define("dojox/calc/Grapher", [
"dijit/form/Button", // template
"dijit/form/Select" // template
], function(declare, lang, win, domConstruct, domClass, domStyle, WidgetBase, WidgetsInTemplateMixin, TemplatedMixin, math, registry, DropDownButton, TooltipDialog, TextBox, CheckBox, ColorPalette, Chart, axis2d, plot2d, Lines, Tufte, colors, template, calc){
// summary
// provide static functions for Grapher
epsilon = 1e-15 / 9,
bigNumber = 1e200,
log2 = Math.log(2),
defaultParams = {graphNumber:0, fOfX:true, color:{stroke:"black"}};
WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
WidgetsInTemplateMixin = dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin;
TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
var Grapher = declare(
[WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin, WidgetsInTemplateMixin],
// summary:
// The dialog layout for making graphs
templateString: template,
addXYAxes: function(chart){
// summary:
// add or re-add the default x/y axes to the Chart provided
// params:
// chart is an instance of dojox.charting.Chart
return chart.addAxis("x", {
max: parseInt(this.graphMaxX.get("value")),
min: parseInt(this.graphMinX.get("value")),
majorLabels: true,
minorLabels: true,
//includeZero: true,
minorTicks: false,
microTicks: false,
//majorTickStep: 1,
htmlLabels: true,
labelFunc: function(value){
return value;
maxLabelSize: 30,
fixUpper: "major", fixLower: "major",
majorTick: { length: 3 }
addAxis("y", {
max: parseInt(this.graphMaxY.get("value")),
min: parseInt(this.graphMinY.get("value")),
labelFunc: function(value){
return value;
maxLabelSize: 50,
vertical: true,
// htmlLabels: false,
microTicks: false,
minorTicks: true,
majorTick: { stroke: "black", length: 3 }
selectAll: function(){
// summary
// select all checkboxes inside the function table
for(var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++){
this.array[i][this.checkboxIndex].set("checked", true);
deselectAll: function(){
// summary
// deselect all checkboxes inside the function table
for(var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++){
this.array[i][this.checkboxIndex].set("checked", false);
drawOne: function(i){
// i is a the index to this.array
// override me
onDraw: function(){
console.log("Draw was pressed");
// override me
erase: function(i){
// summary:
// erase the chart inside this.array with the index i
// params:
// i is the integer index to this.array that represents the current row number in the table
var nameNum = 0;
var name = "Series "+this.array[i][this.funcNumberIndex]+"_"+nameNum;
while(name in this.array[i][this.chartIndex].runs){
name = "Series "+this.array[i][this.funcNumberIndex]+"_"+nameNum;
this.setStatus(i, "Hidden");
onErase: function(){
// summary:
// the erase button's onClick method
// it see's if the checkbox is checked and then erases it if it is.
for(var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++){
onDelete: function(){
// summary:
// the delete button's onClick method
// delete all of the selected rows
for(var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++){
for(var k = 0; k < this.functionRef; k++){
if(this.array[i][k] && this.array[i][k]["destroy"]){
this.array.splice(i, 1);
// attributes to name the indices of this.array
checkboxIndex: 0,
functionMode: 1,
expressionIndex: 2,
colorIndex: 3,
dropDownIndex: 4,
tooltipIndex: 5,
colorBoxFieldsetIndex: 6,
statusIndex: 7,
chartIndex: 8,
funcNumberIndex: 9,
evaluatedExpression: 10,
functionRef: 11,
createFunction: function(){
// summary:
// create a new row in the table with all of the dojo objects.
var tr = this.graphTable.insertRow(-1);
this.array[tr.rowIndex] = [];
var td = tr.insertCell(-1);
var d = domConstruct.create('div');
var checkBox = new CheckBox({}, d);
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.checkboxIndex] = checkBox;
domClass.add(d, "dojoxCalcCheckBox");
td = tr.insertCell(-1);
var funcMode = this.funcMode.get("value");
d = win.doc.createTextNode(funcMode);
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.functionMode] = funcMode;
//domClass.add(d, "dojoxCalcFunctionMode");// cannot use text nodes
td = tr.insertCell(-1);
d = domConstruct.create('div');
var expression = new TextBox({}, d);
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.expressionIndex] = expression;
domClass.add(d, "dojoxCalcExpressionBox");
var b = domConstruct.create('div');
var color = new ColorPalette({changedColor:this.changedColor}, b);
domClass.add(b, "dojoxCalcColorPalette");
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.colorIndex] = color;
var c = domConstruct.create('div');
var dialog = new TooltipDialog({content:color}, c);
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.tooltipIndex] = dialog;
domClass.add(c, "dojoxCalcContainerOfColor");
td = tr.insertCell(-1);
d = domConstruct.create('div');
var colorBoxFieldset = domConstruct.create('fieldset');
domStyle.set(colorBoxFieldset, { backgroundColor: "black", width: "1em", height: "1em", display: "inline" });
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.colorBoxFieldsetIndex] = colorBoxFieldset;
var drop = new DropDownButton({label:"Color ", dropDown:dialog}, d);
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.dropDownIndex] = drop;
domClass.add(d, "dojoxCalcDropDownForColor");
/*td = tr.insertCell(-1);
d = domConstruct.create('div');
var status = new TextBox({style:"width:50px", value:"Hidden", readOnly:true}, d);//hidden, drawn, or error
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.statusIndex] = status;
domClass.add(d, "dojoxCalcStatusBox");*/
td = tr.insertCell(-1);
d = domConstruct.create('fieldset');
d.innerHTML = "Hidden";
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.statusIndex] = d;
domClass.add(d, "dojoxCalcStatusBox");
d = domConstruct.create('div');
domStyle.set(d, { position: "absolute", left: "0px", top: "0px" })
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.chartNodeIndex] = d;
domClass.add(d, "dojoxCalcChart");
var chart = new dojox.charting.Chart(d).setTheme(dojox.charting.themes.Tufte).
addPlot("default", { type: "Lines", shadow: {dx: 1, dy: 1, width: 2, color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3]} });
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.chartIndex] = chart;
color.set("chart", chart);
color.set("colorBox", colorBoxFieldset);
color.set("onChange", lang.hitch(color, 'changedColor'));
this.array[tr.rowIndex][this.funcNumberIndex] = this.funcNumber++;
setStatus: function(i, status){
// summary:
// set the status of the row i to be status
// params:
// i is an integer index of this.array as well as a row index
// status is a String, it is either Error, Hidden, or Drawn
this.array[i][this.statusIndex].innerHTML = status; //this.array[i][this.statusIndex].set("value", status);
changedColor: function(){
// summary:
// make the color of the chart the new color
// the context is changed to the colorPalette, and a reference to chart was added to it a an attribute
var chart = this.get("chart");
var colorBoxFieldset = this.get("colorBox");
for(var i = 0; i < chart.series.length; i++){
chart.series[i]["stroke"].color = this.get("value");
chart.dirty = true;
domStyle.set(colorBoxFieldset, { backgroundColor: this.get("value") });
makeDirty: function(){
// summary:
// if something in the window options is changed, this is called
this.dirty = true;
checkDirty1: function(){
// summary:
// to stay in sync with onChange, checkDirty is called with a timeout
setTimeout(lang.hitch(this, 'checkDirty'), 0);
checkDirty: function(){
// summary:
// adjust all charts in this.array according to any changes in window options
// change the axes of all charts if it is dirty
for(var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++){
this.dirty = false;
postCreate: function(){
// summary
// add Event handlers, some additional attributes, etc
this.inherited(arguments);// this is super class postCreate
this.createFunc.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, 'createFunction'));
this.selectAllButton.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, 'selectAll'));
this.deselectAllButton.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, 'deselectAll'));
this.drawButton.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, 'onDraw'));
this.eraseButton.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, 'onErase'));
this.deleteButton.set("onClick", lang.hitch(this, 'onDelete'));
this.dirty = false;
this.graphWidth.set("onChange", lang.hitch(this, 'makeDirty'));
this.graphHeight.set("onChange", lang.hitch(this, 'makeDirty'));
this.graphMaxX.set("onChange", lang.hitch(this, 'makeDirty'));
this.graphMinX.set("onChange", lang.hitch(this, 'makeDirty'));
this.graphMaxY.set("onChange", lang.hitch(this, 'makeDirty'));
this.graphMinY.set("onChange", lang.hitch(this, 'makeDirty'));
this.windowOptionsInside.set("onClose", lang.hitch(this, 'checkDirty1'));
this.funcNumber = 0;
this.rowCount = 0;
this.array = [];
startup: function(){
// summary
// make sure the parent has a close button if it needs to be able to close
this.inherited(arguments);// this is super class startup
// close is only valid if the parent is a widget with a close function
var parent = registry.getEnclosingWidget(this.domNode.parentNode);
if(parent && typeof parent.close == "function"){
this.closeButton.set("onClick", lang.hitch(parent, 'close'));
domStyle.set(this.closeButton.domNode, { display: "none" }); // hide the button
// add one row at the start
// make the graph bounds appear initially
this.array[0][this.checkboxIndex].set("checked", true);
this.array[0][this.expressionIndex].value = "";
return lang.mixin(calc, {
draw: function(/*Chart*/ chart, /*Function*/ functionToGraph, params){
// summary
// graph a chart with the given function.
// params
// chart is a dojox.charting.Chart object, functionToGraph is a function with one numeric parameter (x or y typically)
// and params is an Object the can contain the number of the graph in the chart it is (an integer), a boolean saying if the functionToGraph is a function of x (otherwise y)
// and the color, which is an object with a stroke with a color's name eg: color:{stroke:"black"}
params = lang.mixin({}, defaultParams, params);
var x;
var y;
var points;
x = 'x';
y = 'y';
points = calc.generatePoints(functionToGraph, x, y, chart.axes.x.scaler.bounds.span, chart.axes.x.scaler.bounds.lower, chart.axes.x.scaler.bounds.upper, chart.axes.y.scaler.bounds.lower, chart.axes.y.scaler.bounds.upper);
x = 'y';
y = 'x';
points = calc.generatePoints(functionToGraph, x, y, chart.axes.y.scaler.bounds.span, chart.axes.y.scaler.bounds.lower, chart.axes.y.scaler.bounds.upper, chart.axes.x.scaler.bounds.lower, chart.axes.x.scaler.bounds.upper);
var i = 0;
if(points.length > 0){
for(; i < points.length; i++){
chart.addSeries("Series "+params.graphNumber+"_"+i, points[i], params.color);
// you only need to remove the excess i's
var name = "Series "+params.graphNumber+"_"+i;
while(name in chart.runs){
name = "Series "+params.graphNumber+"_"+i;
return points;
generatePoints: function(/*Function*/ funcToGraph, /*String*/ x, /*String*/ y, /*Number*/ width, /*Number*/ minX, /*Number*/ maxX, /*Number*/ minY, /*Number*/ maxY){
// summary:
// create the points with information about the graph.
// params:
// funcToGraph is a function with one numeric parameter (x or y typically)
// x and y are Strings which always have the values of "x" or "y". If y="x" and x="y" then it is creating points for the function as though it was a function of y
// Number minX, Number maxX, Number minY, Number maxY are all bounds of the chart. If x="y" then maxY should be the maximum bound of x rather than y
// Number width is the pixel width of the chart
// output:
// an array of arrays of points
var pow2 = (1 << Math.ceil(Math.log(width) / log2));
dx = (maxX - minX) / pow2, // divide by 2^n instead of width to avoid loss of precision
points = [], // [{x:value, y:value2},...]
series = 0,
points[series] = [];
var i = minX, k, p;
for(var counter = 0; counter <= pow2; i += dx, counter++){
p = {};
p[x] = i;
p[y] = funcToGraph({_name:x, _value:i, _graphing:true});//funcToGraph(i);
if(p[x] == null || p[y] == null){
return {};// someone pushed cancel in the val code
if(isNaN(p[y]) || isNaN(p[x])){
if(points[series].length == 3){
slopeTrend = getSlopePairTrend(slope(points[series][points[series].length - 3], points[series][points[series].length-2]), slope(points[series][points[series].length-2], points[series][points[series].length-1]));
if(points[series].length < 4){
slopeTrendTemp = getSlopePairTrend(slope(points[series][points[series].length - 3], points[series][points[series].length-2]), slope(points[series][points[series].length-2], points[series][points[series].length-1]));
if(slopeTrend.inc != slopeTrendTemp.inc || slopeTrend.pos != slopeTrendTemp.pos){
// var a = asymptoteSearch(funcToGraph, points[series][points[series].length - 2], points[series][points[series].length-1]);
var a = asymptoteSearch(funcToGraph, points[series][points[series].length - 3], points[series][points[series].length-1]);
p = points[series].pop();
// this pop was added after changing the var a line above
for(var j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++){
for(k = 1; k < a.length; k++){
points[++series] = a.pop();
slopeTrend = slopeTrendTemp;
while(points.length > 1){
for(k = 0; k < points[1].length; k++){
if(points[0][points[0].length - 1][x] == points[1][k][x]){
points.splice(1, 1);
points = points[0];
// make new series when it goes off the graph
var s = 0;
var points2 = [ [] ];
for(k = 0; k < points.length; k++){
var x1, y1, b, slope1;
if(isNaN(points[k][y]) || isNaN(points[k][x])){
while(isNaN(points[k][y]) || isNaN(points[k][x])){
points.splice(k, 1);
points2[++s] = [];
}else if(points[k][y] > maxY || points[k][y] < minY){
// make the last point's y equal maxY and find a matching x
if(k > 0 && points[k - 1].y!=minY && points[k - 1].y!=maxY){
slope1 = slope(points[k - 1], points[k]);
if(slope1 > bigNumber){
slope1 = bigNumber;
}else if(slope1 < -bigNumber){
slope1 = -bigNumber;
if(points[k][y] > maxY){
y1 = maxY;
y1 = minY;
b = points[k][y] - slope1 * points[k][x];
x1 = (y1 - b) / slope1;
p = {};
p[x] = x1;
p[y] = funcToGraph(x1);//y1;//
p = findMinOrMaxY(funcToGraph, points[k - 1], points[k], y1);
// setup the next series
points2[++s] = []
var startK = k;
while(k < points.length && (points[k][y] > maxY || points[k][y] < minY)){
if(k >= points.length){
if(points2[s].length == 0){
points2.splice(s, 1);
// connect the end graph
if(k > 0 && points[k].y != minY && points[k].y != maxY){
slope1 = slope(points[k - 1], points[k]);
if(slope1 > bigNumber){
slope1 = bigNumber;
}else if(slope1 < -bigNumber){
slope1 = -bigNumber;
if(points[k - 1][y] > maxY){
y1 = maxY;
y1 = minY;
b = points[k][y] - slope1 * points[k][x];
x1 = (y1 - b) / slope1;
p = {};
p[x] = x1;
p[y] = funcToGraph(x1);//y1;//
p = findMinOrMaxY(funcToGraph, points[k - 1], points[k], y1);
return points2;
function findMinOrMaxY(funcToGraph, left, right, minMaxY){
var midX = (left[x]+right[x])/2;
var mid = {};
mid[x] = midX;
mid[y] = funcToGraph(mid[x]);
return mid;
var moveTowardsLarger = true;
if(minMaxY= Math.abs(midpoint[y])){
left = rightPoint;
if(right[x] == midpoint[x]){
right = midpoint;
return pointTemp;
function getSlopePairTrend(slope1, slope2){
isInc = false,
isPos = false;
if(slope1 < slope2){
isInc = true;
if(slope2 > 0){
isPos = true;
return { inc: isInc, pos: isPos };
function nextNumber(v){
var delta;
if(v > -1 && v < 1){
if(v < 0){ // special handling as we approach 0
if(v >= -epsilon){
delta = -v; // always stop at 0
delta = v / Math.ceil(v / epsilon); // divide distance to 0 into equal tiny chunks
delta = epsilon;
delta = Math.abs(v) * epsilon;
return v + delta;
function slope(p1, p2){
return (p2[y] - p1[y]) / (p2[x] - p1[x]);
Grapher: Grapher