d.__TooltipCtorArgs?
// Optional keyword arguments object for setting parameters.
this.text = kwArgs && kwArgs.text ? kwArgs.text : DEFAULT_TEXT;
process: function(o){
// summary:
// Process the action on the given object.
// o: dojox.gfx.Shape
// The object on which to process the highlighting action.
if(o.type === "onplotreset" || o.type === "onmouseout"){
this.aroundRect = null;
if(o.type === "onplotreset"){
delete this.angles;
if(!o.shape || o.type !== "onmouseover"){ return; }
// calculate relative coordinates and the position
var aroundRect = {type: "rect"}, position = ["after", "before"];
case "marker":
aroundRect.x = o.cx;
aroundRect.y = o.cy;
aroundRect.w = aroundRect.h = 1;
case "circle":
aroundRect.x = o.cx - o.cr;
aroundRect.y = o.cy - o.cr;
aroundRect.w = aroundRect.h = 2 * o.cr;
case "column":
position = ["above", "below"];
// intentional fall down
case "bar":
aroundRect = lang.clone(o.shape.getShape());
aroundRect.w = aroundRect.width;
aroundRect.h = aroundRect.height;
case "candlestick":
aroundRect.x = o.x;
aroundRect.y = o.y;
aroundRect.w = o.width;
aroundRect.h = o.height;
//case "slice":
// calculate the running total of slice angles
if(typeof o.run.data[0] == "number"){
this.angles = df.map(df.scanl(o.run.data, "+", 0),
"* 2 * Math.PI / this", df.foldl(o.run.data, "+", 0));
this.angles = df.map(df.scanl(o.run.data, "a + b.y", 0),
"* 2 * Math.PI / this", df.foldl(o.run.data, "a + b.y", 0));
var startAngle = m._degToRad(o.plot.opt.startAngle),
angle = (this.angles[o.index] + this.angles[o.index + 1]) / 2 + startAngle;
aroundRect.x = o.cx + o.cr * Math.cos(angle);
aroundRect.y = o.cy + o.cr * Math.sin(angle);
aroundRect.w = aroundRect.h = 1;
// calculate the position
if(angle < pi4){
// do nothing: the position is right
}else if(angle < pi2 + pi4){
position = ["below", "above"];
}else if(angle < Math.PI + pi4){
position = ["before", "after"];
}else if(angle < 2 * Math.PI - pi4){
position = ["above", "below"];
// do nothing: the position is right
// adjust relative coordinates to absolute, and remove fractions
var lt = this.chart.getCoords();
aroundRect.x += lt.x;
aroundRect.y += lt.y;
aroundRect.x = Math.round(aroundRect.x);
aroundRect.y = Math.round(aroundRect.y);
aroundRect.w = Math.ceil(aroundRect.w);
aroundRect.h = Math.ceil(aroundRect.h);
this.aroundRect = aroundRect;
var tooltip = this.text(o);
var isChartDirectionRtl = (html.style(this.chart.node,"direction") == "rtl");
var isBaseTextDirRtl = (this.chart.getTextDir(tooltip) == "rtl");
if(isBaseTextDirRtl && !isChartDirectionRtl){
Tooltip.show("" + tooltip +"", this.aroundRect, position);
else if(!isBaseTextDirRtl && isChartDirectionRtl){
Tooltip.show("" + tooltip +"", this.aroundRect, position);
Tooltip.show(tooltip, this.aroundRect, position);