//>>built define("dojox/av/widget/Status", ['dojo', 'dijit', 'dijit/_Widget', 'dijit/_TemplatedMixin'],function(dojo, dijit){ dojo.declare("dojox.av.widget.Status", [dijit._Widget, dijit._TemplatedMixin], { // summary: // A Status widget to use with dojox.av.widget.Player // // description: // Displays the name of the media file, and it's current status // (playing, paused, buffering, etc.) in the middle. Displays // the playhead time on the left and the duration on the right. // templateString: dojo.cache("dojox.av.widget","resources/Status.html"), setMedia: function(/* Object */med){ // summary: // A common method to set the media in all Player widgets. // May do connections and initializations. // this.media = med; dojo.connect(this.media, "onMetaData", this, function(data){ this.duration = data.duration; this.durNode.innerHTML = this.toSeconds(this.duration); }); dojo.connect(this.media, "onPosition", this, function(time){ this.timeNode.innerHTML = this.toSeconds(time); }); var cons = ["onMetaData", "onPosition", "onStart", "onBuffer", "onPlay", "onPaused", "onStop", "onEnd", "onError", "onLoad"]; dojo.forEach(cons, function(c){ dojo.connect(this.media, c, this, c); }, this); }, onMetaData: function(data){ this.duration = data.duration; this.durNode.innerHTML = this.toSeconds(this.duration); if(this.media.title){ this.title = this.media.title; }else{ var a = this.media.mediaUrl.split("/"); var b = a[a.length-1].split(".")[0]; this.title = b; } }, onBuffer: function(isBuffering){ this.isBuffering = isBuffering; console.warn("status onBuffer", this.isBuffering); if(this.isBuffering){ this.setStatus("buffering..."); }else{ this.setStatus("Playing"); } }, onPosition:function(time){ //console.log("onPosition:", time) // this.timeNode.innerHTML = this.toSeconds(time); }, onStart: function(){ this.setStatus("Starting"); }, onPlay: function(){ this.setStatus("Playing"); }, onPaused: function(){ this.setStatus("Paused"); }, onStop: function(){ this.setStatus("Stopped"); }, onEnd: function(){ this.setStatus("Stopped"); }, onError: function(evt){ console.log("status error:", evt) var msg = evt.info.code; if(msg == "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound"){ msg = "Stream Not Found" } this.setStatus("ERROR: "+ msg, true); }, onLoad: function(){ this.setStatus("Loading..."); }, setStatus: function(str, isError){ if(isError){ dojo.addClass(this.titleNode, "statusError"); }else{ dojo.removeClass(this.titleNode, "statusError"); if(this.isBuffering){ str = "buffering..."; } } //console.log(this.titleNode, "title:",this.title, "str:",str) this.titleNode.innerHTML = ''+this.title+' '+str+''; }, toSeconds: function(time){ var ts = time.toString() if(ts.indexOf(".")<0){ ts += ".00" }else if(ts.length - ts.indexOf(".")==2){ ts+="0" }else if(ts.length - ts.indexOf(".")>2){ ts = ts.substring(0, ts.indexOf(".")+3) } return ts; } }); return dojox.av.widget.Status; });