define("dojox/calc/FuncGen", [
"dijit/form/ComboBox", // template
"dijit/form/SimpleTextarea", // template
"dijit/form/Button", // template
"dijit/form/TextBox" // template
], function(declare, lang, domStyle, WidgetBase, WidgetsInTemplateMixin, TemplatedMixin, math, registry, template, calc){
WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
WidgetsInTemplateMixin = dijit._WidgetsInTemplateMixin;
TemplatedMixin = dijit._TemplatedMixin;
var FuncGen = declare(
[WidgetBase, TemplatedMixin, WidgetsInTemplateMixin],
// summary:
// The dialog layout for making functions
templateString: template,
onSelect: function(){
// summary
// if they select something in the name combobox, then change the body and arguments to correspond to the function they selected
onClear: function(){
// summary
// the clear button in the template calls this
// clear the name, arguments, and body if the user says yes
var answer = confirm("Do you want to clear the name, argument, and body text?");
saveFunction: function(name, args, body){
// override me
onSaved: function(){
// this on save needs to be overriden if you want Executor parsing support
//console.log("Save was pressed");
clear: function(){
// summary
// clear the name, arguments, and body
this.textarea.set("value", "");
this.args.set("value", "");
this.combo.set("value", "");
reset: function(){
// summary
// set the arguments and body to match a function selected if it exists in the function list
if(this.combo.get("value") in this.functions){
this.textarea.set("value", this.functions[this.combo.get("value")].body);
this.args.set("value", this.functions[this.combo.get("value")].args);
onReset: function(){
// summary
// (Reset button on click event) reset the arguments and body to their previously saved state if the user says yes
//console.log("Reset was pressed");
if(this.combo.get("value") in this.functions){
var answer = confirm("Do you want to reset this function?");
this.status.set("value", "The function has been reset to its last save point.");
deleteThing: function(item){
// summary
// delete an item in the writestore
// delete it
//console.log("Found item "+item);
//console.log("Unable to locate the item");
deleteFunction: function(name){
// override me
onDelete: function(){
// summary
// (Delete button on click event) delete a function if the user clicks yes
//console.log("Delete was pressed");
var name;
if((name = this.combo.get("value")) in this.functions){
var answer = confirm("Do you want to delete this function?");
var item = this.combo.item;
//this.writeStore.fetchItemByIdentity({identity:name, onItem: this.deleteThing, onError:null});
delete this.functions[name];
this.status.set("value", "Function cannot be deleted, it isn't saved.");
readyStatus: function(){
// summary
// set the status in the template to ready
this.status.set("value", "Ready");
writeStore:null, //the user can save functions to the writestore
readStore:null, // users cannot edit the read store contents, but they can use them
functions:null, // use the names to get to the function
/*postCreate: function(){
this.functions = []; // use the names to get to the function
this.writeStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore({data: {identifier: 'name', items:[]}});
this.combo.set("store", this.writeStore);
startup: function(){
// summary
// make sure the parent has a close button if it needs to be able to close
// link the write store too
this.combo.set("store", this.writeStore);
this.inherited(arguments);// this is super class startup
// close is only valid if the parent is a widget with a close function
var parent = registry.getEnclosingWidget(this.domNode.parentNode);
if(parent && typeof parent.close == "function"){
this.closeButton.set("onClick", lang.hitch(parent, 'close'));
domStyle.set(this.closeButton.domNode, { display: "none" }); // hide the button
return lang.mixin(calc, { FuncGen: FuncGen });