//>>built define("dojox/av/widget/ProgressSlider", ['dojo', 'dijit', 'dijit/_Widget', 'dijit/_TemplatedMixin'],function(dojo, dijit){ dojo.declare("dojox.av.widget.ProgressSlider", [dijit._Widget, dijit._TemplatedMixin], { // summary: // A custom slider widget to use with dojox.av.widget.Player. // description: // Displays the current playhead position of the media. Has two // progress bars: one for playhead position, and one for download // progress. // templateString: dojo.cache("dojox.av.widget","resources/ProgressSlider.html"), postCreate: function(){ // summary: // Initialize slider. // this.seeking = false; this.handleWidth = dojo.marginBox(this.handle).w; var dim = dojo.coords(this.domNode); this.finalWidth = dim.w this.width = dim.w-this.handleWidth; this.x = dim.x; dojo.setSelectable(this.domNode, false); dojo.setSelectable(this.handle, false); }, setMedia: function(/* Object */med, playerWidget){ // summary: // A common method to set the media in all Player widgets. // May do connections and initializations. // this.playerWidget = playerWidget; this.media = med; dojo.connect(this.media, "onMetaData", this, function(data){ if(data && data.duration){ this.duration = data.duration; } }); dojo.connect(this.media, "onEnd", this, function(){ dojo.disconnect(this.posCon); this.setHandle(this.duration); }); dojo.connect(this.media, "onStart", this, function(){ this.posCon = dojo.connect(this.media, "onPosition", this, "setHandle"); }); dojo.connect(this.media, "onDownloaded", this, function(percent){ this.setLoadedPosition(percent*.01); this.width = this.finalWidth * .01 * percent; }); }, onDrag: function(/* HTMLEvent */ evt){ // summary: // Fired when the mouse is moved. Sets the slider. // var x = evt.clientX - this.x; if(x<0) x = 0; if(x>this.width-this.handleWidth) x=this.width-this.handleWidth; var p = x/this.finalWidth; this.media.seek( this.duration * p ); dojo.style(this.handle, "marginLeft", x+"px"); dojo.style(this.progressPosition, "width", x+"px"); }, startDrag: function(){ // summary: // Fired onmousedown of the slider handle. // dojo.setSelectable(this.playerWidget.domNode, false); this.seeking = true; this.cmove = dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "mousemove", this, "onDrag"); this.cup = dojo.connect(dojo.doc, "mouseup", this, "endDrag"); }, endDrag: function(){ // summary: // Fired on document.onmouseup. // dojo.setSelectable(this.playerWidget.domNode, true); this.seeking = false; if(this.cmove) dojo.disconnect(this.cmove); if(this.cup) dojo.disconnect(this.cup); this.handleOut(); }, setHandle: function(time){ // summary: // Sets the slider handle (when it is not being dragged) // if(!this.seeking){ var w = this.width-this.handleWidth; var p = time/this.duration; var x = p*w; dojo.style(this.handle, "marginLeft", x+"px"); dojo.style(this.progressPosition, "width", x+"px"); } }, setLoadedPosition: function(decimal){ // summary: // Sets the download progress bar to the percentage of how much // the media has been downloaded. dojo.style(this.progressLoaded, "width", (this.finalWidth*decimal)+"px"); }, handleOver: function(){ // summary: // Highlights the slider handle on mouseover, and // stays highlighted during drag. // dojo.addClass(this.handle, "over"); }, handleOut: function(){ // summary: // Unhighlights handle onmouseover, or on endDrag. // if(!this.seeking){ dojo.removeClass(this.handle, "over"); } }, onResize: function(playerDimensions){ // summary: // Handles player resize. Need to recalculate the width of // position an download bars. var dim = dojo.coords(this.domNode); this.finalWidth = dim.w; } }); return dojox.av.widget.ProgressSlider; });