//>>built define("dojox/charting/action2d/Magnify", ["dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/declare", "./PlotAction", "dojox/gfx/matrix", "dojox/gfx/fx", "dojo/fx", "dojo/fx/easing"], function(Hub, declare, PlotAction, m, gf, df, dfe){ /*===== dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.__MagnifyCtorArgs", dojox.charting.action2d.__PlotActionCtorArgs, { // summary: // Additional arguments for highlighting actions. // scale: Number? // The amount to magnify the given object to. Default is 2. scale: 2 }); var PlotAction = dojox.charting.action2d.PlotAction; =====*/ var DEFAULT_SCALE = 2; return declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify", PlotAction, { // summary: // Create an action that magnifies the object the action is applied to. // the data description block for the widget parser defaultParams: { duration: 400, // duration of the action in ms easing: dfe.backOut, // easing for the action scale: DEFAULT_SCALE // scale of magnification }, optionalParams: {}, // no optional parameters constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){ // summary: // Create the magnifying action. // chart: dojox.charting.Chart // The chart this action belongs to. // plot: String? // The plot to apply the action to. If not passed, "default" is assumed. // kwArgs: dojox.charting.action2d.__MagnifyCtorArgs? // Optional keyword arguments for this action. // process optional named parameters this.scale = kwArgs && typeof kwArgs.scale == "number" ? kwArgs.scale : DEFAULT_SCALE; this.connect(); }, process: function(o){ // summary: // Process the action on the given object. // o: dojox.gfx.Shape // The object on which to process the magnifying action. if(!o.shape || !(o.type in this.overOutEvents) || !("cx" in o) || !("cy" in o)){ return; } var runName = o.run.name, index = o.index, vector = [], anim, init, scale; if(runName in this.anim){ anim = this.anim[runName][index]; }else{ this.anim[runName] = {}; } if(anim){ anim.action.stop(true); }else{ this.anim[runName][index] = anim = {}; } if(o.type == "onmouseover"){ init = m.identity; scale = this.scale; }else{ init = m.scaleAt(this.scale, o.cx, o.cy); scale = 1 / this.scale; } var kwArgs = { shape: o.shape, duration: this.duration, easing: this.easing, transform: [ {name: "scaleAt", start: [1, o.cx, o.cy], end: [scale, o.cx, o.cy]}, init ] }; if(o.shape){ vector.push(gf.animateTransform(kwArgs)); } if(o.oultine){ kwArgs.shape = o.outline; vector.push(gf.animateTransform(kwArgs)); } if(o.shadow){ kwArgs.shape = o.shadow; vector.push(gf.animateTransform(kwArgs)); } if(!vector.length){ delete this.anim[runName][index]; return; } anim.action = df.combine(vector); if(o.type == "onmouseout"){ Hub.connect(anim.action, "onEnd", this, function(){ if(this.anim[runName]){ delete this.anim[runName][index]; } }); } anim.action.play(); } }); });